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"Without you there is no me, without water there is no you"


"Walking these hallways really does impress me" Isolde speaks in a boring manner. The two of them have been walking through the castle for twenty minutes. All the King does is chuckle at her words and her expression. Both of them are aware that the King is doing this on purpose. "Perhaps there is no place which you are taking me" She speaks. A thought that she has started to think this whole time. "Believe me, there is a place, and we are almost there" He tells her with an amused look on his face. When their eyes meet she rolls hers.

Though her lips do tug themselves into a small smile. Isolde has enjoyed being with him, despite the confusion and everything that he causes her to see inside, she does like being around him. She hates admitting that, but she cannot deny the truth. "I think you simply like being around me, not that I would ever fault you, being around me is incredibly entertaining, and I must say that even I love being with myself" She speaks with a small smirk on her face. Poseidon can only laugh. Still holding her hand and not wanting to let go, then again he knows that she does not wish to let go either.

Isolde has started to enjoy his warm touch on her skin. It makes her feel alive inside and even this warm blooming feeling inside her chest. Walking the hallway may be boring for the girl but being around him is not. She cannot deny that her feelings and her love for this man are growing for she already knows that it are. "Being around is not terrible, I admit, just difficult sometimes" He says. Isolde gasps as she looks at him with a smile on her face.

"You shall regret saying that" She speaks, though her tone suggests that she will not live up to her threat which is something that Isolde does not do normally. The dark brown haired future Queen is changing, slowly and softly, and it is by the influence of the man beside her and the one that holds her hand. Just as she has started to change him as well. Both of them used to be much stronger in personality, but they are creating a soft and gentle heart in each other. With their love as well as their lively spirit.

"Will I?" He asks, challenging her in a playful manner. It is what they have always done. It is their way to say that they want to be around one another and never be away from each other, but also to tell each other that they care. "Yes. Now, where are we going? I am confident that we have already walked this hallway before" Isolde asks him. When in truth she does not know if they have walked the same hallway or not. While the girl has started to be able to get around to some places, the huge castle is still a mystery to her.

Poseidon laughs. He has enjoyed very much to be around her. "We are almost there" He speaks. The same four words which he has been saying for the last twenty-five minutes and the same four words that are making her go insane. He's teasing her and loving it. "I do admire my sleep and I would really enjoy going back to my bed and sleep tonight" Isolde tells him. A fact that he knows very well. The girl sleeps and enjoys staying in bed as long as she wants. Not that he thinks any of that is wrong.

Everything that the girl does (even her humor and sarcastic behavior of defense) impresses him and depends on his care for her even more. "We are here" He tells her as he finally stops. It is in front of a door that she has never seen before. It's a door that is unlike all the other doors in the castle. This one has been locked with chains and does not appear that it has been opened for a long time. The door itself looks like all the others, but even Isolde can see that there is something, she does not know what, but something that makes it stand out from the crowd.

Perhaps it is the need for Isolde to always look towards the very thing that is not like everyone else for she is like that as well, and she feels comfortable in the presence of objects or people that are unlike the others for it relates to her. Whatever the reason, she does think that this door carries something special inside. Maybe even something dangerous which she has begun to like. "Your scandalous thoughts grow even more scandalous" She speaks as she turns her head to look at him.

He smirks at her but does not answer her, their eyes do however meet. Her emerald green eyes to his ocean ones. The contact in brief but it means everything to the two of them. The chains on the door fall to the floor with a loud thud and then the waves of the soft ocean carries them away through the hallways and never to be seen by the two of them again. The doors open before the two of them. "After you" He speaks and gestures for her to enter. "You have not brought me here to kill me, have you?" She asks.

The future Queen of the ocean would never even think that he wanted to kill her, but she had to ask, otherwise she would not be herself. Poseidon however did expect her to ask this question. "If I wanted you died, I would have allowed the poison to do that for me" He answers her questions. She rolls her eyes and tries to not think of what had happened to her the first day that she came there. She had been shot with an arrow that was laced with poison, where she nearly had died.

