COTE React To The Cursed King Part 1

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- Thought
: Speech

Class 2B, Ryuen, Sakayanagi, Ichika, Manabu and Ichinose dropped into the room. Sakayanagi however was gently placed on the ground. They are all from Year 2 Volume 11.

Sudo: What the? Where are we?

Ichinose: What the?

Horikita: I don't know. Be on your guard.

Me: No need to be alarmed. This place is completely harmless. You're simply here to react to something.

Manabu: And what would that be exactly?

Me: Ayanokoji in the future.

Ichika- My god huh? It's like I'm at church.

Ryuen- So we're reacting to that Monster?

Sakayanagi- The Masterpiece huh?

Sudo: Bullshit! That's not possible.

Horikita: Calm down Sudo. There is no reason to be aggressive. It will only cause issues. We have no idea what he's capable of.

Me: Alright. I'm gonna play it. 

White Room

Everyone (- Sakayanagi and Ichika)- What's the White Room?

Ichinose- That place. What exactly is it though?

Sakayanagi- So he's showing that place.

Ichika- So he had information on the White Room.

A 9-Year-Old Ayanokoji was sitting in the White Room when he saw a spiritual apparition floating around. This curse-like apparition to any Jujutsu Sorceror would clearly be Grade 2.

Class D was scared.

Hirata: What is that thing?

Horikita: It's disturbing.

Sudo: Gross man.

Kushida: What the fuck is that?

Ichika- I never saw things like that in the White Room.

Ayanokoji- This thing. How can it exist while exuding no heat? It shouldn't be possible to exist based on the laws of Thermodynamics but it clearly does. I've been able to see it from birth. It doesn't usually attack though. I wonder why? It clearly has a malevolent nature around itself so what is it after?

Horikita- Usually?

Suddenly a child is beaten for failing at Judo as the apparition turns to the child. It attacks him sticking its hand through the child's chest as the child then dies blood flowing from his lips.

They were horrified.

Horikita: He's... dead. That young child...

Kei: Wait... there's no way. He's dead?

Sudo: That monster killed him but the adult was the one who beat him.

Sudo was pissed.

Hirata: How can this... be happening?

Instructor: What the! I don't think I hit him that hard.

Ayanokoji- It only attacks the ones who fail. It only attacks the incompetent. Well, then it's not important since that's only an added incentive not to fail. I never will fail so it doesn't matter.

Horikita- Such a cold demeanour.

Ichinose- There's no way Ayanokoji is like that.

Ayanokoji feels an energy bubbling in his body.


Ayanokoji- When I reflect on this place and what it's put me through I feel a strength like no other. When I first saw that creature when I was born, it was a lot smaller. Could it be that it's growing stronger?

Horikita- He can remember his own birth? that's absurd.

The other Class D members didn't believe it.

Ayanokoji faced Atsumi who had entered the room.

Atsumi: That was the last classmate you had and look at your face. Nothing. Well then since you've constantly been above our standards I guess we'll have to test you with something else.

Atsumi clicked his finger as several mercenaries entered the room.

They were all intrigued by this.

Atsumi: For your examination today you'll be fighting the professionals Kiyotaka.

Everyone: What!?

Ayanokoji: Am I allowed to kill them?

Most paled at this.

The Mercenaries began laughing at Ayanokoji.

Mercenary 1: Oh you're gonna kill us? How scary!

Mercenary 2: Keep dreaming kid.

Ichika- These idiots are about to die.

Atsumi: No. Now choose a weapon.

Ayanokoji picked up the Baton.

Ayanokoji: I'll choose this.

Ayanokoji- If I lose I die. But I'm not going to lose.

Ichinose- Such a cruel environment to grow up in.

Manabu- Now I understand why you're so excellent Ayanokoji.

Ayanokoji defeated the Mercenaries with ease.

Ayanokoji- This energy makes me stronger.

Suddenly the Curse-like apparition floated near and killed the mercenaries.

Ichika- So it wasn't him that killed them.

Ayanokoji- So anyone who loses dies.


5 Years Later

Ayanokoji met with his father. He placed down a Chessboard.

Atsumi: You want to play a match of chess?

Ayanokoji: Indeed.

Atsumi places his cheek on his knuckles leaning on his hand.

