Part 19- Ayanokoji VS Sukuna

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Scene/ POV
: Speech
- Thoughts
Cursed Technique
(Author Note)

With Everyone

Gojo had returned after Angel used her Jaccob's Ladder.

Ayanokoji was with Choso.

Ayanokoji: You sure about this?

Choso: They will live on inside you.

Ayaokoji: I see. Then I'll live my life to the fullest. I refuse to die.

Choso: Thank you, brother.

Ayanokoji: You can count on me.

Gojo showed up.

Ayanokoji: I'll talk to you later Choso.

Choso: Yeah.

Choso leaves.

Ayanokji: Welcome back Gojo-Sensei.

Gojo: The date for my battle with Sukuna is the 24 of December.

Ayanokoji: I see. You should talk to Shoko-San. Before you go.

Gojo: Huh? Why?

Ayanokoji: Isn't it obvious? She's your friend. You've been so concieted to think you've been alone all this time. She's been with you that entire time. 

Gojo: But I'm the strongest. Because of that...

Ayanokoji: It's just an excuse. Those that are alone only are because they choose to feel that way. The value of companionship isn't derived from strength but from the emotion they bring out. How do you feel when you are with Shoko-San?

Gojo: It's fun I guess.

Ayanokoji: Then isn't that enough?

Gojo laughs.

Gojo: You're right Kiyotaka.

Gojo- Kiyotaka is stronger than Yuta now. He's approaching my level thanks to his training with Kusakabe and the techniques he just learned. Soon we will be equals. Haha. I guess just the knowledge that I was here was like a parent holding your hand until you're an adult stifling the kid's growth. Ayanokoji. You've become strong. I wish Megumi was in the same boat. It could have been the three of us.

Gojo: About Megumi. You really don't have any intention of saving him?

Ayanokoji: Only those who want to be saved can be saved. Gojo-Sensei. Before Megumi can feel he is responsible for any more death kill him and Sukuna.

Gojo looks regretful but he thinks of how Megumi feels.

Gojo: I got it.


December 25th

Gojo walked down the stairs wearing a serious impression as Ayanokoji stopped him.

Ayanokoji: Gojo-Sensei. Remember. Mahoraga will become an issue.

Gojo: I know.

Gojo starts walking away with a serious expression. Ayanokoji stops him again.

Ayanokoji: Gojo-Sensei. Give it your all.

Ayanokoji pats him on the back as Gojo smiles undoing his Infinity after as everyone gives him words of encouragement patting him on the back.

Ayanokoji- If Gojo-Sensei and Kashimo lose I'll kill Sukuna.


December 25th- Shinjuku

Ayanokoji: You... can't be serious.

Nobara: Gojo...

Horikita: He lost!?

Ayanokoji- That last slashing attack. It bypassed his Infinity.

Ayanokojji gritted his teeth in anger.

Ayanokoji- Not yet. It's not my turn yet.

Ayanokoji stepped out.

Horikita: You're going?

Ayanokoji: Inform me if Kashimo loses.

Horikita: Got it.

Ayanokoji walks out of the room.

Horikita- He's really going to do it.


White Room

Ayanokoji walked through blood-soaked halls and countless staff dead on the floor.

Ayanokoji opened the next door with both his hands to find his father sitting quietly in his seat waiting for him.

Atsumi: So you've come Kiyotaka. Quite the mess you made on the way.

Ayanokoji: You realise why I'm here right?

Atsumi: I know already.

Ayanokoji: Why are you so calm then?

Atsumi: Kanjaku will achieve my wishes. I have no need to fear my own death. I've seen in countless times in my past.

Ayanokoji: Tell me about you and Kenjaku.

Atsumi: I had no clue about that until he approached me in Suguru Geto's body. I feel for the woman he was inhabiting. She introduced me to a whole new world.

Ayanokoji: She manipulated you into going along with her plans.

Atsumi: I suppose she did but that is of no matter to me. After all,  it was just a financial exchange.

Ayanokoji: Did you ever see me as your son?

Atsumii: No. I didn't.

Ayanokoji: I see. I'm going to kill you now.

Atsumi sighs.

