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3 Days Later

Howard Stark looked down at the screen with hope in his eyes. Hope of finding his two missing friends. They had found the tesseract hours ago but he refused to give up.

"Take us to the next grid point." Howard orders.

"But there's no trace of wreckage. And the energy signature stops here." His assistant argues.

"Just keep look-" Howards spots something on the screen. He points at it. "What's that?"

The assistant moves the machine towards the mysterious object, "It looks like a person."

"Well bring them up." Howard shouts.


Two men grab hold of the limp person and Howard rushes towards them. But before he can reach her. She bolts up, gasping for breath.

Howard crouches down it front of her, "Demi?" He asks.

She looks up at him with tears in her eyes, "He's gone. Isn't he?"

Howard looks at her sadly and nods. "I'm sorry, Demi."

She brings her knees into her chest and sobs into them.


Demi is sat in a recovery room on the bed, her knees pulled into her chest, her just looking around the room. She was waiting for someone to show up, anyone.

The doors burst open and four figures walk in. They were Howard Stark, Peggy Carter, Colonel Chester Phillips and Abraham Erskine.

Peggy rushed forward immediately and wraps her arms around Demi.

Then Erskine walks forwards and sits beside the girl he saw as a daughter and places his hand on her shoulder.

While Howard and Phillips watched with sympathy for the girl. She had been through so much over the past 1000 years. 

She was broken.

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