COTE React To The Cursed King Part 9

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- Thought
: Speech


Everyone returned.

Manabu: We're back.

Horiktia: I'm glad that you're okay in the future Ni-San.

Manabu: I was lucky.

Me: Yes you were. Now. Let's continue.

With Ayanokoji

Ayanokoji found Megumi with Angel and sat there and greeted him as he woke up.

Ayanokoji: Good morning.

Megumi: Ayanokoji?

Ayanokoji: We've met our quota. We can help your sister.

Megumi looks happy.

Megumi: Ayanokoji. Thank you for everything.

Ayanokoji: It's not a problem.

Horikita- Looks like things are working out for the best.

Megumi: In the beginning, I was dead set on killing you to prevent Sukuna from ravaging the world but still you...

Ayanokoji: The truth is if I were in your position I would have killed you without hesitation. I was a stranger and I was dangerous. For that reason, I bear no grudge. Besides we're comrades now right Megumi?

Megumi: Yeah. Kiyotaka.

Ichinose: How sweet.

Horikita walks into the room.

Horikita: Ayanokoji! You told me to keep an eye out for certain people right? Show them Kogane.

Kogane: Displaying.

Name: Yagami Takyua

Points: 50

Rules Added: 0

Ayanokoj: Yagami...

Name: Katsunori Shiba

Points: 50

Rules Added: 0

Ayanokoji: Shiba...

Name: Tokinari Tsukishiro

Points: 45

Rules Added: 0

Ayanokoji: And Tsukishiro.

Ayanokoji looks out the window to see 15 Sorcerors waiting for him.

Horikita: 15!!?

Sudo: Not good.

Ayanokoji: I'll deal with them

Horikita: Don't be insane Ayanokoji! There...

Megumi puts his hand on her shoulder.

Megumi: Ayanokoji has gotten stronger. I can tell. You're about to watch the spectacle made by the Third Strongest Jujutsu Sorceror in the world.

Sudo: Third Strongest. Haha. It's only been a couple of months.

Ryuen: A real monster.

Horikita: How can you tell he's gotten stronger?

Megumi: If Ayanokoji feels like he can't win he won't hide it from us.

Horikita- Ayanokoji...

Ayanokoji jumps through the window landing on the ground below.

Ayanokoji- There are 15 of them here. All Grade 1 Sorcerors.

Ayanokoji: It seems like I'll have to get through all of you first.

Ayanokoji watched as one attempted to attack him but Ayanokoji sidestepped him and appeared behind the assailant in an instant.

Megumi- Woah! He's so fast. He's like that guy from Shibuya. That guy definitely had a Heavenly restriction. It's like Ayanokoji has one while also having access to Cursed Energy.

Suddenly there was a blast of Cursed Energy from on top of a building that Ayanokoji hadn't noticed due to its silent nature and Sorcerors fighting on the other side to keep his attention. Ayanokoji felt a change in the air turning around and throwing up his arms as Ayanokoji put up his shield blocking it.

Ayanokoji- Someone on that rooftop.

Ayanokoji kicks the opponent away as another attacks him with a knife. Ayanokoji disarms him and stabs him in the neck.

Kogane: You have gained 5 points.

Ayanokji winds up his throw and throws the knife pierces the cement cover and kills the Sorceror up there.

Kogane: You have earned 5 points.

Ayanokoji refocuses on the ones on the ground level.

Ayanokoji- 2 down. 13 to go. But Yagami, Tsukishiro and Shiba are likely hiding nearby waiting for me to kill all of these guys so they can surprise me.

Ayanokoji catches the arm of his opponent pulling him into an elbow to the face as another tries to help but Ayanokoji kicks him away as he chops the enemy in the neck decapitating him in a single swing.

Ichinose: So much gore...

Kogane: You have gained 5 points.

Horikita: Oh my god.

Megumi: His Cursed Energy. He made it sharp like a knife.

5 more charge at him as he clasps his hands together.

Ayanokoji: Cursed High-Pressure Cutter!

A ray of Cursed energy shoots from his hand a he uses it moving his hand to slice through all 5 of them.

Kogane: You have gained 25 points.

Two attack him simultaneously as Ayanokoji blocks each from both sides using two halves of his shield.

Sorceror 1: He's slowing down!

Sorceror 2: We'll get him eventually!

