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Hunting for a stag was not on Anne's to-do list for the day, but it was Peter's idea, and Susan had suggested she was their lucky charm. At 30 years old, she'd have preferred to stay in her bed for the day, eating copious amounts of Narnia chocolate, and detailing her latest discoveries from the night before in her book. Speaking of, Anne groaned quietly as she realised she left it in her quarters. Her original plant journal was locked away, but she'd made a replica, to detail her own discoveries in.

"Come on Annie!" Peter shouts from ahead on his horse, Anne rides past Edmund and further into the woods.

Autumn had come now, and the leaves were beautiful shades of orange and yellow. One of Anne's past suitors had commented that in Autumn her hair matched the tress - it was one of the only nice things he said about her before Edmund beat him in a sword fight and he sulked back to his own kingdom.

"Come on, Ed," Susan leads the group back to their brother who'd fallen behind.

"Just catching my breath,"

"That's all we'll catch at this rate,"

"What did he say again, Anne?" Lucy asks rhetorically

"'You girls wait in the castle. I'll get the stag myself'," she mocks, they all laugh, But Peter dismounts his horse

"What's this?" he looks up at a lamppost, covered in vines, but still alight "It seems familiar,"

"As if from a dream," Susan mutters

"Or a dream of a dream..." As Lucy speaks, Anne touches her necklace, she couldn't remember who gave it to her, but it certainly wasn't from Narnia "Spare Oom!" Lucy runs off deeper into the woods suddenly.


"Not again,"

"We should be used to thisby now," they run after her "Lou?!"

"Come on!" she leads them through thick branches which narrow and barricade them in

"These aren't branches..." Peter realises as they enter a new area.

"They're coats..." Susan mutters

"Susan, you're on my foot!"

"Peter, move off!"

"Anne, that's my knee!"

The voices get louder, but higher-pitched.

"Stop shoving!"

"Stop it! I'm not on your toe!"

"That's my hair Peter!" as Anne screams, the five siblings fall forward, and out of a wardrobe.

The wardrobe.

Anne looks down at herself and sees she's wearing a pink cardigan and grey skirt "What?" she looks at her siblings, and children stare back. The door rattles, and an older man enters.

"Oh! There you are,"

"Professor?" Anne asks disbelievingly


"What were you all doing in the wardrobe?" he smiles, almost knowingly and the five glance at each other

"You wouldn't believe us if we told you, sir," the Professor throws a cricket ball to Peter, Anne looks at it with widened eyes. It felt like it'd been years since she'd seen it - it had been.

"Try me,".


(notes: it's kind of mental that I finished this in less than a week...Uh anyway, please comment! I wanna know your thoughts! I worked really hard on this fic and plot,)

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