Both of them clearly wanting to forget that, but it is in their past, and it did happen to her and to him, the past can not be forgotten. No matter how much it is wished that it would be forgotten. There are some things that happened in the past that wish to be forgotten, and yet they stay with one forever and never leaves the soul nor the memories. "All right but if you do kill me, I will come back just to haunt you for the rest of your life and believe me, I will do things to you that will make your regret ending my life every second of your miserable life" She speaks.

A warning that she will definitely live up to if need be. He laughs and looks at her with wonder and awe. "If I were to kill you, I would let you" He tells her. Though, it is highly unlikely for him to ever kill her nor lay a hand on her for that matter. Hurting her is the very thing that Poseidon would never do. She eyes him and smile before she does walk inside the room which is dark mostly.

The ocean is a dark place, but there are tiny specks which Isolde cannot see, but they do light up the water around her, which gives her sight. This time there are no things or lights that are able to make her see. "If you had planned to take me into the darkness, then you have succeeded in that" She speaks. Feeling him behind her, there to protect her and be with her and not harm her at any kind, knowing that he is there does calm her down rather than make her feel uneasy and afraid.

Never could the emerald green-eyed girl ever be afraid of this man, she has begun to care for him, deeper than she knows. "Your eyes have yet to adjust to the darkness, although I suggest looking up, that is the main reason for why I have taken you here tonight" He tells her. His voice is soft, and the girl can swear that his voice sounds much better when in the dark. Without knowing that it is simply the fact that her other senses such as sigh have dimmed and her hearing has grown slightly heightened. To little to have her notice, but it did happen.

The smile has remained on her face the entire time, and it grows as soon as her eyes do look up to what he referred to before. Gasping to see a sight that her eyes look at. The future Queen has not yet adjusted to the dark but at least she can see this and the sight that she sees amazes her more than anything has ever done. The ocean is filled with wonder and surprise, and it will continue to impress the girl. The happiness on her face is as bright as it can be.

Up on the ceiling is something that none would ever suspect to be seen far below the surface. Hundreds upon hundreds of stars are on the wall. Glowing faintly and strongly and with colors that show the wonder that the world has to offer. Or rather the ocean itself. Tears form in her eyes once she sees this. "I love the stars" She speaks. But, he knew that already, she realizes that he had to have know that about her. "I know" He tells her. What he does not tell her is the whole reason for the room of stars.

It was a day after he had found her and knew that she was his destined Queen, he had found her in her castle. She was asleep on her bed, but she had a nightmare. Afraid, the little girl had gone to the window. She had watched the night sky and the ocean, and she had seen wonder and beauty that even as a child she understood. It was then that the King related that even if she were to be with him forever, a part of her would always be leaning towards the surface and all that is up there.

It had taken him seconds to figure out that she would always be searching for a way to connect the surface and her ocean life together. She would not find happiness. It was that realization that made him create this room. It had taken him some years to make it perfect, but magic was on his side, and it was possible. When she came to the ocean he wanted to find the perfect time to present her the room that belongs to only her and her alone, the stars are her to see and her to enjoy.

The stars sparkle with light and joy that she can see. Her eyes are unable to look away from it. Even at the bottom of the ocean, Isolde can see that these stars are true, and they are real. As if she were up at the surface, on land and looking up at the night sky. The tears run down her face and blend with the ocean itself where the King can feel the joy in her tears. The happiness that runs through her is unlike anything. Her head does not look down and even when it has begun to ache, she does not stop.

The stars are there and so will she. "It is the only thing that my parents had deemed ordinary" Isolde tells him, or rather herself or both of them. She doesn't know. When the girl was younger, her passion to look up at the sky was what everyone else did. People thought that she was normal when she did that, like them. Unlike them, Isolde looked at the sky as if it were the beauty that the world has gifted to them, and it needed to be admired. From afar and without exploiting it.

"How is this possible?" She asks softly. Her voice so low that he had almost not heard her, but he did. Poseidon would always hear her and know what she says. He is amused by her question. "After all this time, you still ask that question" He speaks and smirks, despite no one able to see it. Isolde can not help but roll her eyes at him. Still, she does not break her eye contact with the stars up there. They truly look like the night sky has been taken from the sky and brought down under the ocean surface.

