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"When water has you trapped under, accept its power"


The days pass by and happiness has been shining in the heart of the ocean. A bright smile on the future Queen can be seen from land when looking down into the ocean itself. The future Queen stands in what she likes to call the Harmony room. For it is the large section of the castle that carries instruments of all sorts. Instruments that have been carefully crafted by the best of the ocean. Inside that room the girl; Isolde tends to find herself in every once in a while. Not to play any old of the instruments but rather to feel the magic that the room holds.

It is where harmony can be found which is why she chose the name for it, the beauty that she can find there is beyond anything. There is a sense of peace and quiet despite being surrounded by musical instruments. Some which the girl has never seen on land and some that sound strange to her. Isolde sits there and looks over from a window at the world that is out there. From the Harmony room she can see the fish and all the life that is there around the castle. The subjects that she is supposed to rule over living their lives.

When she was younger it is what she used to do many times, look over the kingdom and just stare at it. Not necessarily looking at anything but just allowing her thoughts to wander around endlessly where they can think of anything and everything. It was in these moments that her best thoughts took place and the best tricks. Often the sadness inside her heart was too much for her to handle, and she wanted to forget it. Now, instead of her thinking of her future as someone she does not want to be, she thinks of the future which she wants.

The girl has started to think of what she wishes to do with her life. The more she thinks about it, the more it becomes clear to her what she must do. Women her age are already married and starting a family and if her parents had any choice in the matter she would be married herself, despite the fact that her father allowed her to choose who she wanted to marry. They would pressure her and not even her clever tricks would be able to hold them for long.

The door to the Harmony room opens and Poseidon steps inside. Over the last couple of days he has noticed how she spends a lot of time in that room, her happiness means everything to him. His heart beats only for her and his ocean blue eyes know not the sadness that has taken over her, but they know that his love for her is stronger than he could even imagine. "Take a step closer, and you shall regret it" She speaks. Poseidon had been careful to not make a sound as he entered, but all have taken to notice that none can fool Isolde that easily.

Perhaps she does not know it herself, but her senses have always been better than so many others. She sees the world differently and because of this she somehow can detect when people are around her, without even realizing it herself. Though, it could also be for the fact that the ocean changes around Poseidon, and it becomes filled with life and wonder when he's near. The girl's eyes have seen how fish calm when he's near, and the waves are more relaxed in their movement. At least when he's not angry.

That is when the waves are all over the place and are as wild as he is. "I have only come here to talk" He speaks gently towards her. Her emerald green eyes look from the window and at him and glares. "We talked this morning, why is it that you did not speak when you had the change?" She asks him. Over the last days it has been Isolde's mission to do all that she can to prevent the feelings that she has inside her to be visible to everyone else, especially the one that she has those feelings for.

The girl is not about to become vulnerable because of her own feelings that she can not control. He chuckles as he sits down next to her, seeing the untouched instruments. "If you wish, I can teach you on any of these" He suggests to her. For a moment her wall falls when she looks at him in awe, but then it goes back up again as she clears her throat. "I do not wish to play" She speaks, lying through her teeth. Poseidon eyes her carefully to see if she is lying, but then he looks out the window at the distance which she had been facing.

When he is not looking, that is the moment that she studies him. His face. It is the same face that Isolde has been looking at this entire time and yet at the same time the future Queen has realized that there is always more that she discovers about him. Some kindness or some part of him that she had not seen before. Her heart notices some things which her mind does not. It bothers her, but she's starting to accept it. "You want to play... you're afraid to" He finally says.

"I'm not afraid" Isolde says harshly towards him as her glare only grows, angrily. He chuckles as he takes her hand. "You are. You're afraid that if you learn to play that the sounds you've imagined they create will not be the same. You fear creating anything that holds that much beauty" He speaks to her. Surprising her while doing so. Isolde looks down at their hands as they hold one another. "You are correct" She whispers, lying once again. Both of them know very well that neither of the things that they said were the truth.

