🌊 XXXI 🌊

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"Sometimes all you have to do is lean back and glide with the waves"


"That wave, how did I do that?" She asks him. The wave in question had destroyed where once stood a forest, but now the ground lies beneath the water. Slowly with time it will transform into an ocean bottom where creatures from all over will claim it as their home. It is the circle of nature and water is the most powerful and most destructive of them all. Water is able to tear down the highest mountains if it wanted. Poseidon gives her a smirk. "I cannot answer that question, only you can" He tells her but that only makes her glare at him.

They are walking down the hallways, to places that sh does not know where and has never been to, but Isolde has not gone to all the parts of this castle. "That has no sense of logic at all. I did not know that I could do such a thing, and suddenly I did. You did something to me and I wish to know what it was" Isolde speaks. He should not test her patience at the moment for she might do something to him that he will regret, though it will most likely bring a smile to her face.

"If I knew all in the world there would not be a world to live in for it would not show something new" He tells her. The King is not trying to be secretive, but he does love messing and playing with her, and in a way she does deserve it. Isolde has done worse to him and will do worse in the future. She rolls her eyes at his words. "You said you would answer my questions, I asked one, and I demand an answer for it" She speaks to him, growing slightly anger at him.

There are more questions that she wish to go through, and it will not help her to have all the answers when he refuses to even tell her the truth, just keeps it from her as if she were a child that cannot know what is happening around it. She's not a child. She's a Princess, and she deserves to know what is happening to her and in her own life. She is her own person, and she does not wish to be left in the dark about her future and who she is meant to be in that future.

"You are quite demanding, has that ever been said to you?" He asks her but the glare in her eyes only grows darker the more that he speaks. He then chuckles. "The wave that you created was not entirely an event that you created yourself. The are factors that did affect the process" He answers her. "Which are?" Isolde asks, grateful that he is answering her questions but the way that he is purposely trying to shape his answers in ways that make it difficult for her to understand does annoy her terribly, and she does want to punch him.

Punching will have to wait for he does need to answer the questions, and then she can punch him all that she likes and there is no question her decision about it for the answer will always be the same; he annoyed her and does deserve to be punched, especially by her. Isolde is one to hold grudges against people and will do so without hesitation and there is no stopping her and one should be wary of standing in her way of things. "Myself for instance would be one factor that played into the plot, my brother as well, though the little that he did, it affected the whole process" Poseidon tells her.

He is truly trying to explain to her but the words in his head and the words that come out just simply will not match. Never has he felt the need to explain himself more than around her. Isolde is still human and humans do not know much about the world that they live in, mainly for their lives are short and there do not live for a long time to be able to know much about it, and if they did that would kill them even faster than their death rate already.

"Your brother?" Isolde asks, and then he realizes that he has not introduced her to his brother or any of his siblings. If it were up to him then she would never even meet any of his family, but he is aware that she has met his brother but did not realize that it was him nor that they were related. None of his siblings are similar, except perhaps for his younger brother and the youngest of them all; his sister. "He did assist. Did very little yet was there" He tells her, and the look that he gives her is one that he wishes that she picks up on.

The King is in no mood to talk about his brother or his siblings, not to mention where a part of him still is. "You were dying, and I needed to do something to save you, I will not allow you to die. Not while there is still breath in my lungs, be certain of this, Isolde, that I will never allow anyone to harm you in that manner again" He tells her, there is a warning in his tone and if looked closely one could see his ocean eyes darken.

The way that he said those words it makes her heart pound within her chest and the blood flows to her cheeks where it heats them up. She only hopes that he cannot see that, it would be a bit embarrassing for her to have to admit that she is effected by him, a lot in fact. The more that she's around him the more she begins to tolerate him and even feel things that are much deeper. The things that she survived to make her understand that she needs to capture every moment that she has and use it wisely. "You did not answer my question" Is the only thing that Isolde says.