Atsumi: Kiyotaka. Do you have some desire to kill me?

Horikita: Wait. Was he planning on beating his father so that thing would kill him?

Me: Indeed.

Now Class D was truly scared.

Ayanokoji: Hm? No not really.

Atsumi: Don't lie to me Kiyotaka.

The Curse floats over to Atsumi as he pets it with his hand.

Horikita: He's... petting it?

Ayanokoji- He can see that thing?

Atsumi: I'm sure you can see this creature. This is a Shikigami. My Shikigami was brought into this world by my Cursed Technique. I'm sure you've felt it. That energy inside of you. It's called Cursed Energy.

Manabu: Then that means... He's been ordering it to kill those children.

Ike: Oh god. He's...

Kei- Kiyotaka... my joke wasn't too far off then. But still...

Ayanokoji- So my father is responsible for this thing's actions.

Kiyotaka: Explain.

Atsumi: A Cursed Technique gives you an ability that's predetermined by lineage.

Horikita began taking notes.

Kiyotaka: Then I clearly take after my mother because I can't use anything like that.

Atsumi: Indeed. She introduced me into this world awakening my Cursed Energy. She claimed to be from some big clan. Anyway, my Cursed Technique is called Scales Of Death. It allows me to summon a Shikigami that enacts contracts between targets in which one party will succeed and one will fail. The contract must create a situation where there is a clear winner and a clear loser. The one who fails can be killed by the mere touch of my Shikigami. However, the two parties must contend with one another on the subject the contract dictates for the technique to activate. The Shikigami will attack the loser no matter what.

Ayanokoji- What a dangerous power. If that's the case as long as he doesn't write any contracts between himself and me he's safe from the Shikigami.

Sakayanagi- So that's why he didn't choose to escape earlier.

Manabu- What a frightening ability.

Atsumi: It also becomes more powerful with each death it causes. At this point, it's... what did she call it again? Special Grade?

Ayanokoji- Combat-wise it's not a very good ability at the start but now it's developed to be very powerful. At this point, it's stronger than me physically by a large margin.

Atsumi: You realise now the difference in our position?

Ayanokoji- It's pointless. I can't win against this man. Not without figuring out what my Cursed Technique is.


When Ayanokoji Was 14

Matsuo: Kiyotaka-Sama. I'll take you somewhere your father can't reach you.

Ayanokoji: Will I be able to live peacefully there Matsuo?

Sakayanagi- So this is his escape.

Matsuo: You will.

And so Ayanokoji was taken away from the White Room that was being renovated and he made his escape to ANHS. 

Horikita- And yet I've been bothering him with getting to Class A this entire time.

Matsuo stayed behind. Matsuo eventually met with Atsumi.

Atsumi: You betrayed me so easily Matsuo.

Matsuo: You've treated the boy horribly. I had no choice.

Atsumi: Scales Of Death.

Horikita- He's as good as dead.

Atsumi's Shikigami appears as the air becomes colder.

Atsumi: I propose a contract between you and your family. Whoever burns themselves alive first ends the contract and dies. This way the other members of the family will be excluded from the game.

Ryuen- Sick motherfucker.

Manabu- How disgusting.

Atsumi leaves a tank of Gasoline and a lighter in the room where he met Matsuo. The room for fire-resistant as he leaves the room shutting the door and locking it behind him. A screen showed Matsuo's family given the same choice each in individual rooms by themselves.

Matso: No!

Matsuo's hand shook as he picked up the gasoline noticing it was only full enough to drench his body making it easier to lift. He tipped its contents over himself with a look of dread on his face. His hand was already covered in Gasoline as he took the lighter from the ground. He knew that as soon as he lit it his death would begin. He lit the lighter as his body was set ablaze.

Manabu- I take my hat off to you Matsuo. You were a respectable man.

Kushida: Fucking murderer.

Akito: I can't believe this.

Haruka; The poor guy.

Hirata: Ayanokoji's father is the scum of the earth!


3 Years Later ANHS

Ayanokoji and Horkita were walking back to their dorm.

Horikita: So Ayanokoji. What is your home life like?

Ayanokoji: Average as you'd expect.

Everyone- Liar.

Horikita: I find that very hard to believe considering your abilities.

