Chapter 1- The Sparrows

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A/N: Hey everyone! Just a little note. This chapter is the one shot BUT please still read it because I changed some things so it matches the story better. Thank you!

Reader POV. 2nd Person:

Jumping through time is something you don't think anyone could ever get used to. The goal was to get back to your universe in the correct year, Allison was pressuring this the most which you can completely understand. She desperately wanted to see her daughter again especially after just going through the pain of leaving another family of hers behind. You and the rest of your siblings take a quick look around and realize the year is indeed correct and amazingly two days after the apocalypse was set to destroy the world. "Wait so- so we stopped it?" Allison is the first to speak, breaking the tense silence. Five's response comes with a small smile on his face, "it seems so." The group abruptly breaks out in celebration and cheers, though you decide to remain hidden towards the back.

Eventually your siblings settle down and Diego decides to speak up next "I could use a drink." Mumbles of agreement surround you, besides Allison who claims she needs to "look for Claire" which you don't blame her for. Klaus convinces her to have a quick drink with the rest of the family, claiming she shouldn't be a "party pooper". No one asks your opinion of course which is how you end up back in the academy you previously thought you'd never see again.

Time Skip:

"Does this place look a little different to anyone else?" You question after noticing a painting of Ben over the mantle place which was definitely not there before. Everyone blissfully ignores you. "Guys, why's there a painting of Ben over the mantle?" Diego asks moments after you, causing you to roll your eyes. Of course, your siblings hear Diego as they all slowly turn to look up at the painting that seems to be mocking you. Silence from everyone before, "I knew you'd show up eventually" rings throughout the house. Your jaw goes slack when you realize who had just spoken. Turning and seeing Reginald should really surprise you more than it does. Though your siblings seem to be very confused by this new revelation as things such as "dad?" and "you're alive?" come from them. Your father also seems confused by your siblings' comments. Reginald goes on to talk over your loud-mouthed siblings, explaining how you're in the Sparrow Academy NOT the Umbrella Academy.

You see your father look pointedly at the balcony causing you to peer over revealing 6 people who all look varying degrees of angry. Your eyes land on a woman who's wearing sunglasses and what must be a sparrow uniform. She's by far the prettiest person you've ever had the pleasure of even glancing at. You manage to snap out of it when another person steps out of the shadows. "Dad, who the hell are these assholes?" You can practically feel your heart drop, a person who looks just like your best friend, who's dead, is now standing before you. 

"Ben?" you mumble expecting to be ignored as always when the Ben lookalike tilts his head at you. "And who are you exactly?" You open your mouth to speak when Diego cuts you off. You can see the girl you were looking at earlier move her head as if intrigued by what's going on, you tune out the conversation after this.

You're lost in your own head until you hear a crash, looking around you snort seeing as Luther has been thrown across the room and the rest of your siblings have scattered about. An all-out brawl has begun. However, you have no desire to fight the Sparrows since they've done nothing wrong especially considering we're the ones invading their home.

Chaos is all around when you decide to finally express your thoughts, "guys why the hell are we fighting these people, we're in their home!" As expected, no one acknowledges you. Right then and there you decide on sitting out of this fight, your siblings don't deserve your help and its sort of funny watching them get beat up for once. Eventually a crow lands on your shoulder and simply sits there...watching you, causing you to tense.

Fei's POV. 1st Person:

These people accusing us of being in their home definitely intrigues me, though the person standing in the far back catches my attention the most. I summoned my crows right as they began talking. My head tilts in curiosity when they are seemingly ignored over and over again. 'Why ignore something so precious?'

Once the fighting begins, I see my mystery person go off and sit in the corner instead of helping their family which only serves to garner my attention even more so. I send off one of my crows to be near them, hoping to learn who this person is. I see them tense as they look at the crow causing a reluctant smile to appear on my face. I determine that I must strike up a conversation with them to learn more. With that in mind, I head over.

Readers POV. 2nd Person:

Your ears catch a pair of footsteps quietly approaching you. You immediately turn away from the crow only to see the woman you had been admiring moments prior standing directly in front of you. You slightly shift away and state, "I don't want to fight you." She lets out a small bark of laughter before responding, "no, no I don't wish to fight you either, you've merely piqued my interest." This causes you to perk up. "Really?" "Yes of course, I can see your family ignoring you, I also know how much this bothers you." You tense up once more after her declaration, the crow on your shoulder shifts slightly. The woman points at the bird. "The crows are mine; they won't harm you" she claims. She takes a seat next to you and holds a handout in your direction, "the names Fei." You cautiously put your hand in hers saying, "Y/N." "What a beautiful name, now would you mind telling me all about why your family chooses to ignore a specimen such as yourself?" Her comment makes you blush before what she said truly sinks in.

You think about it for a moment before summoning a small snowstorm over the palm of your hand. "I can control the weather in any way I see fit... My family thinks I'm useless... Well, they've never treated me as a sibling, or even as a friend" Fei stays silent for a brief moment before taking your hand in hers once more- causing the storm to cease. "I think that gift sounds beautiful." Her words cause tears to fall from your eyes, you look towards her and mumble, "honestly?" "Of course...I wouldn't lie to you."

Time Skip:

The fighting continues around the both of you as you chat away. You tell Fei about your family life, and she tells you about how her powers work. The fighting soon comes to a stop with a blinding burst of energy. Before you can even stand your family blinks out of the academy leaving you all alone. The thought of them leaving you with the same people they were just fighting stings but it's nothing surprising, though Fei looks somewhat shocked. 

The rest of the Sparrow Academy surrounds the area you and Fei are occupying with hard expressions upon their faces. "What is she still doing here?" Asks the Ben lookalike who seems to be much meaner than the one you once knew. You hesitate, not knowing how to respond to that. You look to Fei for help.. "I need to speak with you both" she states motioning to Ben and another man before standing and walking with them to the nearest room. This leaves you with the remaining Sparrows, they all stare at you as you try desperately to avoid eye contact.

Thankfully it's only a few moments later when Fei returns with the other two in tow. Fei looks delighted- you catch her attempting to hide her sly smile behind a hand- as Ben looks mildly annoyed. The man you don't know the name of speaks up, "alright Fei has convinced me to ask you this, how would you feel about joining the sparrows?"

A/N: I'm excited to share the next few chapters! Until next time-
Check out my other stories or check out my Tik Tok

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