XI. Persuasion

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It was the middle of the night, later in fact, morning was upon them but they had yet to be blessed with the sun rise. Over half the crew were sleeping, most of those awake were hiding below, Norrington was sleeping off his liquor and Elizabeth had retired to the First Mates cabin not being used by Gibbs for the night.

As what was most often the case, Nicolette had taken charge of the helm since they cast off from Tortuga. For some reason, unbeknownst to even herself, the girl's presence on the ship was still bothering her even though she was currently unconscious and out of sight. It was the way her stupid full lips had pouted, how her jaw caught the dim light so elegantly. Stupid posh young girls, they were all the same.

The same who used to tug her hair when she was young and only trying to play in the French Gardens, the same who made fun of her accent in England, the same who tutted at her now when she was arrested and led past them. They were all the same, like bloody paper chain men.

The notes started to sound from her mouth without her even knowing. Not in any particular order or to any particular tune, Nicolette's voice was carried out across the ship and into the open seas, the calm waves sweeping the melody further out into the unknown. Her voice was truly remarkable, and it was no wonder the crew mistook her for a siren so very often. Her tone was soft and haunting, reaching highs and lows while being as smooth as silk. With the breeze caressing her hair and the moonlight kissing her skin, any man would be drawn to her like treasure even if it meant meeting his death.

It was all subconscious, a simple and harmless way of soothing herself and her restless mind. It brought back the feeling of being just a tiny child, wrapped in her mother's arms during a long voyage and hearing the soft Italian lullabies being hummed softly in her ear as gentle kisses were pressed against her temple.

She never knew she was doing it, and never intentionally sang unless it was silly old sea shanties in the tavern when she was younger or by the longing requests of the crew many years ago. But it was beautiful, so beautiful that now as the sounds were carried below deck, the men began to smile during their dream one by one, turning in their beds to hug their stiff pillows. Those working on the main deck stopped and turned to the helm, pausing for a second to close their eyes and sigh at the heavenly voice. A welcomed distraction from a daunting journey.

"You sing wonderfully." The sudden interruption from an unfamiliar voice so close by caused Nicolette to gasp and jump. She stood up, straighter than a board with her hands grasping at the spokes on the helm, and turned to see the ghostly paleness of the young girl. "My apologies. I didn't mean to startle you." Elizabeth spoke, head dipped in shyness, from where she stood at the top of the steps by the railing.

"It's alright, I was daydreaming." Nicolette tried her best to keep the frown at bay and shook her head with a tiny smile. Elizabeth, as kind as always, returned it and began to slowly wander closer.

"I have not been able to sleep since Will left." She spoke, almost in a whisper as she crossed Nicolette's vision and went to the other side of the ship, leaning upon the railing and staring out at the sea. The older women didn't reply but continued to watch the girl from the corner of her eye, listening. "It was the day of our wedding when we were arrested."

Nicolette did not have any words to reply to her with. For one she wasn't known for her comforting talents and the simple mention of marriage was still enough to leave a bitter taste in her mouth.

"Consider it a lucky escape girl." She replied bitterly, the image of her wedding dress coming back to her and causing a shiver to run down her spine. "Awful business really."

"How can you say that?" The girl snapped, looking back over her shoulder at Nicolette. "You're marriage may not have been out of love but mine will be."

"Shame. When the Commodore isn't messing himself he seems quite charming." Nicolette quirked and smirked a little as she thought back to the scene which had presented itself to them on the docks of Tortuga.

"Perhaps now he has turned pirate himself you can give him a chance?" Elizabeth said and Nic could hear the teasing in her voice, accompanied with a cheeky smile of her own.

Nicolette seemed to consider this for a moment, her lips pouting as her head tossed from side to side. "Well that is one option." She chuckled. "Can't possibly be worse than the last." Or was that being too harsh on Barbossa?

There was a short silence but Nic could feel the girl watching her, studying her.

"How old were you? When you were married?" The question came as a shock but Nicolette managed to hide her surprise as she kept the Pearl on track, she did however release a heavy sigh as she tried to roll back the numbers of her age to match the years which had passed.

