I Don't Wanna Do Homework

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May 5, 2017

             Spring time here in the state of California. It's been chilly in the mornings and burning later in the day. Sometimes, I wonder if the Earth is as indecisive as I am when lazy. I mean, a few weeks ago it was still around 50 degrees! Well, the situation made for some pretty hilarious jokes, I'm not gonna lie. Yeah, I love to fill my days with laughter. My lungs have always been weird, so I think it helps me. Either that or it makes my cough so much worse that I end up suffocating most of the time. That last scenario is the more common one by the way.

             Heh, I love this school year. It's been awhile since I got to interact with people with varying experiences. A few of my classmates have gone to resorts or different countries. Others found adventures within places some would call small. To be honest, sometimes I think I'm one of the few lucky ones in the world. No, scratch that, I am. I wasn't born with many or any major defects, even though I was two months early. My family loves me (I'm fairly sure about that), and I love them. No matter how dumb or rude they get, I always will. We have this special bond. I'm sure you would've gotten some kind of connection to the person or people that you've lived with for most of your life.

             If you don't have anybody like that, then don't curse the world or anything. Treasure what you have. If you don't know what you have, maybe go out and do something you deem safe and find a few things you can call your own. Then you can finally protect what you love. I don't have to worry much, since my connections aren't easily broken (Insanity would be the one to do that). But, if you are able to do it, then you're strong. If you don't think you are, I'm saying you are. In one way or another, everyone is strong. Even if you're weak, you can be strong.

              The impossible is possible. Our world has an overwhelming amount of possibilities. A person who hasn't achieved one dream can find another that has an equal amount of happiness and goodness. That is only if they want it. If they know what they want, and they strive to get it. Anybody can do it. We are similar to ants. They can carry multiple amounts more than their own weight, but you can only do so much alone. Earth is brimming with people that we can become involved with. A stranger that you've helped could someday be an enemy who has turned corrupt, or a life-long friend and supporter that has even been to your first child's birthday party.

              I know hate can spread, but so can kindness. If there's so much "bad" in the world, why bother making homes to settle down in? To live? Because kindness, and all the joys in this same world make us want to live. To improve ourselves and everybody else. Even paying attention to detail and doing something about the tiniest things can make an impact as big as a crater. I love my life right now and you should too. Find what you love, and keep it. Spread the generosity so the terrible isn't so painful. I have absolutely no idea how procrastination could turn into this but, if you try to do this. I will too.  

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