Foxy is knocked out....Check
Blitz has drawings on his face....Check
Freddy pushing Sonic off the boat....Check
Chris said "I see home!"
Sonic ran off the boat to land.
Freddy said "Good job moron!"
Sonic yelled "Help I can't swim!!!!"
Chica said "No, we are good."
Bonnie rolled his eyes and lend down a ladder to the idiot.
Sonic climbed up the ladder and said "Thx Bonnie."
Bonnie said "Next time I'm leaving you in the water."
Sonic froze and said "Well...."
Goldie walked over to Freddy and showed him the fight between Foxy and Blitz.
Freddy punched Sonic for trying to pour water on him then watched the video.
As Freddy was watching the video he noticed that Dash was watching the fight as well. (Oh! One more thing I don't really ship Toy Chica and Goldie. I only said Goldie because was thinking of him. I ship Toy Chica and Toy Freddy)
Dash flew down and said "What's up guys?"
Freddy turned around and said "You were watching and you didn't even stop them."
Dash said "That's Chica's job not mine."
Freddy said "So...It doesn't matter if Chica did anything. I'm asking you why didn't stop them?"
Dash turned around and said "Well you see here I don't really care if Chica was murdered in that fight."
Bonnie grabbed his guitar and hit Dash in the back of her head. Dash was knocked out.
Bonnie said "She does care, but I'm guessing that she likes Foxy." (I ship Goldie with Dash(Don't judge me))
Freddy nodded and said "Bring her back to her room and get the others. Tell them that we are nearing home."
Bonnie nodded and picked up Dash saying "I will."
Bonnie walked off with Dash in his arms.
Goldie said "That wasn't right of her to say such a thing."
Freddy nodded and said "Yeah you are right...Can you check up on Foxy?"
Goldie nodded and left to check on Foxy.
With Sister Location.
Lolbit walked over and said "So what an actual city Vixen?"
Vixen said "Well, you see here Lolbit a city is where there is a lot of crazy things happen."
Lolbit nodded and said "Ok."
Baby came out with Ennard close behind her and said "Hey guys! I heard that we are almost home."
Lolbit nodded and said "Yeah."
Vixen asked "Has anyone seen Fred?"
Bonnet said "He's with Ballora."
Ennard said "I don't like the sound of that."
Bon said "I do because he said he wants the both of them to be alone."
Baby said "Oh~! He likes her."
Bon said "Maybe he does."
Minireena said "I can't wait to get home."
Bidybab asked "Why is that?"
Minireena said "Because when we get back I can finally relax."
Bonnet said "Hopefully."
Baby asked "How long have they been alone?"
Ballora asked while walking in the room "What do you mean how long they've been gone?"
Baby turned around and said "Well....You guys weren't in here."
Ennard asked "What were you and Fred doing?"
Ballora said "He needed help with a plan."
Ennard raised his eyebrow and asked "What plan?"
Ballora said "A plan."
Bon said "We are nearing home."
Ballora walked over to a window and said "I see its in view."
Bon nodded and said "Yeah, but we left N.F. behind...."
Then there as a crash.
Everyone ran over to where the crash was and saw N.F. with a head.
Sonic gulped and asked "Who's head is that's?"
N.F. said while putting the head in a bag "A tribe's leader."
Lolbit yelled "YOU'VE KILLED THE TRIBE'S LEADER!!!!!!!!!!!"
N.F. rubbed his ear and said "Yes, because he was the one behind the stealing and the deaths. Also it turns out that he was going to kill you guys if you stayed."
Plushtrap said "Awwww you do care."
N.F. said "I still hate you."
Plushtrap breathed in and said "Should've seen that one coming."
N.F. walked off and said "Don't ruin anything on this boat."
Chica said "Too late."
N.F. said while turning back around "What?!"
Chica said "So you see here...."
N.F. crossed his arms and said "Yes?"
Chica said "I've kind of destroyed a furniture store with Foxy."
N.F. sighed and said "You guys are trouble makers."
Chica smiled and said "Thank you!"
N.F. walked off with the head.
Freddy said "He killed a person and doesn't care..."
Plushtrap said "That's my life right there Freddy."
Pinkie said while leaving the room with Berry close behind "Come on the boat landed!!!"
Freddy asked "Hey Springtrap! Goldie! You guys don't mind getting the knocked out ones right?"
Springtrap said "Sure why not."
Goldie said "Alright."
Everyone went to get their stuff and head home.
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