You have a what??

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Thx to those who enjoyed my story! Feel free to give critiques cause I don't know everything or suggestions!! Ok recap: "Nat! Oh um who are you two?" Asked Clint, as the three walked out.

"Percy, her cousin and Annabeth, my girlfriend." Percy said casually as Clint raised an eyebrow at them. 

"Since when did you have a cousin?" Clint nodded toward Natasha confused. 

"Since 18 yrs ago." Natasha replied sarcastically. (Percy's 18 btw)

"We met like 2 weeks ago." Annabeth said sincerely. 

"And you haven't told me?!" Clint said incredulously. 

Natasha gave him a look saying: Do I need to? "Anyway, this is Clint and he mainly does archery." 

Percy looked at Annabeth. Apollo... they both thought. "So your good with archery?" Asked Annabeth.

"Yea, but that's not the only thing I'm good at." Answered Clint, feeling defensive.  

"Cool can you show us!" Asked Percy excitedly. 

"Sure let's go to the gym" Clint said nodding at them to follow as he led them to the elevator. 

"You guys go ahead, I have a few things to do." Natasha said, before turning.

Both Percy and Annabeth looked at the elevator barely noticing the redhead had disappeared. Then they had a repeat of the last time, as they both tumbled out, looking at Clint's confused face.

"Um, you guys ok?" Asked Clint as they both nodded. Clint led them to the huge gym and he grabbed his bow and arrows of the rack. Each time he demonstrated the arrow hits bulls eye. 

"Awsome!" Said Percy as he picked up a sword hanging on the rack. 

"Woah careful with that!"Clint called out.

"Percy!" Annabeth exclaimed, as percy laughed sheepishly and put back the sword.

"Nat's pretty good with swords, tho she's better  with knifes if you want to learn a bit about it." Clint suggested. "How about I show you guys some simple fighting stuff, since everyone in this tower needs some type of self defence, especially with Tony's huge ego." He chuckled.

The two teens watched confused, as Clint got some punching bags ready for them.

Percy and Annabeth both fumbled around, and pretend they had terrible technique. I mean you have to perfect not being good to be even better right? 

Clint just stared at their horrendous kicking and punching. Even an everyday human being could throw a decent punch and kick right? He thought, but soon realised that he had been proven wrong.

So, instead he thought archery was an activity done at camps or for fun, even with toys right? Before he handed them both some safe, hopefully not deadly arrows. You never know with teens right. 

They both hit the target, with most in white, some in red and blue. That's better he thought, that seemed like something he could work with them on. Until...


Natasha had a lot running through her mind. There's just something about Percy that seemed so familiar. Walking back to her room, she opened her laptop and googled Percy.

"Wow, I can't believe I'm acting like Tony, with all the google searches." She muttered to herself.

The search came up with a few results, boy disappears with mother, fight with guns etc. Gee, does violence run in the family or something, thinking back to her fights when she was young. Of course, it was forced by the red room, but... she realised the similarity of the occasions. Percy may have been defending himself? But why take his mother? 

Nat had read through his file to know that he had a stepfather Gabe Ugliano when he was young. Then her mind went into overdrive as she grew protective of her past. 

Were there other red rooms? They were only for girls right? The winter soldier had proved that wrong... 

After calming down she analysed Percy's behaviour. He seemed like a normal kid, except the obsession with blue cookies and the weird look at elevators.

She thought back to the letter that started all this. Who had she met? Percy? There is definitely something weird about all of this. She just needed to crack it like she always did. 

Suddenly she heard a crash in the hallway...

Going out to check, she found herself looking at the two teens laughing their heads off, a smug looking Clint and a very mad Tony drenched in water...

So... did you guys like the chapter? Comment whether you want Thor to know them or not? Or if you want him in the story. Hope you enjoyed!! Thank you to those who do comment, keep it up, I enjoy hearing your suggestions or anything you want to talk about!! :) I'll reveal what happens to Tony in the next chapter!! 

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