The CycleRunner: Prologue

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The universe is a mystery filled with endless possibilities and the entity that controls the universe is known as The Black Star.

The Black Star creates all life within the universe but with there is life there's good and evil when there is too much of each or a disturbance The Black Star dispatches an unstoppable group with great power known as The CycleRunners.

The CycleRunners are tasked by The Black Star to keep balance throughout the entire universe by any means necessary no matter how long it takes them.

The CycleRunners are equipped with items to help them with their task. These powerful items that give them special abilities are called Black Items that they can summon at will, the Black Items can be anything.

The reason why they are called The CycleRunners is that they call the universe a Cycle because when the universe ends The Black Star will create another universe with different possibilities like an infinite loop. When there is a new Cycle there's always a new task, the CycleRunners will rise from the ground to begin the adventure. Once a task in that Cycle is complete The CycleRunners are free to do whatever they want until they die they will arise in a new and different Cycle. If a CycleRunner dies without completing the task they will arise in that same Cycle until the job is done.

But recently the numbers of The CycleRunners started decreasing and The Black Star is unaware of this event, fortunately, there is one CycleRunner that will uncover the disappearance of The CycleRunners and discover what secrets The Black Star hides from all.

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