Ayanokoji: Cursed Gauntlets Of Retribution!

With his weapon generated in his hands, he decapitates both of them using the claw-like section of the gauntlets on his fingers, blood soaking his face and clothes.

Kogane: You have gained 10 points.

The other sorcerers seemed to finally become vary having had their numbers cut down to 5. 

Megumi- I know I thought he could handle it but he hasn't taken a single hit.

Another sorcerer comes in with a spear attempting to stab him but Ayanokoji catches it with his left hand. The sorcerer attempts to retrieve his weapon but Ayanokoji swiftly decapitates him.

Kogane: You have earned 5 Points

Sorceror 3: The pot is mine!!!

The last two rush with one of them wearing a cloak at Ayanokoji and one with a chain. Ayanokoji grabs the chain and wraps it around the neck of one of them and then pulls on it decapitating him as he stabs the other through the chest with his hand. The last two were wearing cloaks.

Ayanokoj: Tsukishiro. Shiba. Where is Yagami?

Ichika- So it's time.

They take off their cloaks confirming Ayanokoji's suspicions.

Tsukishiro: Why you've already killed Yagami-Kun.

Ichika: Huh?

Ayanokoji: What? Kogane confirm.

Kogane: Confirming... Yagami Takuya was killed by player Ayanokoji Kiyotaka.

Ayanokoji turned around and crouched down revealing the cloaked one was Yagami.

Sudo: Fucking bozo!

Ichika- That's not possible. There's no way Takuya would rush in just to die like that.

Ayanokoji: Why? There's no way he would be that stupid.

Ayanokoji decapitated him for good measure.

Ichika- Takuya...

Ayanokoji- In case he can use the Reverse Cursed Technique. That does make things simpler.

Ayanokoji turns to face Tsukishiro and Shiba.

Ayanokoji- I don't know Shiba's ability but I do know Tsukishiro's. I have to avoid being touched by Tsukishiro.

Megumi: Ayanokoji! Turn around!

Everyone: ?

Horikita: Ayanokoji!

Ayanokoji turns but before he can do anything he's stabbed through the stomach with a hand. The one whose hand is in his stomach is Yagami Takyua.

Icchika: But how!?

Ayanokoji: I killed you.

Ayanokoji coughs up blood.

Yagami: You did.

Ayanokoji cuts off Yagami's hand and retreats from the trio.

Ayanokoji- How is he alive!? I decapitated him!

Ichika- Takuya. How?

Ayanokoji then sees a Shikigami next to Yagami.

Yagami: My Cursed Technique is Reaper's Vengence. I can summon a Shikigami that can rebuild my body from even the smallest piece.

Manabu: What an annoying ability.

Ayanokoji- What a troublesome ability. I'd either need to vaporise him or at least his brain.

Yagami's hand slowly regenerates thanks to the Shikigami.

Ayanokoji- Should I attack the Shikigami instead? No that would be reckless.

Ayanokoji pulls out Yagami's old hand as the hole seals up quickly.

Megumi: What the hell!?

Horikita: He's healing.

Megum: His Reverse Cursed Technique... He's almost as good as Shoko-San.

Horikita: Who is that?

Megumi: The best Reverse Curse Technique User in the world.

Sakayanagi- He has;t received any training in that either so he became that good after having it used on him once. How spectacular.

Horikita: He's that good?

Megumi: He's not all that inferior to her either.

Horikita: Amazing.

Megumi- Scary more like. Shoko-San has been a Sorceror for decades but it's only been a year for him. On top of that, I don't think anyone has ever shown him how to use Reverse Cursed Technique.

Megumi ponders for a second.

Megumi- Where did he... back then!?

He remembers Yuta stabbing him.

Megumi- Kiyotaka you're a monster. It's terrifying how good you are at Jujutsu. To learn it from having it used on you just once.

Tsukishiro: Just so you know Ayanokoji-Kun. We're not here to capture you. We're here to kill you. Only under those stressful conditions will you achieve the heights of this world again.

Ayanokoji: Honestly you people just won't leave me alone.

Ayanokoji- Alright. I know the Cursed Techniques of both Tsukishiro and Yagami but Shiba is still a mystery.

Ayanokoji was looking at Shiba for one second when he disappeared and appeared in front of him as Ayankoji threw up his arms blocking the attack as he was sent flying through three buildings.

