~The One Whom Is Beautiful (1/10)

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Author's Note:
Elijah is going to be sister to Kim Ga On
Soo Hyun (the cop) as best friend/crush.

Nathingale Race: inspired by the bird breed that sings and Jinyoung Park, who's actually a singer.
Their trait is melodious voice.


🔹️Realm of Kings 🔹️
City Of Eagles/Village of the Nathingale.

🔸️Kim Ga On🔸️

"He who carried beauty with him."

In the human world it was an ordinary, simple phrase. Something you could say when you stopped to admire something beautiful.

Something that when it manifested itself, was capable of stealing your breath, consuming your gaze and confusing your reason.

But not for those of the eagle race, as they lived to choose and ultimately rule.

They existed to select us, separate us from the crowd, and discern whether we were worthy or not.
Born to be great, to look into the far and aspire to higher places.

Not like us, who instead belonged to the race of the Nathingale.
A rank lower than the eagle, the kind the upper class usually never lingered to desire, except to simply utilize our trait for the gift we had with songs.

I hardly cared about being chosen, as the mere idea frightened me and I did not want to be lusted after.

-Kim Ga On! -

I wiped the sweat from my forehead, crushed under the weight of the sun, shirtless with only my black pants on, which I had soiled with dirt.
I was in charge of the fields and the farm my father had bequeathed me, and all the livestock in it.

-Kim Ga On! -

I turned around in time to see Soo Hyun racing towards me.
-Elijah has been...! - she began to speak, only to suddenly stop.

-What is it? - I asked her, somewhat perplexed.
She stopped a few feet away from me, her cheeks suddenly red, eyes roaming over the sweat on my skin. My loose pants hanging on my waist line.

Oh I see...

I quickly slipped on my white cotton shirt, as a slight smile made it's way on my lips.
-Nothing...! - she gestured with her hands, trying to sweep away her visible embarrassment, reverting to her original point. The reason why she was alarmed.

-Your sis! Your sister has been chosen! -


I opened my eyes wide accordingly, abruptly running after the silhouette of Soo Hyun, who had raised the flaps of her long white dress to avoid stains.

We lived in a large village near the capital, which belonged to the high social class, whereas we were left with the small villages that we could occupy, or at least until you were picked by one of them.
-Who the hell chose her?-

I made it close to my house, in time to see about ten soldiers outside my front door.
-They are already inside! - she replied, leading the way.
And so it was, at our arrival, we were confronted by a tall man of royal lineage, one of them, standing in our small living room, like a mountain in front of my sister's tiny figure.

His broad shoulders, his back sculpted beneath the blue tunic he wore.

-Stay away from my sister! -

Before I could even stop myself, I found myself running in front of him, snatching Elijah's hand from his.

He didn't falter one bit, instead he stood and stared back at me, his eyes golden, his long amber hair soft on his shoulders.

Indeed, the eagle race was worthy of their title, as they were all wondrously made.
There wasn't one who wasn't charming...
And on one hand I could understand why so many of us jumped in without processing the danger.

It wasn't guaranteed that if you were chosen, you would lead a happy life. You could get killed or abused.

For as the gods of ancient Olympus, they played with our fate, in the same way they were playing chess.
Theft was allowed among them and often some of us, after being chosen, were kidnapped by other individuals, sometimes for fun, sometimes for envy and shady reasons.

-Honey! He chose her! It's the law, we can't go against it! -
My mother grabbed me by the arm, trying to prevent the good-looking guy from getting angry and hurting us.

As they were strong as werewolves and fast as vampires.

-No! There must be another way! - i protested stubborn.
He kept his eyes on me, while a slight smile rippled across his full lips. His violet eyes tinged with irritation but also with amusement.

My sister shook her head, releasing her arm from my grasp.
-Kim Ga On... It's okay. He said those words. He said i am beautiful...-

I looked at her in dismay. Lost in the void of my thoughts.
-That's impossible! It can't happen the first time... It doesn't -
Just before I could finish, i was violently grabbed by the arm, the man lifted me several inches off the ground then slammed into the nearest wall.

-Please! Don't do anything to my child! He's just a young boy! -
My mother rushed to my defense, along with Soo Hyun who frantically came to my rescue.

-Yes, you're right, it never happens at first sight, you need to have more encounters before it happens- he answered me, ignoring everything else. Everyone in the room.

-Do you think a person like me can come down to this dump and choose someone like you? Do you think I'm happy to have been matched with one of you? - he smiled sarcastically, loosening his grip on my neck.

He then shifted his shining eyes back to Elijah, apparently confused.

-Ask her, as she is the one who commenced spying on me. She chose this fate... -

I don't believe it! This can't be true...

I laid my attention on my sister, praying that it was a lie, that it wasn't really happening.

And that she hadn't been the one who went for him first...
it wasn't her initiative to be sought out so adamantly....
Could she...?

-I'm sorry... -
Elijah lowered her dark eyes to the wooden floor, hiding her guilt.
-Why Elijah? What if he harms you? We can't trust them...! -

-He won't! - she interrupted me.

The man seemed to get angry at her statement, but didn't say anything, as if Elijah could tame him and read beyond his intentions.

-I've claimed her, she is mine- he said dangerously, his voice strong, certain.

-Get the carriage ready! -
His men started moving under his order. They walked quickly as requested, setting everything up, as he instead lingered around, studying the humble surroundings we lived in.
The vast difference between their world and ours.

- Call me Jagger Odeys... - he spoke suddenly, softly, advancing towards Elijah just to pick her up in his forcible arms.

My sister had suffered an accident, so she was unable to walk.
We often had to push her on a wheelbarrow or lift her up... and he seemed to know it, he appeared to be aware of it all, confirming once more that they had met more than i could think of.

-The one whom is beautiful... -
His eyes began to glow, as the words flew from his lips, conjuring and sealing what needed to be conquered.
To be taken.

He really did say those words...
He had claimed my sister, and
there was absolutely nothing I could do about it.

To say "the one whom is beautiful", was not ordinary thing for them, for it was as if they were cursed, hell-bent to roam the earth in search of perfection.

It was a phrase that came out of their mouth without control, in pure autonomy, at the very moment when the source of their being found the path to the gates of paradise; that is, if they found in you the definition of beauty they were looking for...
And if they did find it in you, you became their property.

-One more thing... - Jagger paused in the doorway of our home, his expression neutral.
-I'll insert you into the King's list.... I think you are perfect for the big hunt-

I squinted my eyes, troubled, not knowing what he was getting at.

Big hunt?

-What list are you talking about?! - my best friend preceded me, staring at him with an irritated look.

The man smiled with disdain, widening his mouth. The perfect white teeth of his.

-The list of Kang Yo Han... The list of the King, the leader of us all-


To be continued...

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