COTE React To The Cursed King Part 4

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- Thought

: Speech


Horikita: We're back.

Me: Yes. You will now be reacting to the Shibuya Incident.

Manabu: Shibuya?

Me: Yes.

Ichinose- I don't like the sound of that.

Me: Let's begin.

Sudo: That was fucking hilarious!

Kei- I kind of want Kiyotaka to hold me by my hair like that.

Me: Time for a meme. It's called when Your dad tries to teach you maths.

The boys sweat.

Horikita: What the fuck?

Sakayanagi: Fufu. To not even know such basic mathematics. How pitiful.

Sudo: Relatable.

Ike: Agreed.

Horikita: You two are dumbasses so of course it is relatable for you.

Sudo and Ike become sad.

Gojo was fighting the disaster Curses when a huge amount of transfigured humans arrived as people were dying left or right.

Jogo- Gojo Satoru is capable of cold thinking. 

Jogo- There is a number of humans that must be in danger for Satoru Gojo to ignore the deaths caused by Satoru Gojo.

Hirata: What?

Horikita: He wouldn't...

Jogo- Now unleash your domain and kill everyone here!

Sudo: He's doing it!

Horikita: Wait they're not dead.

Manabu: For only 0.2 seconds. How incredible.

Sakayanagi: Fufu. It seems he's managed to find another path to victory.

Ryuen: What a fucking crazy bastard. 299 seconds to kill 1000 transfigured humans?

Horikita: He really is the strongest.

???: Prison Realm Open.

Gojo tries to walk away.

???: Yo Satoru.

Gojo turns to see Geto.

Everyone is shocked.

Sudo: But he's dead!!!

Horikita: I don't understand.

Gojo-A fake? No, it's really him.

The Prison realm latches onto Gojo.

Grasshopper Curse

Person: Several Managers have already been struck down... and I can't be sure but... there may be transfigured humans inside the curtain.

Ayanokoji- The Patchwork Curse!

Ayanokoji eventually came face to face with the Grasshopper Curse.

Grasshopper Curse: I'm so clever!!!

Everyone cringed at this.

Ayanokoji- Just like Sakayanagi huh? Wait no Sakayanagi is more intelligent than this thing so I guess she can call herself clever if she wants.

Sakayanagi- How rude Ayanokoji-Kun. Comparing me to that thing. I'll have to punish you.

Ayanokoji approaches the Curse and radiates his Cursed Energy fiercely.

Ayanokoji: If you're so clever you should know how this will turn out. This fight I mean.

The Grasshopper Curse sweats a little but charges at him.

Ayanokoji: Idiot.

Ayanokoji enters a huge and fast exchange as when it ends the Grasshopper Curse's hands have been deformed and the exoskeleton on its arms have cracked.

Kei: Holy shit.

Kushida: All that blood. Gross.

Ayanokoji listed the weak spots of a grasshopper's body in his head as he then began attacking them with quick and precise movements.

Ichika- That's my Senpai.

Grasshopper Curse: I'm losing? But I'm so clever.

Ayanokoji: Sure you are.

Ayanokoji gathers cursed energy in his foot and curb stomps the Curse killing it.


With Gojo

Gojo: Just who are you?

Geto: I'm Suguru Geto. You don't remember your own best friend? How sad.

Horikita- Is it a disguise technique?

Gojo: Your Cursed energy and physical features. Every bit of information my Six Eyes is giving me is telling me you're Suguru Geeto but my heart and soul deny it. Who the hell are you!?

Geto pulls on the stitches on his head.

Everyone was a bit confused.

Geto took the top of his head revealing a brain with teeth.

Everyone had a sense of dread.

Sudo: What the fuck.

Horikita: What is that thing?

Geto: That's creepy. How did you know? It's my cursed Technique you see. I can take possession of the body of someone by transplanting my brain into them. Of course, I can also use the Cursed Technique etched into their body.

Sudo: He's using his best friend's body. Fucking asshole!

Gojo: You bastard.

Kenjaku: I think I'll seal you away now. Maybe for 100 or 1000 years. However long I need. Your presence is just too troublesome for my plans.

Everyone was sweating.

Manabu- If Gojo is sealed away all hell will break loose.

Gojo: You can seal me but don't forget who broke that body the first time before I killed him.

Kenjaku: Okotsu Yuta Huh? I don't see as much appeal in that boy as you. Sorry to say he can never replace you.

Horikita- He's not wrong.

Ryuen: That Okkotsu guy was strong but he's still weak compared to Gojo.

Gojo: If not Yuta then Kiyotaka will deal with you or perhaps both of them.

Kenjaku: Oh Ayanokoji huh? He might be a bit of trouble but he's not at the level needed to fight me.

Gojo: You'll eat those words eventually.