"Twenty one I think. Much too old in some women's eyes, still young in my own opinion." She spoke softly. "I still felt like a child. I had no idea how to be a wife. I-" She started but choked. "Another story for another time." Nicolette swallowed hard and avoided the girl's curious stare. "I had no intention of being a wife."

"Not even when you were little? I thought all girls dreamt of their wedding day, I know I did."

"I grew up among families, not much unlike yours." Nicolette swallowed and looked at Elizabeth for a short moment before she continued. "My mother was a servant for them, I was a scullery maid myself from the age of about, five or six." She interrupted herself with a chuckle, her hands beginning to itch at the sensation of being burnt and chapped once more from the work. "We moved from place to place, and I saw husbands do things that no man should do to any woman."

"Not all men are like that." Elizabeth whispered and slowly, Nic began to nod.

"I know. I know that now at least, but then, that's what I thought." She forced a smile. "And Barbossa wasn't exactly a one who quickly changed my mind."

"Then who was?" The girl pushed and Nicolette felt her walls rise up. She realised suddenly who she was talking to and stiffened, coughing to clear her throat. The girl was almost grinning and the female conversation was unsettling.

"We all have a Will Turner, Miss Swann." She felt uncomfortable, but the smile still managed to tug at her lips and the girl a little away from her emitted a chilling giggle. At least she did for a second, it then the mention of Will seemed to make some dark thoughts return to her.

"What happened Nicolette?" The girl turned then to meet Nic's gaze head on. "Honestly. I know he came here looking for you and Jack but what happened to him?"

Nicolette's brow creased upon hearing her words and, as she shifted the helm two degrees east, she once again shook her head at the girl.

"Turner came looking for Jack, Jack's compass to be precise, luck happened to have him find me in Tortuga." The words came out as a sigh as she remembered back to the night which felt like years ago already. "I helped him find Jack and well...as Jack said, situations arose and he now lies in the care of Davy Jones."

"But...that is not what..." Elizabeth was frowning now, looking more confused than ever as she stared at Nic and then down at her own boots. Will had said he was going to find Jack and he was going to return with the compass to secure her freedom, true, but he had also mentioned a need to bring Nicolette back with him. As had Beckett himself on the night she had fled.

As Elizabeth's words had trailed off and silence fell upon them, Nicolette had became intrigued.

"That's not what?" She asked, her brow raised questioningly. "What is it?" The girl was having and internal argument with herself it seems, given by the way her posture shifted so often and how her eyes darted back and forth all the floor in time with her breaths.

"Nothing." When Elizabeth did finally answer, it was not a convincing one. The girl decided that if Will had not mentioned it there was a reason, and it was nor the time or place to suddenly tell the woman in front of her the small detail of her being wanted by Cutler Beckett.

"What exactly did Will tell you he was coming to do?" Nicolette pushed, her grip once against tightening around the smoothly sanded wood.

"To find Jack." She whispered, eventually looking up to meet Nicolette's gaze. "I assumed you were with Jack and part of the deal, given Will helped you to escape also." Nicolette rolled her eyes almost instantly.

"Everyone assumes these days, causes an awful lot of confusion." She muttered with a tut.

"Nicolette." The girl called out, louder, after a few moments. She had gone back to being sheepish, watching the woman from beneath her lashes. "Did Will ask anything of you? He needed Jack's compass but..." She trailed off again and this time a red flag was waving plainly above her head for Nic to see.

"Is there something which I may need to know Elizabeth?" Nic's voice had adopted a darkness, a tone of warning which it only held when interrogating. Elizabeth had heard it before, on her very first night aboard the Pearl. "Something which your fella has previously failed to tell me?" Her eyes were now narrowed and her tongue pushed against the roof of her mouth as agitation began to set in. "Because the Commodore is currently sleeping below in a pool of his own vomit. The Governor, for plainly obvious reasons, would not execute his own daughter." The facts were starting to become clear in her mind which was only leading to more confusion, why hadn't she thought of this before? Suddenly, her expression darkened and her frown set in deeper and in a cold voice, quiet but strong, she asked; "Who sent Will?"