When she's met with a moment that she has to express her feelings in any shape or form the girl will always choose the path where she does not have to speak about those feelings nor even think much of them. She's not the one to talk about what is inside her heart and would rather not do that, yet at the same time there is a part of her that wants that, a small part but a part.

The two of them are so engaged in their chat that Isolde had not even realized that they were there until he stops. She had been so distracted with him that she had not even paid much attention to the things that happened around her, the hallways that they passed and the creatures as well, all of it went past the girl, and she would not be able to tell what they had gone past on their way there. "Where are we?" She asks him, forgetting all about her different questions for now she is curious of the room that they are in now.

It takes her a couple of seconds to realize that she is now standing in the room that she had been in when Hunter had kidnapped her. With the writing on the walls and everything, the room is the same and yet it feels as if she has not been there for years. Isolde had only shortly been there before she had been taken by him. The room still amazes her and leaves her with awe, as if she were seeing it after not being there for years. Poseidon watches the girl be in awe by seeing this, and she is smiling, this he notices.

That goes past her that she herself is smiling, but at this moment she does not seem to care. He watches her with interest, his feelings for her only deepen when his eyes are looking at her. He does smile as well at her because he does enjoy looking at her. With every day she becomes more and more the person that he knows she is inside. Even facing death Isolde was able to become the true Queen that is meant to rule this world with her. "This is the place where water was created" He tells her suddenly.

Confused Isolde looks over at him and then at the writing on the walls. She does not understand it nor is she familiar with the language, and yet she does find this beauty within them. "Created? I do not understand" She admits to him. "Yes, created. I shall go deeper into the subject later for you are not prepared to hear the story of how this world came to be. However, you asked me how you were able to control that wave. The answer is fairly simple, it all depends on if you want to know the truth" He says to her.

He lets the water lift her a bit, without her even noticing it. Even when she is listening to him, she's still looking around. The place right in front of her makes her feel strangely. As if there is something in there that she feels connected to, like she feels at home there, as if she belonged there. Isolde does not understand it. Though, she might but he does. Watching her admire this place does bring him great pride for he knows that this is who is meant to rule by his side and control the ocean along with him.

"I have been eager to know the truth, I want it" She tells him. Looking him in the eyes and finding herself lost in them. There is a certain beauty in his eyes that she can never resist. The Princess who has accomplished so many things finds herself on her knees when it comes to his eyes. She would never willingly admit that, but it is the truth, whether she likes it or not, she cannot deny the truth for a long time. "All right" The King speaks.

He as well admires her eyes as well. They might not be in the same color as when they first met but still her emerald green eyes shine brighter than anything and make her seem like she is the sun that has come to bless the depths with her light and beauty. "Inside this room there is a creature that you might not realize that you know, a creature that played the biggest part of all in saving your life as well as mine" He tells her. Instantly her eyes move around, but she cannot see anyone but the two of them. Growing confused the emerald green eyes return to him once again.

Poseidon opens his mouth to speak when someone walks in the room. Ahmeya walks inside, not caring much for the fact that she has just ruined a moment between the two. "Forgive me, but I must take Isolde to prepare for the feast. We have little time and too much to do" She speaks and without another word, shocking both Poseidon and Isolde. In her shocked state she does allow her friend to drag her out of the room but once they are in the hallways she does give her a puzzled look.

"What is the meaning of this?" She asks her friend. Ahmeya only rolls her eyes. "Of course he would not tell you about the fact that there is a feast in a couple of hours. To celebrate your victory. I believe this is done in the human world and many creatures are eager to see their King and Queen" She answers her with a small smile on her face. Knowing very well that the King did not tell Isolde about it. Though, as a male species he does not understand the importance of how Ladies especially Queens need time to prepare themselves.

All eyes will be on them, and they will need to not only look the part but also act like it. Isolde was never trained to become the Queen, and even if she was she would not listen very well either way. She never liked her lessons, even when she had not the same lessons as her older sister and the lessons that her younger brother will receive when he grows older or have already started. Isolde sighs as she is not in the mood to be joining a feast.