Ayanokoji: That's your opinion.

Horikita: We really made it to Class A and it's all thanks to you.

Sakayanagi: Class A? So I lost to them huh?

Class B celebrated.

Sudo: We did it.

Ayanokoji: I don't think so. I think your contributions had a substantial influence as well.

They then saw a light in the Recreation Room.

Horikita: I have to go back.

Ayanokoji: Go ahead. I'll wait here.

Horitkita: Thanks. I'll be right back.

Horikita rushes off.

Ayanokoji- Horikita Suzune. Even these small moments feel better with you.

Horikita- Huh?

Sudo- Eh?

Manabu- Very good. Now marry her.


Recreation Room

A First Year set something down on the table as the area was empty.

First Year: What the heck is this exactly? I found a way off from the football field.

The First Year tried opening it when Horikita interrupted him.

Horikita: What do you think you're doing here after hours?

First Year: President Horikita!? I um...

Horikita: Put it down and go back to your dorm.

The First Year nodded as he ran off.

Horikita: Honestly... But what is this thing? She saw the box was open and inside was something shaped similarly to a finger.

Girls: Eww.

Boys: Neat.

She held it in her hand.

Horikita- It looks like a finger.

Horikita accidentally ripped the paper seal. She looked irritated at her own mistake when suddenly there was a tremor as she tried to keep her balance.

Horikita- What the?

Horikita: What the!?

Suddenly Ayanokoji burst into the room.

Horikita: Ayanokoji?

Ayanokoji tackled her to the ground as a giant Curse burst through the roof narrowly missing the two of them.

Sudo- Holy fuck!

Horikita: What the hell just happened!?

Ayanokoji: You can't see it which is fine. Just get out of here.

Horikita: Ayanokoji... My legs... they won't move.

Horikita: Why now of all times?

She looked frustrated.

Me: Actually it's to be expected. Even a fearless person would have trouble moving and thinking rationally. It's a side effect of exposure to Cursed Energy. However, those with significant Cursed Energy aren't effected by it.

Horikita was shivering. The Curse was exuding such a foul aura that she was petrified.

Ayanokoji- Not good.

The Curse in question was a Grade 3. Ayanokojicould easily deal with it but the problem was... others had gathered as well. There were now 7 Grade 3 Cursed Spirits and at least 10 or more Grade 4 Spirits. One of them attacks Horikita as Ayanokoji grabs the finger from her pushing her out of the way. He then gets hit and thrown into a wall.

Sudo: Shit!

Hirata: This is bad.

Horiktia: Ayanokoji!

Ayanokoji is pinned to the wall by a tentacle. To Horikita he's floating in the air. Ayanokoji imbues cursed energy into his fist refining it into a sharp blade as he cuts off the tenticle. He lands on the ground and looks at Horikita.

Ryuen- If he had gone all out I'd be dead.

Ayanokoji: Horikita. We might die today.

Sudo: No!

Manabu was sweating.

Horikita: What!?

Suddenly one of the Curses pins Horiktia to the wall.

Horikita: Waht the? What's going on?

Ayanokoji- This Curse. It's intelligent. How troublesome.

Ryuen- So most of them are dumbasses. Good to know.

Ayanokoji- I lack the physical ability to kill them all. There's only one way. This thing is exuding so much cursed energy. If I ingest it it should at the very least increase my total cursed energy pool enough for me to kill them. It should make up for my lack of physical strength. That or it'll kill me.

Ichinose: Wait that's ginormous risk!

Ayanokoji sees Horikita struggling against the Curse.

Ayanokoji- Normally I would never ingest something if I didn't have a clear idea of the side effects but Horikita's body isn't resistant to Curses so if I take too long it'll become too damaged to heal naturally. I have to take a gamble.

Horikita- It would be that bad huh?

Ayanokoji: Horikita. This thing. If I eat it it'll either give me the power to save us or it'll kill me.

Horikita: I don't understand!

She struggles to free herself.

Ayanokoji: If I die then... Horikita. Just keep being who you are and live happily. Don't investigate my past.

Sakayanagi- Fair words.

Ichika- Nice words Senpai but I know you won't die.

Horikita: Wait don't...

Ayanokoji: Just promise me.

Horikita: I promise you.