"I-" The girl stuttered and then shook her head, her thin fingers playing with each other and twisting nervously. "I need to return to my Cabin, at least to try and get some rest." Nicolette tried to call out to stop her but she was already running off and down towards the main deck, throwing a ingenue greeting back over her shoulder. "Good night Nicolette."

Nicolette's jaw was dropped slack for a moments as she tried to go over the last words of what the girl had said and then the slamming of a door down below pulled her to.

"Master Pintel!" She yelled, calling the man working below her up to the helm. Instantly he jumped up from whatever he was doing and jogged towards her looking a little like a fairytale gnome.

"Yes, Miss Barker." He asked, partially out of breath. Nicolette kept a straight face and took a step back, offering him the helm.

"Take the helm, keep her straight. I won't be long." He was quick to jump into her spot, holding the position perfectly as she had had it and gave an obedient nod of his head.

"Aye Miss."

Without wasting another second, she skipped down the wide stairs and sharply turned to approach and knock sharply on the Captains cabin door. There was a few moments of silence then she heard the distinguishable squeal of his chair being pushed back and heavy footsteps nearing the door.

The shadow of Jack's silhouette appeared behind the stained glass door and before the door had been opened an inch, Nicolette spoke.

"We need to talk." She pushed passed Jack who look startled and a little confused at her forceful entry, although after a second or two he righted himself and smiled at her forcefully.

"I prefer your old methods of greeting darling."

She ignored him, going straight to his desk before turning and walking straight back towards him. Jack was certain she was coming to hit him and braced himself for the impact but at the last minute she turned again to march back towards the desk.

She was pacing. Oh good. Swell things were always afoot when Nicolette began pacing.

"They are hiding something, those children." She finally spat, slowing ever so briefly to send a look of death over Jack's shoulder back towards the deck. "Something else is happening."

Jack, dumbstruck, peered over his shoulder at where her eyes had been aiming for and frowned. He decided to take a deep breath before trying to decipher the woman's troubles, and thought it better to first clear something up.

"...have you been drinking?"

Nic stopped still then, looking at him incuriously. "No." She bit, shaking her head with impatience.

"Ah good." Jack suddenly grinned and moved to walk past her, collecting her as he did with a hand at her back. "Sit." He said and pushed her towards the chair opposite his at his desk before moving to the liquor cabinet.

"Now is not the time Jack."

"'Tis always the time love. And besides, you look troubled."

"And in good right." She snapped but took the bottle held out to her, uncorking it before taking a long swig. "The girl, she just came to me in what I think was the hope of finding out how Will got into the hands of Davy Jones..." Her brow quirked suddenly and she smirked as she eyed Jack from above her bottle. "Lord knows why she came to me however, I was under the impression she would have preferred you." She stopped to watch his reaction but became irritated when he acted as though she had said nothing. "She asked if Will had asked something of me, she looked shocked when I said no and when I asked who had sent Will she practically ran away."

"I'm sure Elizabeth is only stressing over her lad love." Jack said and she noticed he had already returned to whatever he was doing before she knocked.

"But think about it Jack." She said, dropping her bottle down onto the desk hard in order to get his attention. "Who sent him? Who in Port Royal would want your compass, so much so they would try and execute the Governors daughter?" Jack had only glanced up and then went back to the piles of papers in front of him.

"There are countless names who could want and do want such a thing, 'tis a cruel world after all." Nicolette began to laugh, surprising them both. Jack quirked his brow and finally leant back in his chair to study her.

"Of course. You trust her." Nicolette tried to bite her tongue but it was obvious what she was playing against. "Why would anything I say distract from that?"

"Am I to understand you are implying something?" Jack asked as he relaxed forward, linking his hands as he rested his elbows atop the desk, this time staring at Nic with his chin turned down.

Nicolette released a deep sigh and took another drink before turning on him with a look which matched his.

