Part 8

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Italics- Lydia's voices/visions


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Lydia fluttered her eyes open to see that she was sleeping on her side, facing the bigger side of her room towards the door. She couldn't bring herself to turn over so just decided to stay that way.

Oliver Queen.

Oliver Queen?

She couldn't process what had just happened last night and she didn't know what to do. It was more of her stupid 'experiments' but it was way to see if she had feelings.

Nothing was there.

Lydia finally flipped over and was confused as to why Oliver wasn't in the bed. It was more calming to know that she didn't have to face or speak to him. She pulled the sheets up and sat up. When her feet touched the wooden floors, they crinkled because it was cold. She leaned over to look at her phone and there were no messages or calls. 

She lifted herself off the bed and felt lightheaded, catching herself on the nightstand. She winced, touching her forehead, feeling the short pounding pain.

Lydia tiptoed to the bathroom and into the shower, turning on the hot water. She soaped the loofah and scrubbed herself softly before washing her hair.

Lydia looked down and saw a trail of blood flow down into the drain. Her head perked up when she felt a presence behind her. She slowly turned her head and saw Sara standing in the corner of the shower.

"Why won't you tell them?" She asked softly. 'Because Thea killed you,' Lydia thought. "Please tell them." 'In time'

Lydia snapped out her trance, leaning her head onto the wall, feeling the water run down her hair and onto her back. She raspberried, blowing the water out of her mouth as is it trailed down her face. She finally turned off the water and slightly opened the door of the shower, grabbing her towel. Lydia wrapped the towel around her body before stepping out into slippers.

Her eyes went big and she held her breath when she saw Oliver standing there. She couldn't quite figure out where he got the gray sweatpants he was wearing, but he looked great in them; shirtless and everything.

She held her arm as the left hand covered her neck; her vulnerable spot. She felt this uneasy fill her stomach as the tension in the room filled.

This 'experiment' was wrong.

Lydia tried not to look in his blue eyes and glanced at the foggy glass. She slicked back her wet hair to do something so she wouldn't look dumb. It was unusual for her to feel shy around the guy, it was usually the other way around.

"Breakfast is ready," Oliver spoke with a smile, snapping her out of her thoughts. She exhaled with a nod, breaking a smile. Once he left, she finally relaxed her whole body and turned to the sink.

As she was putting on makeup and getting ready, she drowned back in her thoughts.

Oliver Queen.

Back when she was in high school, she would've wanted someone exactly like him. Tall, buff, dangerous, but also sweet and caring and would do anything for her. But now with all of the trust issues and numbness, she had no clue what to feel.

Was he a friend with benefits?

Lydia stepped out of her room and stopped once she reached the perimeter of the living room. At the dining table, there was a stack of pancakes, a pitcher of orange juice, bacon, scrambled eggs, and fruits.

"I didn't know you cooked," she said, sitting down at the head of the table across from him. "I learned," he said with his big charming smile. She picked two pancakes and set them on her plate with eggs and bacon. She also drizzled the syrup heavily on her food and poured juice in her cup.

She cut up the food and was about to put it in her mouth, but saw Oliver staring at her. "What? I'm hungry," she exclaimed and he let out a chuckle. "It's okay," he said and she continued to eat.

Lydia stopped to drink her juice, looking out the view and felt a butterfly sensation create in the pit of her stomach and she nearly gagged. She set down the glass and played with the bottom of her floral dress. There was a small expansion of her dark, cold heart and she let out a snort.

"You okay?" He asked and she made a small nod with a smile. Her phone started to buzz and she looked down, "Sorry, I have to go to work." Lydia got out her seat, grabbing her bag and turned around, "I had a great time with you."


It was the afternoon and Lydia's patient just walked out the door. She leaned to the table and began doing paperwork, trying to stay busy.

Lydia couldn't help but think about Oliver. She sighed, leaning back in her black chair and rested her head on her fist. Her phone buzzed and she was surprised to see the text message, 'Come to the janitor's closet.'

She left her office and walked down the dimmed hallway. Once she reached the closet's door, she looked to see if anyone was watching and walked in.

"What are you doing here?" She whispered shouted, seeing Oliver come out of the corner. "I had to sneak in because we don't have any appointments," he explained, pressing her against the wall.

Lydia couldn't understand why he was there. She guessed he assumed that because they slept together, they were dating.

She felt his hand slip behind her waist and his head leaned in to kiss her neck. She tried to push him away but ended up gripping his back and pulled him in tightly. "I feel like I'm back in high school," she joked. "Sneaking around and kissing in the closet or the coach's office," Oliver finished. "Definitely the second one," she let out a small laugh.

She was slightly enjoying it.

Lydia's smile faded when she saw Sara lurking in the corner, behind the shelves. "Tell them," she whispered. Lydia couldn't feel Oliver kisses anymore even though he was still there. 'Soon' she said telepathically.

"Shhh," she hushed and he pulled back. "What's wrong?" He asked, faintly chuckling under his breath. "Uhm..." she wandered her eyes to see that Sara was gone. "We should take this slow." Lydia saw that he nodded, completely understanding.


Fuck the World (Summer in London) (instrumental) - Brent Faiyaz
"Just cause I fuck you, don't mean I trust you. I don't. cause you got some high hopes"

Damn that's crazy

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