With Ayanokoji

Ayanokoji was working with the others to exorcise the Curses and save the civilians when a mechanical object appeared in his ear.

Machamaru: Ayanokoji. You need to get to B5.

Ayanokoji: Why what's happening Mechamaru?

Mechamaru: Satoru Gojo has been sealed.

Ayanokoji: Sealed? But then why haven't they moved him?

Mechamaru: They are unable to.

Ayanokoji: Why though?

Mechamaru: Because he's Satoru Gojo.

Ryuen: Kuku. Fucking monster.

Ayanokoji rushes up the building and shouts the news to everyone about Gojo's Sealing.

Megumi arrives next to him.

Megumi: We need to take down the veil.

They use the same plan and bring Jiro down the building slamming him into the ground.

Megumi: He must be dead right?

Ayanokoji appears next to Jiro who jumps back dodging an attack that cracks the ground.

Sudo: Ayanokoji was really going for that double tap.

Ayanokoji: I guess that answers our question.

Megumi: It does.

Jiro: You youngsters really don't go easy on the elderly do you?

Ayanokoji rushes in towards him as Jiro dodges back creating distance when Megumi appears scoring a hit but Jiro doesn't even flinch.

Megumi: What the!?

Ayanokoji- I see. He has a defence technique. I think I understand.

Sakayanagi- Hang on. I don't understand.

Megumi: I don't get it.

Ayanokoji: I do. The harder you hit him the more effective his defence is. Try weakening your attack.

Horikita- What a troublesome technique.

Ayanokoji gets in position restraining Jiro as Megumi hits his softly as Jiro takes massive damage.

They use this combo of soft hits to pummel the hell out of him until Jiro can no longer fight.


Me: Alright. Now to fill you in on something.

Sudo: He's back!?

Horiktia: How?

Manabu: Relax. It must be that old lady can somehow impart traits of the dead onto living people including their body and appearance.

Me: Not far off. She can summon back 1 or 2 of the following things about a person who has already died. Their soul or their body. If she summons the body then the person who's body is written over has control.

Sakayanagi: Fufu. What a useful ability.

Manabu: It is indeed interesting.

Horikita: It's a shame that she's an enemy.

Sudo: What the fuck? Why?

Horikita explains it to him.

Sudo: Is that a good thing?

Me: Well... kind of? Toji is now a feral beast that has his fangs set on the strongest.

Horikita: it all really depends then.

Manabu: As expected. He overpowered Maki Zenin without issue.

Ryuen: Kuku. Well, what do you expect? She's a fucking cheap copy of him.

Sudo: Holy fuck. He's running on water.

Ryuen: Haha. Look at that. Sharpening it huh?

Sudo: He completely slaughtered it.

Sudo: Shit!

Horikita: He's the one with the least injuries so it's only natural.

Sudo: His own son...

Sudo- Damn. That bunny got hands.

Kei: The poor bunny rabbits.

Kushida: Fucking asshole. Leave the bunnies alone.

Sudo: He's got him... no! Damn it.

Horikita: Wait... he recognises him?

Kei: He... killed himself.

Me: While he still had control. To save his son.

Horikita: So it wasn't just for the money. He at first thought his life would be better there.

Me: The world of Jujutsu is a cruel world. The only way to live happily is to be lucky.

Me: And to be lucky enough that it lasts.

Megumi rushes off when suddenly Haruto appears behind him sneak attacking him.

Megumi- Damn it. I'm almost out of stamina and cursed energy.

Sudo Damn it!

Sudo: What the fuck? Why did it attack him!?

Me: He hasn't tamed it. It's like taking a wild lion out of its cage and expecting it to fight for you like it's a Pokemon.

Sudo: Then that's stupid as fuck.

Me: The lion's going to kill your opponent as well but yeah. It's stupid. Especially considering that guy is weak af.

Sudo: Is he suicidal?

Me: Who knows?

Horikita: You sound like Ayanokoji now. It's irritating.

Me: Yeah I'm Ayanokoji fr fr.

I say this sticking out my tongue playfully.

Horikita: I'll stab you with my compass.

Me: Alright back with Nanami and the others.

Everyone: ... this... this can't be happening.

Sudo: All three of them...

Horikita: Just like that...


Ayanokoji rushes off to free Gojo when he sees civilians in trouble.

Kei: Not good. The longer Kiyotaka takes the more likely they'll get away with Gojo.

Ayanokoji- Damn it this will take even longer than...

Sudenly Inumaki arrived.

Inumaki: Don't Move!

Inumaki began exorcising all the transfigured humans and rescuing the civilians.

Horikita: It seems Ayanokoji is free to move on.

Ayanokoji: Thank you Inumaki-Senpai.

Inumaki: Tuna Mayo.

Ayanokoji- He's saying no problem.