Atsumi: I know.

Ayanokoji: Do you have any regrets?

Atsumi: I regret not being able to see the end of this. I really want to see you reach the top.

Ayannokoji: In some twisted way you still end up being able to sound like my father.

Atsumi: Does it bother you that much?

Ayanokoji: No not really. That's just the way you are. After all, you will always be scum until the end.

Ayanokoji kills him in one swift and clean motion.


After Kashimo Death

Ayanokoji steps out onto the battlefield.

Sukuna: Ayanokoji. It's been a while. Looks like you want a rematch.

Ayanokoji: Yeah. I'll use this chance to kill you myself.

Sukuna: Then try it.

Ayanokoji charges towards Sukuna dodging the slashing attacks.

Sukuna- He can dodge my slashes?

Ayanokoji closes the distance.

Sukuna- He's been training. Haha!

Ayanokoji and Sukuna enter a fierce exchange. 2 arms vs 4 arms.

Ayanokoji lands a hit chopping at Sukuna's Stomach.

Ayanokoji: Muramasa!

Sukuna- It can't be! This Monster!

A slashing wound appeared on Sukuna's stomach as he punched Ayanokoji creating distance.

Sukuna- He's replicated my Cursed Technique? Haha!!! 

Sukuna: You never fail to impress me Ayanokoji!!!

Ayanokoji makes a hand motion.

Ayanokoji: Uchitsune!

 A slashing wound appears on Sukuna's chest.

Sukuna- He can even do it at long range though the power is not as great. He's not using Cleave or Dismantle. He's using his Cursed Energy. He's mastered the way to utilise it in a way that he can send it off as projectiles with such simple motion. That means with each hit I take I'll take the full force of his punches and I'll gain a slash wound as well.

Ayanokoji rushes it as Sukuna creates slashes that he dodges.

Ayanokoji: Uchitsune!

Ayanokoji sends another Longe-Range Slashing attack as Sukuna evades it and engages him throwing a punch as Ayanokoji intercepts it scoring a hit to his lungs as a slashing mark appears on Ayanokoji.

Sukuna: Cleave!

Ayanokoji quickly heals it.

Sukuna- He's even better at the Reverse Cursed Technique than before!

Shoko looked on from above.

Shoko: I admit it. He's better than me at Reverse Cursed Technique.

Shoko sighed, tears falling from her eyes.

Shoko- Why did you have to go and die Gojo? Don't you get it? I'm the one who's all alone now.

Ayanokoji countered Sukuna's attack. His arms were bother caught by Sukuna who who started slashing his body left and right before letting go of him. Ayanokoji stumbled back.

Ayanokoji- His strength is truly formidable.

Ayanokoji healed himself.

Sukuna: You can still keep going huh? I'm glad!

Suddenly the blood near Sukuna exploded out.

Ayanokoji: Blood Manipulation: Supernova!

 Sukuna took massive damage from the attack.

Sukuna- Damn it! I can't use the Reverse Cursed Technique as effectively yet. He let me catch his arms to lull me into a sense of victory.

Sukuna jumps back.

Sukuna: Ayanokoji. You've really managed to interest me completely. Kenjaku was right. You would be at the forefront of Jujutsu. Well, you would be if not for me. I'll cut you down here in Shinjuku and take that place for myself.

Ayanokoji: Kogane. Add a rule. When a player dies all of their points are transferred to the Player who killed them.

Kogane: Processing... added.

Ayanokoji: I'll be taking back those points from you as well Sukuna.

Sukuna: Haha. I like the confidence but don't get full of yourself.

Ayanokoji: I'll kill you here and now.

Sukuna rushes in going on the offensive as he uses his arms to attack Ayanokoji who fends him off attempting to get his own blows in as Sukuna blocks an attack.

Sukuna: You're so entertaining Ayanokoji!

Ayanokoji hits Sukune in the arm.

Ayanokoji: Uchitsune!

The slash severs his arm cleanly as Sukuna has a look of surprise as he backs off.

Sukuna- That's impossible. Before the attack was strong but not this much. Ah I get it. A Binding Vow. The closer the target is the more powerful Uchitsune is? Using such a Binding Vow on a technique named after a bow? What a devious bastard!

