The moment y'all been waiting for had arrived.
Again, did sorry for not updating this story. I went to school in March and came back May. And I was working on this new mafia story so please pardon me
As time flew, change progressed, and change can be for better or for worse.
Kagaya's illness worsened, demons were more hated, Kokushibo continued searching for Name and Nakime continued to hide her feelings for Upper Moon One.
Despite all this, the master could see the future being bright but a price had to be paid.
Not too long ago, Lady Amane was coming back from the forest since she was unable to sleep.
Her family knew not of her absence and so they slept on. She herself wondered how she managed to walk that far away from the corps and to somewhere... dangerous
It was a forest, thick with vegatation and had a nice cool atmosphere. It seemed like it would be perfect for two young lovers to go in during day and let their young wild hearts go free.
Lady Amane found a few flowers of her liking and plucked them before turning back the way she came.
It's close to midnight,and something evil lurking in the dark. Under the moon light, she sees a sight that almost stops her heart, she tries to scream, but terror takes the sound before she makes it, she starts to freeze, as horror looks her right between the eyes, she's paralyzed....
Cuz it's a thriller
Two eyes watched her filled with bloodlust as she tried to run away, an eerie feeling looming over her as she picked up the pace.
Shrill was a cry sounded as the first lady of the demon slayer corps was tackled to the ground.
The hideous beast created from the blood that was a curse to the Ubuyashiki family towered above, hunger filled eyes and drooling as it licked its lips in delight.
Is this how I die? At the hands of a demon? My husband and this the end of me? Oh great gods and goddesses, please send a savior to me - Lady Amane prayed as the demon leaned in closer to take a bite out of her.
A bright light blinded Amane as the demon was off her in a second, her prayer was answered. She looked up to see her savior who was none other than the beloved Name Takahashi, aka Light Hashira.
"Lady Amane, are you okay? I was about to retire for bed when I felt like patrolling one last time" Name said as she helped Lady Amane up
"I'm okay now that you're here"said Amane who dusted herself
"Let me take care of that" Name said pointing to the demon who was slowly regenerating.
One swing of a blade was all it took for the demon to go to hell.
"Lady Takahashi, I must say, you have grown even stronger" Amane commented
"Thank you, it seems the new style of training I undertake I'd paying off" said Name casually
"Let me escort you home safely, better still, let me carry you" Name offered as Lady Amane shook her head
"Please don't carry me, I can walk just fine"
Name carried Amane bridal style as she had a faint blush being in Name's strong arms, the last time she was carried bridal style was on her wedding day.
"I advise you close your eyes if you fear heights" Name said and leaped, grabbing a vine and swinging high into the air before landing a reasonable distance away from the forest.
She ran at top speed leaving a thin tail of light and it wasn't long before they arrived and Name stepped quietly onto the engawa of the Ubuyashiki mansion.
"We're here Lady Amane" said the light pillar as she gently placed the older woman on the ground
"Thank you Lady Takahashi" Amane said with a bow
"Thanks is not needed, it's my duty, please go get your beauty sleep and pretend you had a normal night" with that, Name left in a blur
Okay, Time skip cuz am super lazy
"Lady Kanao, please help" Aoi begged as Kanao was having internal struggles in making a decision
Name on the other hand, was enjoying a barbecue with Giyuu and her girls, casually telling jokes and her curious daughters asking Giyuu questions about pillars
"Snake!" Yumi yelled as an albino snake crept into the lush garden of the light pillar
"Let's kill it" Miyako declared and went to look for a shovel.
Poor Obanai was looking for his pet snake Kaburamaru when he heard a voice saying snake and another saying they should kill it.
He'd be heart broken if his dear friend died and on the other hand, he wondered what kind of barbecue was smelling so good.
"Yes he should" Obanai said as he walked past the two girls and straight to Name
"Give him back" he demanded
"Y'know, you could be more polite. I just saved your snake from reuniting with his ancestors and you cross the threshold of my home without even greeting me and demand your snake the rudest way possible? No wonder no one likes you" Name scoffed as she handed him Kaburamaru
"What?! People like me, it's Tomioka no one likes" Obanai protested
"Well, he's here with me and my girls, we chilling together, I'd say he's pretty liked. What about you?" she challenged as Obanai was left speechless
"Relax Name, this is supposed to be a people picnic, no need to let your blood boil" Giyuu advised
"I guess you're right" she sighed "Arguing is childish anyways. Let's be on good terms with each other"
"Mmm, something smells so good!" Mitsuri said out if the blue
"Oh hi guys, didn't see you there" she waved "Can I join your barbeque Name?"she asked shyly
"Sure, it more than enough, you too Obanai, you're all invited" Name told them happily as Mitsuri eagerly sat down for food
I'm really lazy ppl
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