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Saturday morning were always slow.

Everyone slept in and took their time getting out of their dorms.

In Tokoyami's room the only difference was the two people in the room.(and the quirk manifestation)

The sunlight shined through the window hitting Izuku it's gentleness lulling him awake.

Midoriya's POV

I groaned while the light hit my eyes.

Attempting to roll over I felt an arm on my waist.

Panicking I looked around the room, and after looking around last night hit me, mumbling a soft


I slowly and as quietly as possible tried to leave, but in moving Tokoyami stirred.

'Double shit'

I tried to sneak out before he could open his eyes, but he woke up fairly quickly,

As I tried to slip by him and grab my shoes, I felt his hand on my arm.

"Midoriya *yawns* where are you going?"

Stumbling and stuttering over my words I managed to get a response out. Curse my larynx.

"I-I was j-just going for... a shower?"

"Why does that sound like a question rather than an answer."

I opened and closed my mouth, not having an answer or crappy excuse.

Tokoyami's POV

I had just woken up when I saw Midoriya trying to leave.

Right now he just keeps opening and closing his mouth like he doesn't know what to say.

"Alright *yawn* give me a minute to get ready and then we can go downstairs."

He just blushed and nodded his head, and I went to the bathroom to get ready.


I walked out of the  bathroom to see him just sitting on the bed fiddling with his fingers, looking down.

"You ready?"

He looked up at me and nodded, embarrassed.

I chuckle and try to cover it with a cough.

We made our way downstairs, the tension finally retreating and we settled into a conversation.

"Okay, but listen Edgeshot would be the perfect hero for your next work study. He could teach you how to utilize the shadows more and-"

"Yeah," I cut Midoriya off before he goes into a mumble rampage "but Hawks already requested me to come back this year."

"You've gone to him for every internship since last years sport festival."

"I know but I learn mor-"

I get cut off by the sounds of clatter in the kitchen, walking in we see Kaminari struggling with some bowls.

Flour was all over the floor and eggs were cracked open on the counters with the water running in the sink.

Kaminari was no better.

Covered in flour, eggs, and milk from head to toe.

"Hey Kaminari"

"Do you need some help?"

He turned around with the speed to give himself whiplash.

"Hey...I uhhh I do need some help"

He mumbled a small "please"

Midoriya and I looked at each other trying to heold back laughter.

He sighed and threw his hands up in defeat.

"Please guys"

We both started to laugh after agreeing.

"Sure Kami now what were you trying to make?"

"Pancakes... and Kami?"

Midoriya started looking flustered spouttering over his words to try and apology.

"It's fine you can call me Kami as  long as I get to call you Mido."

Midoriya paused completely before shaking his head slightly.

"Ok, yeah you can call me Mido."


So like I know I dipped out and disappeared for almost a yar but things got really complicated in my life. But I'm glad to say that things are going better and smoother. But with these new chapters they are going to be shorter so that I can pace myself better. Thanks for reading my crap. Eat a meal, drink some water, and get some sleep.

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