Ayanokoji ingests the finger as tattoos appear on his face and body.

Horikita: What the?

Ayanokoji then raises his hand as the Curses attack him and slicing marks appear killing all of them in a single attack as Blood splatters on the walls. He then turns to the one pinning Horikita it retracts its hand as Horikita falls to the ground and tries to run but Ayanokoji raises his hand once more killing it.

Everyone was left speechless.

Horikita: Blood!? Tattoos. What is going on?

Ayanokoji turns to face her.

???: Oh this is great!!! A new vessel for me to live in! Hm...? This kid... how interesting.

Horikita: Vessel?

Manabu: Wait that's not Ayanokoji.

Horikita: Ayanokoji?

???: So that's this brat's name?

??? walks up to the opening in the roof staring out.

???: So it's a new era. How marvellous! Women and Children are crawling all over like maggots! It'll be a massacre!

Sudo: What the fuck?

??? turns to Horikita.

???: This one is good. Let's have a taste.

Sudo: No. This can't be happenning.

Horikita looked horrified.

Horikita- There's no way... that that's Ayanokoji. I have to get arms... they won't move. My whole body won't move.

Ayanokoji grabs his chin roughly.

Ryuen- Is he...

Ichika- As expected of you Senpai.

Horikita- Huh?

???: What the?

Ayanokoji: So this is the consequence of ingesting the finger. How troublesome.

???: Wait are you suppressing me? You suppressing me!? You brat!

Ayanokoji: I'd like it if you gave my body back to me now.

Ayanokoji then regained control of his body.

Sudo: Amazing.

Ayanokoji: Horikita. Are you alright?

Horikita: What was that!?

Ayanokoji: It was...

Suddenly a large dog rushed in as Ayanokoji jumped back dodging it.

Horikita- Why did he jump back? It looks like he was trying to dodge something.

???: What the hell. This school is so hard to get into and someone's already ingested the Specual Grade Object!? Worse yet the Cursed Spirit has been Reincarnated?

A boy with Black hair stepped out.

Horiktia: You're one of the new first years Fushiguro Megumi!

Megumi: I only enrolled here to get that thing out of here but now you've gone and eaten it.

Ryuen: Now who is this?

Me: He's a Jujutsu Sorceror. He kills curses for a living. Those things you saw. He kills things like those.

Ichinose: Then everything should be fine now that a professional is here.

Me: Yeah... sure.

Megumi stepped towards Ayanokoji.

Megumi: I'm going to now exorcise you as a Cursed Spirit.

Ichinose: Wait what is that supposed to mean?

Ayanokoji: Would it result in my death?

Megumi: I'm sorry but you can't be allowed to live. Not with that thing inside you.

Horikita: You can't be serious!

Kei: Kiyotaka!

Horikita: What!? Stop this!

Megumi: I have no intention of attacking you. Only him. He's the dangerous one.

Ayanokoji- Will it never end with people trying to bother my peaceful life?

Horkita- I'm sorry Ayanokoji.

Ayanokoji felt a tinge of anger as he approached Megumi.

Megumi: Nue!

Megumi summons a giant bird.

Everyone: Woah!

Ayanokoji- Hm... he can summon creatures huh?

Ayanokoji: I'm not in the mood to die so while it's troublesome I'll drop out and come with you. There must be some kind of alternative right?

Horikita- I don't want him to drop out but if he doesn't then he'll die. Please stay safe Ayanokoji.

Megumi: I... No. You can't be allowed to leave this place alive!

Horikita: Stop this! You can't just kill him.

Megumi: He's a danger to the entire school President Horikita. I can't let this go!

Ichinose- He's only trying to do his job... But I still can't forgive him!

Horikita: But still...

Ayanokoji appears behind him.

Megumi- What the!!! This speed.

Megumi: Nue!

Nue grabs his shirt pulling him away from the swing of Ayanokoji's leg.

Ayanokoji: If you're going to kill me I'll fight back to protect my life.

Megumi- Wait... his Cursed Energy! He has almost as much as Gojo!? But then why is there so little in his fists? Is he unable to unleash all of it properly?

Megumi: Fine then.

Gojo then appears.

Girls- He's hot.

Ike- Fucking Ikemen.

Gojo: What's going on here?

Megumi: The

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