Takeo was stunned, you see currently there was a blue-haired girl, with a very curvy body infront of him.
Under normal circumstances, Takeo wouldn't really care much about it, titries or no titties, those massive fun bags were not going to help her in a fight.
Her poor back, did she have a back problem or something?
Anyway, none of this was the reason he stood still like this.
The reason was simple really, it was because of the question the girl just asked him.
"Can you go out with me?"She said in a soft voice,
Takeo however felt that something was off, due to his skills in Senjustsu he was able to tell a person's character by just sensing their aura.
And upon sensing her, he noticed something her personality seemed rotten, like rotten rotten, it was bad.
It felt evil yet good at the same time, kind of like a mix of an angel and a demon at the same time.
"Hum...are you sure, you got the right person" Takeo asked nervously as he looked at the girl.
"No, you are the one I am looking for I am certain, I have been a fan of yours for a while and so I wanted to ask you if you wanted to go out with me..."
The girl looked all sweet and innocent when she said that but something told Takeo this was not what the girl was thinking inside.
'Fall for it you idiot,' Kalawarner thought to herself as she noticed the boy's resistance.
She couldn't believe she had to do this, Usually, Raynare would be the one doing that stuff, not her.
Why did she have to get stuck with this boy, however, she knew why, this boy's power was way above that of a normal person.
It might even be above the level of an average devil, however upon spying on the boy for a while, they had discovered that he was not allied to any of the three factions.
The boy was human and the only way a human could be so strong is if they had awakened a sacred gear.
So it must mean this boy had a sacred gear, even if he didn't have one getting rid of him would mean one less future devil to worry about in the future.
They had noticed how the Gremory seemed to be making a move on the boy, which had thrown their earlier plan of making the boy join their side go to waste.
The boy seems gullible enough....upon noticing Takeo resisting, Kalawarner decided to press herself against him.
A soft possum pressed against his chest as she gave him her best puppy eyes.
'Can't believe I am doing this'
"Please" Kalawarner had a sweet expression on her face as she did all of this.
"Sorry to disappoint you but I am not dating right now," Takeo said trying his best not to hurt the girl's feelings.
'Guess I have to kill him, save me the hassle of going on a date'
"Can you promise me one thing"
"Sure, what is it"
Takeo had this innocent look on his face as she said those words.
As those words left her mouth, countless light spears were thrown at Takeo, with several of them landing.
Blood spilled on the floor as Takeo felt his inside dying.
He gazed up to see the girl who was flirting with him just a moment ago looking completely different.
Were those wings, feathers...
"If you want to blame anyone, blame God," She said as she prepared herself to throw more light speed, only for Takeo to vanish from her sight and appear infront of her in an instant.
In an instant, a powerful kick, infused with all the touki that Takeo had in his body was landed directly to the side of her head
"I don't like people who use cheap tricks," Takeo said looking pissed but he felt himself bleeding out.
Even though his wounds were healing due to him using Senjutsu.
He was still bleeding out.....like a lot.
Kalawarner stood up looking bloodied as all the blows that had landed earlier had seriously messed up her brain.
She felt as if her brain had taken some serious damage as she was now seeing double and bleeding from the nose.
Even her control over her magic felt unstable for Christ's sake she couldn't even flap her wings.
She couldn't fly, she was now stuck on the floor with a martial artist whose whole thing was hand-to-hand combat.
Luckily for her, the boy was bleeding out.
Senjutsu...max output.
Takeo was bleeding out but with all of his remaining strength, he managed to give it his all, using all his might he was able to enter this state again.....
For the next 6 minutes...Takeo will fight with him all before passing out due to a lack of energy.
A/N to anyone saying why didn't become a blushing mess....he can sense her true self so to other people yeah she looks hot but to him, she will look like.
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