The Princess and future Queen does not fear creating the music that she wishes that she could create but rather she fears the humiliation of failing at it. The fear that she will not be able to do it is frustrating to her. "Dance with me" He offers as he stands up, their hands still holding. Searching for a hint on his face she gently shakes her head. "There is no music" She whispers to him. Afraid that he will see the fear that is in her eyes, the fear of failing. Poseidon chuckles. "We are in a room surrounded by music. All you have to do is listen" He says to her.

Hesitantly the girl stands up and looks around the room. The instruments that are all over the place and yet in perfect harmony, they do not play for her and there are no sounds that come from them. "What is Thomas-the-I-am-not-a-Demon about to do now? It is impossible for instruments to play on their own" The dark haired girl says to him as her eyes met his ocean blue eyes which she always wishes to get lost in and willingly would stay there forever if she could.

The beauty in them is as if she is watching the ocean itself and in a way she is. His eyes show exactly how calm the ocean is and how he feels and yet at the same time she cannot understand what emotions are hidden in his eyes despite them begin right in front of her. A devious smirk comes across his face when his wraps his arms around her and pulls her towards him to the point where their bodies are touching. Their eyes never straying from one another. Leaning down to her ear.

"Nothing is impossible" He whispers. His hot breath sends shivers running down her spine. Slowly they begin to dance and around them a soft and gentle harmony begins to play. Isolde gasps as she looks around for the source of the lovely sound, but she cannot understand where it comes from. Her eyes shocked but at the same time there is happiness and joy and enjoyment for the music around her is calming. As if it were flowing in the ocean around her. The ocean around. It is that which creates the music. Isolde realizes how it is possible and how he is able to do it.

"The waves" She says to him, he nods his head as he sends a smile her way. The smile warm. Isolde and Poseidon danced with the music of harmony as the waves of the ocean are creating with their back and forth movement. "It's beautiful" She whispers, her voice just barely above a whisper, but it could be heard by him. They dance with music that only the two of them can hear and the sense of time grows lost as they enjoy being in each other arms. It connects them in ways that nothing else can.

Both of them hide their feelings in ways that shields them from understand what their heart is truly trying to let out and wishes that it could. Dancing is their way of connecting and being together. They do not need the words to speak and say their feelings out loud, but they can use their bodies to speak in a dance. The music flows around them which creates the harmony that pumps into their veins and to their heart to be able to let out the feelings that they have. Both of them never want it to end.

"What kind of a Queen will I be?" Isolde asks him as she looks into his eyes, hoping for the honesty that she knows he can give her. "The one who does right with her subjects. It is not about power or controlling, but it is to take care of the subjects. To keep them alive and make their future the best that there is" He tells her. While there are more aspects than that, it is a start. "Will I be a good Queen?" She then asks him. Poseidon chuckles at her question, knowing it is only her own hidden fear that asks.

"I believe that you will be the Queen that all need" He tells her and gives her a smile. The future has not been known to them and neither of them can tell what kind of people they will become in the future, but they can hope. The Queen that she will be, can only be predicted by Isolde herself for she is the only person who can ever know who she is about to become soon. "Just never forget that the crown does not make you who you are, it is what is inside your heart that makes you who you are" Poseidon tells her.

The crown has always been what Isolde has tried to push away in her life and be someone else, but she cannot escape the crown, it hangs over her like a cloud on a rainy day. Endlessly pouring the cold and wet rain on top of those who are outside, and everything in sight gets soaked. There is barely any escape from it and that is how she has felt most of her life. Even now she will soon have a crown over her head. Even when she is far away from the castle, she is still chained to the crown.

"What if I do not want to be the Queen?" She asks him after some time has passed. The words that he said running through her mind as she thinks of the future as she has been doing for the last couple of days. "Can I tell you a story?" He asks her and gestures for her to sit. Nodding he helps her sit down as they stop dancing. Though, the King does not let go of her hand. "It is a story about a young girl who carries the name Arabella. The day that she was brought into this world, the people in her village had sentenced her to death" He begins.

Isolde's lips part as she feels for that young girl. Yet, knowing very well that the world is cruel. "Her mother passed due to childbirth and therefor she was working for the Devil. Into the flames she was tossed but she survived. Th-" He continues. "None can survive fire" Isolde cuts him which only earns her a chuckle from the King. "Says the one that is on the bottom of the ocean, currently breathing. May I continue?" He asks her. The girl rolls her eyes but nods.