Sudo: Holy shit!

Everyone watching was shocked.

Ayanokoji- My arms. They... they are still there. What the hell was that?

Shiba is waiting in front of him.

Ayanokji- What the? I see. His Cursed Technique assigns a value to each of his physical abilities. It allows him to control where that value is spent. Sacrificing Defence and Strength completely for speed so that not even I can see him move and then sacrifice everything for strength to outdo me in brute strength.

Sudo: Like a video game.

Ryuen: What kind of fucking video game lets you do that you dumb shit.

Sudo: Hey fuck you, man.

Ayanokoji engages in fierce combat with Shiba and forces him back when he dodges a bullet imbued with Cursed Energy jumping back.

Ayanokoji looks in that direction using his peripheral vision.

Ayanokoji- Tsukishiro. That bullet was imbued with his Cursed Technique. If I get hit with that I'll lose my Cursed Technique.

Ayaokoji gets into a fighting stance.

Ayanokoji- Fighting against 3 Special Grades will be tough, especially considering their abilities.

Yagami: What's wrong. You're looking a bit beat up. Can you not keep up with the three of us?

Ayanokoji heals himself and looks at them darkly.

Ayanokoji: I think I'm a little confused here.

Yagami: Why is that? Can't grasp the fact that you're going to die?

Ayanokoji: I'm confused as to why you ever thought you could beat me like this.

Kei- Damn Kiyotaka. That was cool.


With Megumi

Horikita: We have to help him!

Megumi: Don't be stupid! You're Grade 2 maybe 1 at best. Those three fighting him are all Special Grade Sorcerors! You'd be slaughtered before you had a chance to do anything. Any of us three would. We have no choice but to leave it to Ayanokoji.

Megumi grabs her Arm.

Megumi: Trust me. I don't like this any more than you.

Horikita grits her teeth frustrated.

Horiktia: Angel can you...

Megumi: We can't have Angel go. If she did there's a chance Tsukishiro could steal her Cursed Technique and then we'd never be able to unseal Gojo.

Horiktia: So you're saying Gojo is more important than Ayanokoji!?

She said this with anger.

Megumi: Yes. He is. I won't deny it. The Difference in strength between the Number 1 and 2 spots for strongest Jujutsu Sorcerors is like night and day even more so if we're talking about Kiyotaka who's number 3 the difference is even greater. If we lose Gojo we lose Japan and then the world.

Horikita gritted her teeth knowing Megumi was right.

Horikita looks out of the building worried but then they see other Sorcerors gathering.

Megumi: Damn it. I'll stay here in case someone tries something with Angel. You to go and stop them.

Horikita rushes out after the Sorcerors.

Horikita: Then I won't let anyone interfere with their fight!

Megumi sighs.

Megumi: Go ahead. I'll stay here and protect Angel.


With Ayanokoji

Shiba was sent flying through a building as Ayanokoji then had an exchange of blows with Yagami. Ayanokoji jumped back dodging a bullet. Shiba struggled to get up slowly. Ayanokoji pummels Yagami through a wall.

Yagami- How the hell is he so strong?

Ichika- Looks like not even Takuya can keep up with him.

Ayanokoji kicks Yagami through another wall.

Ayanokoji: No matter how much that Shikigami heals you it'll still hurt like a bitch when I pummel the hell out of you. Eventually, it'll be enough that you can't move.

Shiba rushes in as Ayanokoji grabs his hand that attacks him and then backhands Shiba in the face. Ayanokoji then grabs his face ramming him into the wall and dragging him across it throwing him through the wall an then clasping his hands together.

Ayanokoji: Cursed High-Pressure Cutter!

Shiba throws up his arms in defence as he blocks it but his arms are hanging on by just a thread.

Ayanokoji then dodges a bullet as he sets his sights on Tsukishiro.

Ayanokoji- He's ricocheting his bullets. He can't hide from me regardless of that but it does buy him enough time to move to a new spot.

Ayanokoji points to the new location.

Tsukishiro: How did he...

Ichika- He's done.

Tsukishiro gets hit in the chest as he coughs up a huge amount of blood. He grits his teeth pulling the trigger as he shoots a bullet through Shiba who coughs up blood as Ayanokoji dodges. This bullet then hits Yagami who fliches in pain and gets up slowly.

