~You Falter When I Speak II~

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"You falter when I speak like this..."

He had caught me, Kim Ga On had managed to move what I thought was immovable.
The way he knew where to feel and when to suppress me.
When to dig and when to eradicate me.

I closed my eyes, invaded by the raw memories of my youth, of a father I had never loved and the affection I had never received.

I could still see myself from the past, a childlike me, my fingers clenched around the railing.
The fear that preceded my every move, every time my father came home, every time he called my name out.

The agony, the inexplicable need he had to hurt me, to let off his steam.

I saw myself coming down the stairs again, my steps unsteady, my body trembling.

And then him, with his weapon...
Ready to butcher, to demolish me as only he knew how.
His raised arm, his anger.

The impatience he embodied.
The disgust behind the glasses he wore...Β 

But before he could descend on the young me, I reached out my arm, stopping him.

-Don't hit him! Please, dont hit him...!-

I imagined myself holding my father's arm in mid-air, caught between my fingers.
My eyes closed, frantic, with the intention of not giving space to my vulnerability, to my sense of unease.

Almost as if it had just been a bad nightmare. A distant colossal dream.

I stayed like that for a while longer, in silence, and then slowly opened my eyes.
My hand still hovering in the void.
In the terrible memory I had just experienced.
I brought my arm back to my side, sighing lividly.

-I'm sick of this place...!-

I looked at the surroundings of the house that left only bad memories, trails of fragments I no longer wanted to see.
All the more certain that I had to leave that place and get away with Elijah.

-Sir...? Why are you still here...?-

Kim Ga On entered my space, waking me up from my trance-like state, bringing me back down to earth.

-Go back to your room...-
The hardness that left my lips surprised me more. It appeared colder than I had intended, still convinced that a part of me didn't like to expose myself. It hated being vulnerable and it didn't want
GaOn to see it's pitiful state.

-What...what did I do?-
He looked at me confused, his handsome face troubled, unable to understand that he himself was my weakness.

He was part of what melted me.

-Are you angry about what I said before...? -Gaon broke into a small smile.

How cheeky! How cheeky he was...

I furrowed my brow and crossed my arms over my chest, staring at those dark orbs, the outlined line of his lips. The way he smiled.

-Is my suffering amusing to you? -I deadpanned.

Kim Gaon shook his head quickly, raising his hands in surrender.
-No... It's just that I didn't think you were so touchy...-

Touchy? How on earth did he dare...?

-You've got a lot of nerve to talk to me like that...-
I moved confidently in his direction, and before he could understand my intentions, i halted an inch from his face.
Enough to make him wince, almost lose his balance.

I passed one arm around his waist for support, but then moved forward, enclosing both arms behind his back. My fingers in close contact with the soft fabric of his garment.
Locked together.

-Kang Yo Han! What are you doing?-
His cheeks turned red, sending shivers up my entire spine.
The way my body reacted in his presence. The rhythm in which my heart was beating.

-You should take responsibility for what you do to others...-I said quietly, my eyes fixed on his intoxicating face.
The hesitation in his gestures.

-Responsible of who? I didn't do anything! I was just pointing out to you that we all have weaknesses and no one is exempt from them...!- He looked back at me with a stern glance.

I just smiled, an enthusiastic, bright grin.
Loving how he searched for words, how his fingers curled up on my chest, intending to pull away from me.

But I didn't give in, instead tightening my grip behind his smooth back.

-Take care of the provocations you inflict... -I repeated again.

Gaon stared at me in embarrassment, then looked away. His head turned towards the desk, hoping he wouldn't have to look me in the eye.

-I wasn't taunting you, I was just trying to state a fact- he justified flustered.

I smiled even more, mischievously, pushing us slowly towards the desk.

-Kang Yo Han! What the hell...!-
He tried to struggle again, but I didn't let him, pushing him closer and closer to the desk. Until he was forced to sit down on it.
I then leaned over him, over his diaphanous skin. The rosy colour of his mouth.
The unmistakable shape of his dense eyes.

-You have certainly gone nuts!-
His hands still pushing me away from his figure.

-You called this upon yourself.... You should have known better to not shake me up-
I bent down even more, my hand now behind the back of his head.

- It doesn't make sense! You dont make sense at all, what did i even call upon-

I covered his mouth with mine, eating his words, pushing my tongue over the seam of his lips.
Kim Ga On moaned against my mouth, inflaming my thirst, the bloody passion that wanted to devour him.
I made my way in between his legs, adjusting to a better position.
The undivided pleasure he unravelled. The things he wasn't even aware of awakening.
I moved my lips down to his neck, sucking on his skin, inhaling his wild scent of sandalwood and vanilla.
A innocent kiss that soon took a more ravenous turn, so much so that I had to knock the books off the desk to get him to lie completely down.
Totally captivated by his essence.

My weakness in blood and flesh...


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