side Quest: meeting with the Golden deer

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Y/n's pov:

Profesor byleth told me she got a call from lady Rhea, so she ask me to check the other houses by myself, she worry i get lost but i told her i be fine, as i being Walk for segunds i suddendly pump into someone and both of us fell on ground.

????: Ouch, sorry i didn't see you- looks at him and helps him up- hey you new around here? Why you wear bandages on your eyes?

Y/n: well uh

????: Claude there you are, geez you always walk around before class begins plus we gotta meet the new kid.

Y/n: Claude? Who's Claude?

Claude: that would be me, names Claude von riegan from the riegan family or just Claude, welcome to the officers academy new kid, say to him Hilda.

Hilda: what!? That kid Is the new student? - was shock seeing him- His...His...

Claude: yeah His looks new with the ears and the Tail even the b-

Hilda: SO CUTE! - hugs him - such a adorable Cat person thing, i don't care! Can we keep him?!

Claude: only if His alive from your hugging - points to him-

Hilda: - looks at the new kid pass out - 0_0 woops hehehe - seperates the hug so he can breath- sorry about that.

Y/n: - cough bit - God, i thought i get killed by those breasts of hers! Who would die from that?!

- at the Golden deer class room-

Claude: Alright people, this Is the new kid...uhhhh...

Hilda: how could you forgot to ask His name Claude? - sigh-

Y/n: Y/n

Claude: hm?

Y/n: my name..

Claude: oh, right Y/n, His name Is Y/n and i have a feeling that teach send him to check each house and i bet he check the black Eagles, anyways this Is Lorenz

Lorenz: why greetings Y/n, would you mind to have a tea after this? Which flavor would you like add?

Claude: this Is Leonie

Leonie: so you meet the profesor huh? You know His dad Is jeralt from a mercernary but former knights of seiros from the past?

Y/n: i never knew about that nor ask about it, hope i don't make mad to her dad.

Claude: the big guy Is Raphael loves food and training.

Raphael: oh hey there - eats some steak- you look skinny, want some? - hands over steak while smiling- 

Y/n: uhm m-maybe later?

Claude: and the light blue girl over there Is Marianne

Marianne: uhm...hi....

Lysithea: don't worry, she nervous sometimes but she Is very fríendly when you get to know her and i am lysithea btw

Ignatz: oh and hi I'm ignatz, you look like had eye problems did Something happen to you?

Claude: bet His blind from idk since day one and can't see Forever?

Hilda: - hits His shoulder- hey!

Claude: I'm joking Hilda - laugh a bit-

Y/n: actually.....i am blind

Suddendly they when silent of very akward moment and cough a bit until profesor byleth arrive

Byleth: hey students I'm back, why this place Is Quiet? Did Something happen?

Ignatz: didn't mención us His blind? Is it true?

Byleth: Yeah but with His Crest he uh can Sense all life or Something? Idk?.

Y/n: kinda I'm blind but with Crest allow me to see like norma people plus it still mistery the rest of Crest can do.

Hilda: so what he can see everything like some god?

Y/n: mhm kinda but yeah.

Byleth: Y/n can you check on the blue lion, i bet Dimitri and my brother would like to meet you.

Y/n: sure thing- walks away heading to the blue lion while now realise Something- wait....she has a brother?!

Quest complete.

A/n: and yes this book would be first to add both Versions of byleth's cause i love and got interést from a cómic about what if two byleths we're born instead one, the next Quest Will be the blue lion and after that continúe the story.

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