Ayanokoji rushes to B5.

Ayanokoji- I'll repay the favour to Gojo-Sensei for saving my life.

He jumps down the stairs as Choso is there and spots him. Choso's nose spurts blood as his gaze shifts into rage.

Sudo: This guy.

Choso: Ayanokoji Kiyotaka!!!

Choso puts his hands together and fires off a blast of Piercing Blood.

Sudo: That's so fast!

Choso: Piercing Blood!

Ayanokoji did it on instinct pulling up his arms and clasping them together as a barrier made of cursed energy formed in front of his arms blocking the attack as he was pushed back and fell onto the stairs.

Horikita: A shield?

Manabu: It must be something engraved in the history of his technique.

Ayanokoji- What the? This is a good barrier but it drains my cursed energy at a constant rate. I could probably set it's Cursed Energy to not exceed a maximum but that would take away it's great defensive ability and versatility.

Ayanokoji sidesteps the beam of blood hiding behind a pillar.

Ayanokoji- I don't have time to deal with a Special Grade Curse. The longer this takes the more likely they'll be able to move Gojo-Sensei.

Choso: Come out Ayanokoji Kiyotaka!

Ayanokoji steps out.

Choso: You remember my brothers? You killed them.

Ayanokoji: I did but they made it necessary when they started killing innocent humans.

Sudo: I kind of feel bad for him. He loved his brothers. It's clear.

Horikita: Sudo. I understand your feeling but...

Sakayanagi: A murderer is always a murderer.

Choso: I don't care about some stupid humans! They were my brothers! My blood. I'll avenge them.

Choso calms himself for a second.

Choso: Tell me. Did they have any last words?

Ayanokoji: No... but they cried.

Choso's anger flares up again.

Choso: I'm going to kill you no matter what!

Ayanokoji- There really is no way past him. I could make a mad dash but that would risk me being hit by his Piercing Blood Attack. I really have no choice but to fight him.

Ayanokoji: If you want to try then go ahead.

Choso: Piercing Blood!

Ayanokoji jumped back dodging the Piercing Blood Attack as he hid behind a pillar.

Ayanokoji- That technique is too troublesome. A single hit could cause fatal or at least life-threatening injuries. The best thing would be to get close but that itself is reckless. He may have a technique that works at close range. Still... an uncertain death is still better than a certain death.

Sakayanagi- He can calculate things so quickly.

Ayanokoi comes out of his hiding spot as he bobs and weaves avoiding Choso's Piercing Blood and closing the distance until he's within range and punches Choso in the gut as he gets sent flying back as Ayanokoji then gets into the bathroom avoiding a Piercing Blood attack as he does.

Choso slowly enters to see no one inside and the sprinklers on. He enters in deeper as Ayanokoji smashes through a door attacking him as they enter a martial arts exchange.

Manabu: Genius!

Ichika: As expected of Senpai!

Sakayaangi: You never fail to surprise me Masterpiece.

Choso- He's... overpowering me!

Choso jumps back as he realises what was going on with his blood as he uses Blood Manipulation to form solid blood around his fists.

Choso: Flowing Red Scales!

The two get closer to one another as their fists touch.

Choso- I will avenge my brothers.

Ayanokoji- I will save Gojo and repay my debt to him.

The two enter a fierce exchange of blows as Ayanokoji analysing Choso's movements finding weaknesses and exploits them as Choso feels some pushback and fiegns a loss in balance. Ayanokoji jumps back not falling for it at all.

Choso- He's very calm and calculated.

Ayanokoji grabs a door tearing it from it's hinges as he throws it at Choso obstructing his view as Ayanokoji jumps into the stall, up the wall and then at Choso from the side.

Sudo: Holy crap! How can he use the space like that?

Choso: Piercing Blood!

Choso fires a Piercing Blood through the door expecting to see Ayanokoji but then he gets hit full force with a punch as he gets sent flying into the wall. Choso doesn't flinch in pain as pieces of solid blood fall from inside of his clothing.

Ayanokoji- Not bad use of his technique.

Ayanokoji rushes in as he was now used to Choso's close range combat Ayanokoji began blocking all his attacks and swiftly counterattacking without issue.

Choso- He's read me completely. How am I supposed to fight him now? No! I must fight him! Fo the sake of my brothers who died!

Ichika- He's as good s dead now if Senpai has completed his adjustments.

Choso changes his attack pattern as Ayanokoji makes adjustments to his defence pattern to match. Choso jumps back.

Choso: Piercing Blood!

CHoso fires of a Piercing Blood attack as Ayanokoji dodges it.

Choso: Supernova!

The blood suddenly triggers and AOE attack as Ayanokoji forms a Shield in his left arm blocking some of the damage but he still takes a hit.

Horikita: Damn

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