"Not answering only suggests that you have much to hide" The girl points out to him. His hand sneaks itself to her one and takes her hand to hold her. "I am a King of the Deep Blue that has been alive longer than you can count, I am bound to have things to hide. Now, I wish us to enjoy this moment" He tells her. He lightly tugs her hand and makes her follow him. "All right" Isolde speaks, far too lost in this fantasy of the stars to even want to argue with him of anything at the moment.

He leads her through the dark that he can see in towards the center of the room. The room is large, smaller than a ballroom but larger in size than her bedroom which according to Isolde is rather large. This room however is rather special to her now that she has seen it. "Lie here down. We can watch it from here" Poseidon tells her. She nods, and they lie down on this small blanket fort that has been set up. There are soft seaweed pillows are also there to soften it and make it comfortable. To Isolde the seaweed and the blankets are the softest thing in the world, beside Poseidon.

Not that she would ever admit that. Though the thought of him soft and his body close to her does excite her, perhaps more than she knows. Both of them lie down, and she goes under the covers, the soft blankets that are there. She does not do so because she is cold nor that she wants warmth but rather to get comfortable and to be with him, to feel his warmth against her as he too goes under the covers. The two of them are in a position that is as scandalous as it can become.

If anyone were to find them, both of them would be ruined. Isolde's reputation would be gone and never would she marry anyone. She can mentally laugh at that as she never wanted to be married in the first place, which is why she does not wish to marry him. There are a lot of reasons why she does not wish to marry him, the main one is that Isolde would never want any man to control her nor anyone in general. She does not tend to like something like that.

"Thank you" Isolde whispers to him, far too low for her to think that he had heard her. Still, he did. Poseidon did not respond nor let her know that he had heard her. The King smiles to himself when he heard her words and know that she feels it within her heart. She is grateful for him. More than she can ever say, and this the King can tell. The two of them care for one another. Neither of them know it, but their feelings are being expressed, so hidden that they can barely see it but if looked closer, it is visible.

They stay like that for some time. Lying down under a blanket and staring up at the stars, despite being under the surface and far, far away from the actual sky. Still, this was much better. The two of them are together. The King does only hold her and wishes that he could hold her body close to his. To feel her body so close, but he will not do such a thing. Not until Isolde wants him to hold her in that way, and if she asks then he will do it. Poseidon would anything that she asked him to do.

Her wishes are his commands and would do so within a blink of an eye, no questions asked. Though, the King does always have to let his own spin on things. Cannot have anyone know that he is soft for this girl. Despite everyone having the simplest of time to figure it out. It is only Isolde that cannot see it. Perhaps because she is trying to hide the very same thing. Her soul and her words as well as her attitude has gone softer when around this man, and she is not wanting to do some trick on him every second of the day.

The beauty that is right in front of her makes her truly believe that the ocean does have all the beauty in the world. The land above has nothing compared to this. The ocean is always calm, mostly as there are sometimes things that do stir it up. The emerald green-eyed future Queen has seen that the ocean is much better than the land above, under the surface it is better to be, and yet she finds herself wanting to go back home. Longing to see her parents again.

Learning of her true father only makes that longing grow, for she knows in her heart that she only has one father, and he is a King on land. She cannot even remember the last time she had spoken to her father nor her mother. Her memories have a hard time recalling what had happened the last days of her departure. All that she knew is that she had to go. There was a pull towards the ocean, and she followed it. At the time the castle, her home, and her family did not matter to her. But, now they do.

Isolde's, as well as the King's minds are all over, thinking of the past as well as the future. The stars have this flaming affect on them. They do not need words nor do they need anything else but each other. And the stars that looking down on them comfort them. Wanting them to find this peace that only the two of them can do with each other. The love that is floating in the waves is difficult to miss, but for them, it is the simplest thing in the entire world. Still, the fact that remains, they do love one another.

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