Character info

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Name: (name) Takahashi

Age: 19

Gender: Female

Height: 5,7

Skin tone: fair with a mild tan look

Eye color: blend of teal and blue

Favorite color: dark colors

Favorite food: grilled chicken and miso soup

Favorite beverage: fruit juice

Favorite dessert; mochi and anything expensive

Hair length: 2 inches below the waist

Hair color: brunette

Hair texture: curly afro-like

Likes: reading,singing

Dislikes: demons, wicked people

Weapon: nichirin whip sword, sais, and stiletto pin ( kinda like what Yor uses in Spy x family)

Weight: 110 lbs

Body build: slender, curvaceous and toned with thick strong thighs

Abilities and feats include:
Poison tolerance
Speed and flexibility
Monstrous strength (capable of carrying anything 3x her own weight)

Fast healing
Quick reflexes
Durability and stamina
Master in combat and martial arts

Her sword


er sais

Her stiletto

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