In the middle of the streets and young boy was currently seen running at full speed, the boy seemed to have a piece of bread in his mouth as he dashed toward his destination.
The boy was about 177 cm tall along with possessing an athletic build.
Which were currently being used in order to help the rush toward his current destination as we spoke.
The boy had dark brown hair, and his eyes were black with gold pupils.
All in all, he was pretty average in the look department.
However, the reason that he was currently rushing toward his school was pretty simple.
Welp he was late, he woke a bit later than usual that day and now would get to school 30 minutes layed if he did not rush there at full speed.
As he crossed the street, a car rushed toward him, and without even paying attention to the car, he managed to jump over the car and onto a motorcycle, he used the speed of the motorcycle to build up a jump toward a shortcut.
Boosting himself toward the alleyway, he used the corners in order to get himself up, by jumping from wall to wall he was able to jump over the wall.
However, this was not what was in his mind right now, gritting his teeth he propelled himself further toward the school.
He was now running incredibly fast for a human boy.
A bit too fast some people might say.
However, he did not care about any of this at all.
As he saw the school gates, his eyes kind of heated faster upon seeing that the school gate was being closed.
Not feeling like being left behind, the boy pushed himself further, as he pushed all of his energy into his leg.
What seemed to be a crack in the concrete seemed to have been made due to the sheer amount of force exerted on the concrete surface.
As the school gates were only 4 inches from closing, the boy managed to jump in the gap and managed to make it to school on time.
As the boy's body hit the floor, the sound of a bell ringing could be heard...
Just in time.
"You are late, Takeo" A stern female voice was heard saying from behind the boy now known as Takeo.
Takeo slowly turns his head around to be met by the student council president.
"Are you sure...because if I remember correctly I am not late unless the gate closes on me" Takeo said trying his best to give his most innocent face infront of this woman.
"Make sure this does not happen again, Mister Takeo"
"Count on me, miss Souna" Takeo responded with a smile on his face
She sighed a bit as she walked away, Takeo just kept the same goofy smile he had on his face.
He then smelled it, it was a very dark scent coming from Souna, as if Souna could feel him sniffing her she turned around with a strict look on her face saying.
"It isn't cordial to sniff your classmates"
"You smell funny," he said scratching the back of his head.
"What those that mean" Souna said suddenly getting defensive, Takeo just smiled at her before saying.
"I guess I will say, your scent is special..."
"Being flirty will get you nowhere" Souna added as she walked away...
Welp, she was as cold as always...
Anyway, he didnt come to school to talk about Souna, he came here too...
What was the purpose he came to the school again because he knew for a fact it wasn't to learn?
Trying to learn from those dam books was too goddam hard.
He felt like he was being stared at, his eyes went toward where he felt the stare coming from and on the second floor of the school he noticed a white-haired girl looking at him.
She looked to be quite young and for some reason she gave him major cat vibes, he did not know why but for some reason he felt as if she was a cat.
As soon as he made eye contact with the girl she looked away, as if she didnt want him to look at her.
Welp this wouldn't be the first time a game didn't feel like talking to him.
Speaking of which, he is going to be late for class.
Immediately standing up, Takeo rushed toward his classroom at newfound speed.
He wanted to get there on time for no particular reason that day.
He just felt like being like a model student, someone who was on time for his class instead of 30 minutes late.
A/N...his full name is Takeo Jin, I am sure some people have noticed but yes, he is subconsciously using Touki....
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