~The One Whom Is Beautiful(3/10)

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🔹️Realm of Kings 🔹️
City Of Eagles/Village of the Nathingale.


🔸️Kim Ga On🔸️

I got up the next day to a darkened sky of grey clouds

Under the scent of burnt oak wood, bathed in the gentle warmth, the heat of a burning fireplace. A blackened firepit of massive stones.

I could hear the sound of it. The crackling of wood nearby.

I blinked as I looked around at the lack of light in the room, the ancient oil lamps hanging on the walls.
I parted my lips, then squinted my eyes, trying to collect my memories and put my thoughts in order.

The previous events came crashing down on me, making me grit my teeth at the idea that Jagger had put his hands on my body, with no kind of permission.

I sat up slowly, scanning the room with a confused and suspicious expression; soon stifling a cry when I saw more shapes lying on the bed next to mine.
There were at least thirteen beds in the half-light.

It looked like a modest, haughty room: from the shelves, the lacquered cabinets to the single, cream-colored, bed I was sitting on.
I lowered my gaze to my clothes, lifting the sleeve of my linen shirt toward the dim light.

Who had changed my clothes?

I examined the thin material of my pants. There was no sign of my working clothes or even my shoes.

-Hi... -


I jumped up on the spot, quickly glancing at the silhouette in the shadows from which the voice originated.
A young boy like me stepped forward, coming to sit on my bed.

-You must be the new guy... Nice to meet you, my name is Jason Alvarez-

I stared into his blue eyes and then at his outstretched hand.
-The pleasure is mine, Kim Ga On... -
i replied nervously, eyes still on him, on his blond mop of hair and gentle smile.
-You must be a Nathingale too...? -

I nodded, still maintaining my guard.
I couldn't trust anyone at this point.
-What is this place? - I questioned instead, looking around again.
-Oh, this place? - Jason shrugged, pointing to the spot where we were secluded.

-It's one of the many rooms in the castle... - He replied with little interest.

-Kang Yo Han... Right? - I asked, hesitant.

Jason clicked his tongue, revealing an amused grin.
-You know you are not allowed to mention his name? Only if you are close to him. To the rest of the world it's "His highness"-

I huffed, not finding any logical sense in it.
-Because... What happens if you do otherwise? - I retorted, bitterly.

-If you value your life then you would listen to us-
Someone else from the back of the room replied. I gasped again, caught off guard.

-Oh Yuri! You're awake!-

A tall boy came towards us, leaning against the nearest wall.
His brown hair pulled back into a half ponytail, plus he wore similar clothes to mine, of the same color and material.

-This is Yuri, he got here before any of us- Jason explained, gesturing with his hands.
- Yuri, this is Kim Ga On, the last to arrive-
He greeted me with a nod of his head.
-Welcome to the devil's den, Kim Ga On-

I had a thousand things I wanted to ask, starting with whatever the big hunt was and what was the role of this Kang Yo Han.

Why was he so frightening? And why did I need to fear for my life?

[The Great Hall// Eagles territory]


I wandered around the large tables in the great main hall, immersed in the commotion of my men, intent on toasting and eating as if the day came without ever ending.

And with boastfulness, they spoke of their exploits and innate achievements, of how many Nathingales they had subdued and how many they had enslaved to their whims.

Moreover, for mystical beings like us, it was mostly if not often, cause for celebration and glory, motive for shedding blood or seizing new fortunes, new possessions.

New lands.

But not for me, who found no pleasure in any kind of thing, nor did my light-heartedness rest at the end of a flagon of beer.

Neither in lust, as i was not looking for some fragile soul to break in the sheets of my bed.

I wasn't looking for perfection and I didn't want to compare myself to anyone inferior.

-Your Highness! -

Jagger Odeys and K entered the hall, interrupting my welcomed meditation, the attention I preferred giving myself, rather than the likes of others.

I didn't mind being given the title of selfish king, as I didn't understand for what cause I had to provide for a third party, or to bestow what was never given to me.

-We brought thirteen boys to court as requested, for the great hunt-

they announced with a sign of reverence.

I watched them bow and then raise again, their sights never leaving mine.
-You may go now- I said with a wave of my hand, as if to dismiss them.

The idea of hunting was a rather humorous one, as everyone believed that the victims were killed in open field like some animals, and we like some kind of brutal beings descended to devour them.

That was all a cover up, a lie that I wanted the people to feed on and believe.

This was right so that fear would be maintained for the king on the edge of the earth.

However, the great hunt was only one of my recreational pursuits.
One of the few things I found pleasurable doing, which consisted in the feeding of their very fears, dreams and passions. All sorts of desires that dwelled within them, until there was nothing left to consume.

And then, once satisfied, I would discard them as old ornaments in favour of new ones.

-Your Highness... One last thing-

I sighed as I let my mind wander, twisting the ring on my index finger in a constant whirl.
Jagger stepped forward again with a bow, his sword in the scabbard of his belt. A red cloak around his solid, hulking figure.

-I added someone different to the list...-

I locked my gaze on his violet eyes, sizing him like a vulture, or rather just to listen to his garbled speech.

-Is he a Nightingale? - I asked impatiently.

-Yes, your highness... -
I didn't let him finish.

-Then he's not so different from the other 12 boys -I stated, releasing a faint smile that didn't find enough time to dwell on my lips.

Jagger hesitated, which was quite rare, since he never did that.
I tilted my head to the side, studying the man who had sworn allegiance to me for the duration of his entire life.

-No Your Grace, I believe there is more he can give you, he has many more features you could consume.... - he said confidently.
I groaned silently, lost in thought.
-Are you asking me to consume him to the very end? Do you want me to have him killed? -

Jagger shook his head in denial, his gaze for a moment, startled.
-No my king, please do not defile him in that manner... -

I squinted my eyes in doubt, trailing my fingers behind my back.
-If you cherish him so, why are you giving him to me? -

Jagger twitched his lower lip, a tad in distress.
-I think he's good for you.... Your Highness-

A veil of irritation settled over me, I clenched my fists behind my back, maintaining my composure.
-Are you implying that I need someone, Jagger? That I'm not enough as a being by nature? That I must crawl for perfection like a poor beggar? -

He immediately braced himself, raising his hands in surrender.
-No my lord, I would never allow myself to insinuate such an atrocity! Just think of it as a new flavour to sprinkle on your already set table.... -

He made a bow and slowly withdrew.

-Well, I will taste this new source you offer, but if I do not like it, I will make sure to vomit it raw from my mouth... -

Jagger nodded with a bowed head.
-Yes my lord, as you wish-

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