The truth revealed.(59)

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As the beings clashed their might against each other.

What seemed to be a hole appeared to have been created in space.

The humanoid figure was sucked out of the hole in appeared in the middle of what seemed to be a war.

His power could be felt by all who were fighting, they all had to stop their fighter in order to look at the fighter who had arrived at the battlefield.

With his trusty Yeoui in his hand, the figure looked at all the creatures that were there.

Gods, devils, angels, fallen angels, vampires, werewolves, valkaries, etc.

It seemed as if all the factions of the world were fighting each other.

Without wasting a second, he rushed onto the battlefield and started slaying the creatures by the dozen, slaughtering thousands of them in a matter of minutes.

It didnt take the leader of each faction more than a minute to decide to put their difference aside and fight this new threat that had shown itself on the battlefield.

Thousand of them died by the might of this man Weopon.

Upon realizing that he was surrounded by enemies from all sides, the individual couldn't help himself but laugh.

"Come at me!"

It roared out as what seemed to be multiple copies of himself could be seen, each copy of himself taking down thousands from the enemy forces like there was no tomorrow.

Eventually, the being was stopped, and it was met by the leader of each of the factions
God himself, Lucifer, Odin, Zeus, Beelzebub, and so on.

They all stood in his way.

However, he did not care about any of those figures.

Without even uttering a single word to any of them, the figure rushed toward them as they rushed toward it.

Multiple Yeoui could be seen in the background as the scent of metal was incredibly heavy in the air.

He clashed with them for 7 days and 7 nights, nonstop.

During that time, the being had managed to kill Lucifer, and Beelzebub, and managed to kill all of the other high-ranking generals in the Devil family.

He almost killed a red-haired man and a silver-haired woman but he was stopped by the gods from the other faction.

With all his power, the being managed to kill several gods, and severely wound a lot of them.

Shiva, Odin, Zeus, Amaterasu, Tsusano, and Indra, all of them were beaten and battered beyond belief.

The being that had done so was heavily injured, it seemed like his fight with Great Red had left some lasting injury on him

If those injuries were not present then, he would have wiped them out of the face of the heart without a problem.

The opponent knew this, they could see that their enemy had come into this fight heavily injured.

The only way that they had managed to hurt him was by attacking those already beaten spots.

The God of the bible, noticing that his angels were falling by the thousands decided that enough was enough.

Asking for help from the other gods to hold him still, the other gods not having any other options decided to listen to him.

All they had to do was hold him still for 30 seconds.......

In those 30 seconds, Odin lost his left eye, Shiva lost 2 of his hand. Four of Kokabiel's wings were ripped out.

Baraquiel had three huge wounds on his chest, the crimson-haired man was covered in his own blood.

Draigh and Albion were severely beaten for daring to have their fight where the monster was having fun.

However the second those 30 seconds were over, the Holy Grail activated and what seemed to be a holy light enveloped his body as the man started burning.

The light burned so brightly that any devil nearby could tell that such power could fully wipe them from existence and yet this monster was still tanking all that damage.

The being seemed ready to take everyone with him, but God rushed toward him and contained the explosion with his own body

Using all that was left of his divine power in order to seal this being once and for all.

The only thing that God wished in the last moment of his life, was to thank this being for slaying the beast.....

If this man was ever born again, he wished that in his next life, he would be more than just a battle maniac and instead be someone who enjoys his life to the fullest.

Their two souls seem to fight it out before a vestige of God's power seems to have fused into this being's body.

After the war, a truce was announced from all the sides, they had taken way too much damage and could not sustain another war.

Too many of them died......

The being staff was returned to the Youkai.

The holy grail containing the being power was sealed back into heaven.

The creature Gourd was given to the Yokai.

The creature armor suit was given to the Greeks... as the Greeks were the ones who had forged this armor.

That was until a few years ago..... when all the realm felt that presence again...
The monkey king....had awakened.

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