"She survived, and she grew up with her two brothers who raised her into a beautiful young girl. On her fifteen birthday she was taken down under to live the kingdom as its Queen. She died for that cause" He speaks to her and finishes. "I do not understand" She says as she looks at the King with narrowed eyes, wondering if he has finally cracked under the pressure of the ocean and has gone mad. She would not fault him for falling prey to madness, many men have done so and many will continue to fall for it.

He chuckles. "You completely missed the point" He says to her as he takes her other hand as well and holds both of them. Raising her eyebrows at him, Isolde can only give him the confused look that she has had this whole time. Not understanding the story that he had told her. "Royalty is not being born into a certain bloodline. Neither is it the amount of power that one holds in their veins" He tells her. "True royalty is the willpower of the heart. A young peasant girl became a Queen for her heart believed in herself and in her subjects" He says.

"A young Princess can become the Queen that was destined if only she believes in herself and her heart and wants to protect the subjects" He says to her. Standing up Poseidon walks away, leaving her to her thoughts. Figuring that she needs to think about what he said and even process it a bit and understand what she truly wants. Her heart and mind are not on the same boat, and she will end up tipping if she does not regain the balance of the two.

Before he goes out of the Harmony room he turns around and faces her once again. "I believe in you" He says to her, and then he goes out of the room and the door closes behind him. Isolde is left there alone with still the soft melody around her and the sweet harmony that makes her feel safe. It is her thoughts that she also has to keep her company, whether she likes that idea or not. Her thoughts of what she must do now and the story that he told her, and yet she cannot understand what he is telling her with it.

She does not think much longer despite having been sitting there after he left for half an hour. Isolde stands up and takes one last glance out the window. As she was about to walk away something outside catches her attention. Turning around again and taking a closer look to see something that she had not expected to see. Gasping she takes a closer look to determine if she is truly seeing what she thinks that her eyes have spotted in the distance. The fright takes over her when she knows that she is seeing it correctly; a sinking ship.

Not just any ship, it's a ship that she is rather familiar with and has seen one time in her life. The first and the last time that she saw it, or that is what she thought it was. The ship belongs to her older sister; Elizabeth, who had been given the ship for her birthday two years ago. The ship has never set sail and waited for the owner. Running out of the room she goes through the hallways, knowing that there can only be one reason why that ship is on the ocean and one reason only.

The heart within her chest pounds with life as she runs the hallways, holding her dress a bit up on the parts where they will get in the way of her feet as her legs try to take her as fast as she can run down the hallways. The creatures in the hallway, she passes and some she even trips, but that is the least of her mind. Isolde's mind has only one goal and that is to get to that ship. Her older sister is on there, this she knows. It does not matter what she will do, but she will get to that ship.

It is far in the distance but close enough to be seen from there, the Harmony room is positioned high up in the castle, making her have to take rounds of stairs all that she goes. Cursing at Thomas for not designing the castle better with things that might help her to be able to not go the stairs for she hates them more than she has to. Breathing heavily Isolde continues to run down the hallways until she has reached the entrance to the castle and there she does not waste any time at running outside onto the ocean bottom.

The fish all around the castle have turned to face the girl as she runs on the bottom, not caring for the fact that they are watching her. The girl grew up with strange stares at her for the things that she did and never did she let it brother her and if they did, she would ignore it and move on with her life which only meant tracking them as well and doing something wicked. Her feet take her as fast as she can and past so many coral and other rocks and such when she goes along the bottom.

The ship that she sees is the ship that her sister owns, and it can only mean that her sister is on that ship, and it is sinking. Nothing else seems to matter as she goes towards that ship. Her sister is the only one that has ever believed in her and the only one that accepted her, even when she never said the words, Isolde always knew that her sister did care about her, still does. Now the future Queen of the ocean will not let her own sister die, rather would she walk willingly into fire. All that runs through her mind it's to get to that ship and save her sister and all who are on there.

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