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"Never wake me from this resplendency, let me dream and watch you devour me".

-Ashley Serena


|| Late Night
-Tuscany, Italy ๐Ÿ‡ฎ๐Ÿ‡น


-Are you OK?-

Kim Ga On shook his head, wrapped in the blankets, his back against my chest.
He had silently asked me to sleep with him, and as much as I wanted to avoid it, because of his parents being at home, i still agreed; finding him vulnerable. Subject to the fever of the mind, the snares that governed the fears of men.

Fragile as a glass vase. A twig broken in a long, cold winter. And it hurt me in a peculiar way; as I was the cause of it. The cause of his inner malaise.

-Kim Ga On?- I called him again, softly, turning him towards me. His eyes shining, lucent, crossed by a visible sadness, signs of commotion on his adorned face.

My breath caught in my throat, soon finding myself unprepared for that vision, not knowing how to take away his feelings of guilt.

-Why are you upset?-

The day had fallen and the windows were open against the emptiness of the night, caressed by the evening breeze and the sweet smells of the countryside.

-I'm sorry... I'm sorry Yo Han-

I frowned, searching his face.
-What on earth should you be sorry for?-

He hesitated before speaking, shifting the color of his soft eyes between me and the ceiling.

-It only seems to me now... to understand why it was difficult for you to look at me or stay close to me ...- he spoke softly, reflecting aloud.

-Looking at me brings you pain, doesn't it? I constantly remind you of your brother...-Kim Ga On went on, focusing his attention on me.

I sighed, for a moment not knowing how to answer him, since it was true that gazing at him brought me some kind of torment but that didn't mean anything.
It didn't undo the spasms of pleasure or the mantle of peace that enveloped my heart.

-It's not exactly like that...- I replied after a short while, his gaze had remained on me even in that brief pause of silence, intent on studying my face as if he could read my insides, distinguish my thoughts from pleasures.

-When I look at you... -I nailed my pupils into his, in that healthy brown shade, similar to trunks in summer.

-When I look at you, I get overwhelmed. Overwhelmed by distant things and near things... Things that hurt me but at the same time give me hope...-

Kim Ga On stared at me curiously, attentively, his brow furrowed slightly in the attempt to decipher the meaning behind my words.

I raised my palm to his cheek, feeling the warm, smooth skin beneath my flesh.
My thumb just above his pliant, soft rosy lips.

-You remind me of my brother only for aesthetics, but otherwise you're not Isaac, you're not him... You do to my heart more good than harm. And the things I feel for you often cloud my vision... -

Kim Ga On blushed unexpectedly, pulling away from my eye contact for a brief moment, as a result, pushing a sudden smile on my lips.

-And what is it that you feel for me... At this point, how can you even feel something for me?-

He looked back at me dazed, with a question mark in his expression.

I shook my head, smiling slightly, moving my hand from his cheek, to his silky, dark hair.

-Believe me... You don't want to know..-I spoke softly, bringing my nose into his strands, inhaling the smell of jasmine and fresh lavender.

-Tell me... I beg you-

I closed my eyes slightly, breathing his scent into the entire area of โ€‹โ€‹my lungs, the perimeters of my system.
I sighed before continuing, watching sideways as his abdomen rose and fell rapidly. His fingers gripping my white shirt into a knot.

-What I feel for you is so dangerous, that sometimes i feel like it should be forbidden. If I were to let the monster that lives in me, love you, I'm afraid it might devour you...-

Kim Ga On seemed almost surprised at that confession, that much to stop in his actions, moving just a little to be able to look me in the face.

-Does this monster you speak have sharp teeth?-

I chuckled briefly, entraced by his question. An innocent question for an innocent mind like him. Naive.

-Oh... Sharper than you think, like double edged swords ...- I whispered, gently, descending on his open lips.

-Mmmm....Then should i be afraid?- he replied, reaching for my mouth in response.

I closed my eyes, pursing our lips together, in a slow sensual dance, him below me, while I towered grotesquely above him, my left hand at the side of his face, probing over the fiery skin, his neck, his fine collarbones...

He moaned against my mouth, as his tongue wedged between my teeth, trapped in mine, crushed under my urgency to own him.
And just like an hurricane, invading his space, the borders of him, with no mercy.
My hands moving quickly through his hair, pulling it through my fingers with passion, hard impatience.
An exploration of his mouth, exchange of saliva. Exchange of what belonged to him and what to me.

And in that instant it's like my mind emptied completely, leaving room for those pure sensations that I had promised myself never to feel again...

The invincible man becoming as malleable as sand in a stranger's hand. Slave to someone else, in love like never before.

-Kang Yo Han...-

Kim Ga On broke my name into gasps, trying to lift the hems of my shirt, to feel my skin on him, his butterfly fingers on my abdomen, skyrocketing the already intense waves i was harboring.
By now my hands had already left his hair, exploring his chest, descending towards his pelvis, only to rest upon the length of his member.

-Yo Han... Please! I need relief...-

Kim Ga On's eyes widened, feeling the weight of my hand on his private part, dissolving into more open and more desperate moans, as I began to touch him in a fast pace. I took the chance to glue my mouth between the hollow of his neck, biting the surface, leaving hickeys in my passage. And not like Isaac... Not like the ones he gave to him.
Mine were love bites, indelible marks on a piece of cloth, symbols that cried out in a million languages, between those that existed and those that were yet to be born, that he was mine.

He was part of me. And I couldn't find any other redemption, any other way out than when I was with him.

And only heaven knew if I was burning with the rampant desire to devour him so ravenously and inhumanly as to leave no bones.

For it was only when i looked at him, that i saw forgiveness...


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