Ayanokoji now rushes in attacking Sukuna as he weaves past a punch stopping another with his hand and then the last with his other hand. Sukuna then places his hand on Ayanokoji's shoulder.

Sukuna: Cleave!

Cut marks appear all over Ayanokoji's body as his arm is cut off. However despite this Ayanokoji throws a punch as Sukuna jumps back avoiding it.

Ayanokoji: Uchitsune!

The punch releases a slashing attack as it hits Sukuna.

Sukuna- It seems I was incorrect. It seems the technique's power only increases to that extent when he lands a direct hit. But then what is the use of Muramasa? Oh I see. It's his equivalent to Dismantle. This means that in truth Uchitsune is a CCursed Technique that allows him to adjust its power. Copying me exactly huh? Haha.

Ayanokoji's arm attaches to him quickly.

Ayanokoji: Blood Manipulation: Blood Stitching!

Ayanokoji then heals himself using the Reverse Cursed Technique.

Sukuna- So severing his limbs is pointless unless I capitalise on it.

Ayanokoji then forms a katana in his hands.

Ayanokoji: Cursed Gauntlet Of Retribution!

Sukuna- Using that? I already know the trick to it. That's a miscalculation Ayanokoji.

Ayanokoji swings his arm at Sukuna who blocks it.

Sukuna- The blade extended?

Sukuna just barely dodges and the ground the sword touches opens up into a huge crevice.

Sukuna- What the!? World Cutting Slash!? Did he learn to do it after watching it once? No, it's not that.

Ayanokoji: Uchitsune!

Sukuna- It's not a World Cutting Slash. It's pure power.

Ayanokoji- Uchitsune's Binding vow is that the longer the blade the stronger the attack.

Ayanokoji keeps attacking Sukuna as he does a horizontal cut as Sukuna bends his back avoiding it.

Ayanokoji: Uchitsune!

The slash travels through the air slicing a nearby apartment complex in half as it collapses and the sun shines on Sukuna's back.

Sukna- Such power.

Sukuna counterattacks punching at Ayanokoji who blocks with the sword as Sukunastops flicks out his finger.

Sukuna: Cleave!

The Cleave hits Ayanokoji's chest and he's sent flying back. Ayanokoji heals himself.

Ayanokoji- Even now things are difficult.

Sukuna then generates fire in his hands.

Sukuna: Fuga!

Ayanokoji rushed forward as he made a hand movement.

Ayanokji: Uchitsune!

Sukuna tanks the hit preparing his Divine Flames as he fired it towards Ayanokoji.

Ayanokoji continued rushing forward as he pulled up his Shields blocking the flames as he slowly walked forward against he strength of the flames. when it ended Sukuna was in front of him as he grabbed Ayanokoji by the throat cutting him all over his body and then throwing him into the nearby building.

Sukuna: Finally some breathing room. Even after I cut at his neck his Cursed Energy protected him so well. Like he did it on instinct. Otherwise, he'd be dead right now.

Sukuna successfully healed all his injuries.

Sukuna- That Ayanokoji. Even now he has twice the Cursed Energy as Satoru Gojo. His Cursed Energy Pool is like a bottomless pit. I either kill him or get into a drawn-out battle that I will lose.

Sukuna rushed forward only to find Ayanokaji standing up with all his wounds healed.

Sukuna: You're so much fun to fight Ayanokoji!

Suddenly Yuta arrived clashing with Sukuna.

Ayanokoji: Okkotsu-San. Get clear. You don't want to get caught in it.

Yuta backs off.

Yuta: What did he mean?

Ayanokoji makes a hand sign;

Ayanokoji: Domain Expansion: Cursed Sanctuary! (If You guys can come up with a better name I'll take it into consideration for renaming the domain)

Sukuna: I had no idea you'd already achieved this Ayanokoji!!!

Ayanokoji: I'll finish this here and now.

Sukuna: Haha!

Sukuna had an extatic facce as he was excited to see Ayanokoji's Domain.

Sukuna: Let's have some fun okay?


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