Tsukishiro- It's all up to you Yagami-Kun.

Yagami: I'm stronger than you!!!

Ayanokoji turns around when Yagami punches at Ayanokoji who pulls up his arms in defence and gets sent flying through 5 buildings as he slowly gets up.

Horikita: What the!?

Sudo: Shit!

Ayanokoji gets up healing himself.

Ayanokoji- Tsukishiro used his Cursed Technique on Shiba stealing his technique and transferring it to Yagami. So much trouble. Yagami whose regenerative powers are superior to my own is now also physically stronger and faster than me.

Horiktia: This is bad.

Yagami: So what do you think now?

Ayanokoji: There's nothing to think. I'll just kill you.

Yagami: You'll kill me? Didn't you see how strong I am?

Yagami pummels Ayanokoji some more as he gets sent flying through another building. Ayanokoi reaches under his shirt before taking his hand out.

Ayanokoji- Damn it.

Ayanokoji runs across the building avoiding Yagami's attacks.

Ayanokoji- Has he gone insane?

Ayanokoji dodged an attack.

Ayanokoji- It's like Shiba's Cursed Technique being put into his body drove him insane.

Ayanokoji slashed Yagami with his fingers using sharp Cursed Energy as he approached when the would slowly began healing and Ayanokoji was kicked into a building.

Ayanokoji- If I take any more hits like that I'll probably die. Thankfully I know how to use the Reverse Cursed Technique.

Ayanokoji heals himself.

Ayanokoji- Unless I heal myself instantly.

Horiikita- It really is useful.

Yagami arrives.

Ayanokoji: How troublesome.


With Horikita

Horiktia lined up her attack as she carpet-bombed the Sorcerors with her attack.

Grade 1: Fuckign bitch. I'll kill...

He died.

Horikita: Where did the others go?

Horiktia lands on a building and puts her hands to the sides.

Horikita: Festival Of The Hunt!

The Dogs turned to face her panting cutely. She petted them.

Horikita: Get em boys. Find them!

Girls: So cute!!!

The dogs rush off sniffing for the Sorcerors and pursuing them.


With Ayanokoji

Yagami: Still think you can kill me Ayanokoji? I bet not. After all, you should now realise how strong I am.

Yagami charges at Ayanokoji winding back his arm.

Yagami- I'll show you and everyone how much better than you I am.

Ayanokoji appears next to him cutting off his arm.

Ayanokoji: I've seen stronger.

Sudo: Holy crap.

Ayanokoji dissipates his Cursed Gauntlets. Yagami charges towards Ayanokoji winding back both of his arms.

Yagami: I'm strong!!!

Ayanokoji- He's gone insane. Taking such a path to gain a second Cured technique is only for those born with the talent to accept a Second Curse. Yagami could not even accept the curse of being second to me so there was no way his mind would be able to handle a Second one.

Ichika- Takuya. You're really going to die now.

Ayanokoji charges up his Cursed Black Hole.

Ayanokoji- You've created such a divine position for me to do this with. I only have one shot so thank you. Yagami. I'll destroy that place that turned you into this as my repayment to you.

Cursed Energy goes wild as everyone in the direct vicinity can feel it.

Ayanokoji: Cursed Black Hole.

Ayanokoji releases the attack.

The attack vaporises Yagami.

Ayanokoji- I'd already deciphered the secret of your Cursed Technique. If I had attacked the Shikigami first you would have been able to counterattack me. Perhaps there is also some kind of punishment for attacking the Shikigami first. However, if I kill you and then the Shikigami there's nothing you can do about it.

Ayanokoji looks up to see the buildings in the distance all cut in half and collapsing.

Ayanokoji- I lost a 4th of My Cursed Energy in one attack. What a bother.

Ayanokoji observes the position of the Shikigami.

Ayanokoji- Before when he only had one Cursed Technique Yagami was mindful of the placement of his Shikigami not letting it get to close to himself to ensure they couldn't be taken out in a similar motion to the one I just used but after gaining that second one he made the critical mistake of depending on Shiba's Cursed Technique and forgetting to be mindful of his own.

Manabu- Power without a stable mind can do such things to people.

Ayanokoji sighs as he heals himself checking for any hard to notice injuries.

Ayanokoji- I didn't expect them to give me this much trouble though. How troublesome.

Kogane: The New

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