"I'm telling you Jack..." Her voice failed her and the words ended up coming out as a whisper, causing her to drop her eyes to the floor.

She had never felt so pathetic and she did not even know why. Her voice, her wit; everything had vanished from her and hid in a place in her mind she couldn't reach. It was like she was stuck, with nothing to do or say. Normally she would scream at him until he listened or understood but now it felt almost like her body was asking her to give up.

Jack noticed her sinking and stood, rounding the desk to stand behind her with his hands on her shoulders. Nic believed that his next move would be gesturing for her to stand, so he could turn her in his arms and brig her into his hold. That's how it had been these past few months.

But then, the warmth of his touch was taken away and Jack returned to his seat. "It's been a long few days. You should go below, get some rest."

Nicolette watched him with dull eyes as he picked up a quill, returned to his duty and avoided her gaze. She had not slept below since, well since...a night or two during the first week of them fleeing Port Royal. And now it just so happened she was being banished below on the night the young Swann girl reappeared.

Was his compass still troubled? She began to wonder before she forced herself to stand, the weakness fading from her features and in its place arose harshness.

"Very well, enjoy the rest of your evening Captain."

Jack waited for her to leave before throwing his pen down on to the desk and groaning aloud. Of course he knew what she was assuming and of course he knew how ridiculous it sounded but there were much bigger things to worry about. Also at this current time he could not be around the woman for more than a few minutes without spilling something from his mouth he very much did not wish to say.

It was beginning to drive him crazy especially with the forever present threat of her finding out from a damn compass. All she had to do was touch him and he forgot where his mind was. It had been absolutely fine when she was on land and he was able to indulge and then leave without a worry in the world. As much as he wished for her to join him on the Pearl where he could ensure it was safe, it was better that way. After all what was the use in getting used to something which could never be.


The next morning, on the main deck, Jack left his cabin and immediately searched out Elizabeth who he found at the railing of the Pearl. He may have dismissed Nicolette last night but that did not mean her claims had not stuck with him. As the hours passed he found himself asking the same questions she had, and he wanted the answers.

Without giving the girl much warning, Jack swung around and came to stand at the girls side, beginning his inquiry instantaneously.

"I may have reason to believe that there is some information which has been kept shush between us." Elizabeth, startled, raised her head and looked up at Jack from beneath her hat with a heavy frown. "Now, since I have offered you such a warm and pleasant welcome about my ship, I see it only fair you indulge me..." His voice dropped into a husky whisper and he leant in closer. However, Elizabeth took a step back and reach into her breast. Jack brow raised considerably, at least until she removed a leather wrapped package, tied closed. "What are these?" He asked, eyes darting between the thick binding and the girl.

Elizabeth didn't say anything however, she simply pushed the papers into his chest until he took them.

As he did, turning the leather in his hands curiously, Jack snapped his fingers at a passing Gibbs and gestured for him to join them. Only then did he make quick work of untying the lace and opening the package to reveal papers.

Letter of Marque in fact. Letters of Marque from one Cutler Beckett. Not good.

"Beckett." Jack spoke but then gave it a second thought and quickly darted his eyes around them and then around the deck in search for a certain someone. He breathed a sigh of relief upon seeing said someone up behind the helm. It was best for all aboard if she was not right here finding out right now that she had in fact been right and that the Englishman of all men was involved.

"Yes, they're signed 'Lord Cutler Beckett of the East India Trading Company'." Elizabeth nodded, watching Jack bring the letters closer to study the signature, though he soon pulled them away with an 'Euhh' as he stuck out his tongue and gagged.

"Will was working for Beckett and never said a word."

As if the woman had the ears of an eagle, the minute Beckett's name left Gibbs lips, she cast her eyes down onto them, and Jack caught her eye. "Ah!" Jack groaned awkwardly and turned him and his first mate around, moving to the other side of Elizabeth so their backs were to Nic. "Shush!" He quickly glanced over his shoulder, causing Elizabeth to look between Jack and Nic, until Gibbs distracted them

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