"They do have that, Princess are not invited" She speaks. Isolde is well aware that Princesses were invited, it was she who people did not want to see. Throughout the years the King and Queen learned that balls and feasts are what inspires her to do the worst deeds and in order to prevent any pain from others or their reputation they decided that she's stay in her chambers. And Isolde liked that for she hated the balls and the parties and the feasts, she loathed them. "Not inviting you to this feast would be missing half of the purpose for the feast" Ahmeya says to her with a smile.

Pushing away the anger that she has been feeling after she almost died. While the need for revenge is still there she does wish to focus on the future for now her friend and Queen needs her. "Do not worry yourself, this feast is a small one, and it is only to celebrate victory and you. There are many who wish to meet the one that defended their home from danger. It is all they ask. I would be grateful to the one that saved my home and I do, Isolde, perhaps you do not know this, yet you are the reason for why we are still here and still alive" The ocean nymph speaks to her kindly.

Hearing this makes Isolde wonder what she had done. In truth, she does not feel like she had done anything, she did not feel like it was she who made that wave, and it was not she who defended their home. All she did was walk towards the ocean, listen to it and connected with it, and almost die. Other than that she did not do that much for them and nor did she have the ocean and the creatures there in mind when all of it happened.

"I will not be there for longer than an hour and I do not want to wear anything that will make me feel like I want to die" The Princess speaks but all that the other one does is beam. She is in need of some good time. Feasts or even balls are not held frequently in the ocean for a reason that is unknown to Ahmeya, but she has never questioned it either. "You have got yourself a deal. Still, I will need to do something with your hair. Despite the beauty of it, you cannot keep it like that forever" She tells the girl with a smile and then proceeds to drag her down the hallways.

Once again Isolde does not look around herself, and she does have thought sin her head. The questions that she had for Thomas are still there, and she will have to find the time to ask him those question for she will need to know the answers. She barely knows anything, and he does not help that much by not answering or stalling or having the answers in the forms of riddles.

That annoys her more than anything for she hates riddles, and she does not want to have these confused thoughts in her mind, yet it would seem that she does and there is very little that she can do about it now. "How long will it take to get me ready for the feast?" She asks the other girl who once they are inside her chambers closes the door and goes through the clothes that she has.

Thinking about it, Isolde realizes that perhaps the new gowns that she has are for this reason alone; feasts and balls. They did look rather too much for her taste to wear on a normal day, and perhaps she has an answer for a question that she did not even ask yet. "Only about four hours or so. Which is why we need to move quickly, there is little time that we do have and much for us to do" Ahmeya answers her. Isolde's face falls when she says how long they will be, as she had not expected her to say four hours, she believes that to be too much for her, and it would take so much of her day.

Where she could be learning more about what had happened instead of preparing for a feast that she never asked for in the first place. "I will not sit in here for four hours. I would rather walk into a battlefield" Isolde speaks with a slight glare in her eyes and a frown on her face. The girl has always had a hard time staying still in her past and she will not do will by being there for long, especially four hours. Her chambers are not that large and to make matters worse they are preparing her for a feast that will last half the time.

The girl does have more important things to do with her time and could use it wiser than this. "You will. You might be of Royal blood, but I am your friend and for now I have more power than you" Ahmeya says, clearly not backing down from this, and she is not giving up. While the ocean nymph does have a reputation for being cold she does like balls like everyone else (except for Isolde) and she does enjoy having fun every once in a while, let herself have a great time and just smile at the world.

The Princess lets out a sigh. "Three hours, no more than that or I will walk out of this room and not return" She speaks to the ocean nymph and her friend. It is not often that Isolde is the one being ordered around by someone who is not above her, still Ahmeya is her friend and she will allow that, one time. Ahmeya finally gives in. "All right, it will be three hours, yet we must begin now" Is what she says, and then she starts to prepare Isolde for the feast that is to come.

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