Chapter 37: The Fact of The Matter

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Theo was holding Charlotte close and listening to her soft breaths, she had worked late into the night trying to figure out what could be done for Koy. 


Koy had more that just wounds, her mana had been broken. Magi Bonds are not meant to be used for long periods of time, but Koy had them on for a month and a half straight. When the shapeshifter had used her mana to teleport the group she broke the dam like cuffs yes, but after a flood... rivers are often reduced to mere streams. She had put her life at risk to save theirs, and had suffered for it, She was beyond weak. It was hard to know if she would ever wake up... from her mana depleted dreams.

Simon had been awake every time Charlotte went to check on the two, he was broken as well... just in a different way. His eyes were still and his gaze never looked away from Koy, and he had never said a word.

Theo had went with Charlotte a few times and had seen how the mage had been. His hair a mess and his soul tired, his clothes still covered in dirt. 

"Has he eaten anything yet?" Theo whispered to Charlotte as they left the room, the moon the only witness to their conversation.

"No, he hasn't... I left some for him but he didn't eat it." She sighed as she held his hand and walked down the hall toward the stairs.

"Has he even slept, or even gotten up from that chair?"

Charlotte shook her head. "I even left him a book to keep him busy... it hasn't been moved at all."

"By the Maker... He's that Broken?"

"Who wouldn't be... Koy... I don't know what to do for her at this point."

The two made it towards their tent where Theo laid down and stared at the ceiling, he felt Charlotte curl up next to him as they both fell asleep.


The next morning was a little colder, but nothing a coat could not handle.

Theo got up and covered Charlotte up before walking to the dinning hall, She needed the sleep

Enddie and Zack were sitting in their normal spots when Theo sat down next to them.

"Letting Charlotte sleep in? Understandable..." Enddie spoke as he took a bite out of his breakfast.

"I was honestly afraid she wouldn't sleep..."

"H-how is Simon? I didn't see him this morning, not even for his morning tea..."

Theo sighed as he looked at his coffee. "Physically fine... but I don't think that he will be leaving Koy's side til she wakes up."

The brothers looked at each other with worry in their eyes.


The rest of breakfast was silent as people came and went. 

Theo knew things wouldn't be the same for the next few weeks

but the fact of the matter...

was that everyone was just waiting, and hoping for the best.

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