A week passes and we aren't treated to much new stuff, we dealt with the midterms maybe halfway in between the last weekend before the finals and when Nezu talked to me about my special opportunity for the finals, and I have to say, placing third isn't too bad, only being outshone by Momo and Iida.
The Thursday before our final weekend, Mina and kaminari started to panic about the finals, due to them coming in 19th and 20th in the midterms.
"I can catch you up to speed on the important topics if you want?" Momo asks Mina and Kaminari during their panic.
"YOUR THE BEST YAOMOMO." Both of them reply, almost in sync.
"YaoMomo, I may use that from now on." I say, now standing behind Momo, and whispering into her ear, before lightly kissing her on the cheek.
"And I wouldn't stop you, WAIT, I won't be much help on the practical portion of the finals." Momo says, now directing her attention back to Mina and Kaminari.
"I can help with that if you need me to." I say now heading back to my seat.
"Oh would you please, it would be most helpful." Momo says, before being asked by Jiro, Sero, and Ojiro for help as well, before Momo gets extremely excited, and going off talking about tea, and where she would hold the study hall of sorts to help everyone.
During lunch we all kinda sit within close proximity to each other, So when Monoma, from 1-B starts going off, at Deku along with some others, I can decently hear every word, So when someone, Kendo, as pointed out by Momo, ends up knocking Monoma out cold, and telling Deku, along with Iida, Todoroki, Uraraka, Sue, and Hagakure, that the practical part of the finals will be robots, which I already know is false, however Mina seems to have forgotten about our conversation, because she seems happy, overhearing that the practical portion of the finals are against robots.
After lunch we head back to class to finish up the day, and after class I just want to get home, however I have to wait for Mina, who is more worried about celebrating the fact that robots will be what we would usually be up against in the practical portion of the finals.
"Hey, Y/n, do you think you could get there early this weekend? I can show you where you can help study with the practical portion." Momo asks me.
"I would be more than happy to." I reply.
Once Mina has stopped her celebration, we leave school and start heading home.
The following day wasn't very productive due to everyone worrying more about the Finals, which were right around the corner.
And after that, the weekend had come, and so did the day of Momo's personal study hall, for those who needed it.
"Hey." I say as Momo opens the door to her home.
"Hi." she replies as she sees me, "Come in, please."
I do as I'm told and step inside her house for the second time in my life, and like last time, I am still in awe, just like last time I was here.
"Ok, so follow me, you, when they get here, can just come in and pull them out when it's their time to work with you for practical training." Momo says as she leads me through the house out into her back yard.
As I look around her back yard, I can see a garden off to the right, with roses sticking off of bushes, and I can also see people around bushes tending to them.
"Ok, is there anything you need?" Momo asks me, snapping me out of my trance of looking around.
"Uuh, yeah, do you have a hair band?" I ask.
"Yeah, why is that?" Momo asks.
"My hair is getting to a length where I need to put it up while training." I respond.
"Yeah, I can get one for you, give me a few seconds to go grab one." Momo responds.
She quickly heads back inside, leaving me alone, and as I look around the fairly large backyard once again, I start to see things that I hadn't noticed when I first walked out, like a very pretty gazebo in the corner of the yard, and perfectly colored green grass, that looks like it was cut very recently, and I also notice trees planted along the back of the fence, allowing a canopy of shade.
"GOT IT." I hear Momo yell excitedly, from behind me.
As I turn around I take it from her, before putting my hair into a man bun towards the back of my head.
"Thank you, I forgot to grab one before I left, but I then just assumed you had some." I say, as I tighten the bun.
"Ok, you can come with me to the great hall while we wait for everyone else, or if you want you can stay out here." Momo says, "Also you're welcome."
"I'll come in with you." I reply, now following Momo back through her house into a larger room, bigger than the one I met her mother in the first time I was here.
We talk for a few minutes before we hear a doorbell, to which both Momo and I stand up.
"Please, Y/n, if you would, go grab a cart that's around the corner, it has tea and cups on it, and bring it in here?" Momo asks, heading for the front of the house.
Not saying anything, I exit the great hall and grab the cart she told me about and wheeled it back into the great hall, where Mina, Jiro, Kaminari, Sero, And Ojiro, all started walking in, stopped, looked at me, and then sat down. Momo proceeds to take the cart from me while telling me to grab someone to train with first and head outside with them.
"Hey, Y/n, what are you doing here? You placed third in the midterms." Sero says, as I am choosing someone to help with training.
"I am here to fill in for Momo, who said she wouldn't be much help with the practical, pretty much I'll be helping you with that, also, Ojiro, come with me." I say signaling to Ojiro, who stands up and follows me into the back yard.
"Ok so, compared to some of the other people in our class, you are better at fighting, so I grabbed you so we could get this part out of the way." I say.
"Ok." Is all Ojiro responds with.
"So here is how we are going to do this, if you can get me to the ground, or pin me, however you want to say it, then your free to go back inside, either you pin me or get me to a state of submission, If I can get you into a state of submission, we go again until you can get me to that state, seem like a plan." I instruct
"You can use your quirk or just basic combat, your choice." I say.
"Ok, well, I'm ready when you are." He says squaring up.
"Come on then." I say squaring up myself.
Ojiro starts a charge at me, throwing punches, causing me to block and dodge each one. After a couple of punches Ojiro started using his tail to try to push me back off balance, before throwing a right hook, giving me a perfect opportunity.
Once Ojiro threw his right hook, I slipped under it and put him into a standing triangle arm choke.
While I had him in this position he kept trying to pull my arms away the best he could, but when I noticed that he was doing this, I started shaking him somewhat violently, but apparently it was enough, because Ojiro tapped out with his other hand.
"Ok, well, you tried, not bad, square up again." I say.
Ojiro squares up once more and this time when he comes at me he manages to get me to turn around, knocking me to my knees, before using his tail to put me in a sleeper hold. I quickly tap, knowing full well how many other people I'm going to have to spar with.
"Good job, Like I said, I wasn't too worried about you with the practical stuff, you are one of the better fighters when it comes to hand to hand." I say, standing up, rubbing my neck.
"Are you ok?" Ojiro asks nervously.
"I'm fine, now, let's head inside, you can get to your lessons with Momo, I can grab someone else." I say patting Ojiro on the back.
"The classical Japanese language, also called 'old writing', is the literary form of the Japanese language that was the standard until the early Shōwa period 1926–89" Momo says to Sero.
"Kamanari, come on." I say, pulling Kaminari out of his study time.
He manages to get me to submit after six tries, and Sero after four.
Up next was Jiro, someone I was really looking forward to sparing with, because I have only ever done it once before, in our first year of Jr. high.
"You put your hair into a bun, it's been a while." Jiro says as we make our way into the backyard.
"Eh, my hair has reached a length, where I don't want to cut it, but it needs to go up while training or working out." I reply, smiling.
"Ok, so how are we doing this?" Jiro asks.
"Ok so like I told Ojiro, Kaminari, and Sero, you will try to make me tap, pretty much use any strategy you can think of, If I tap, you win, If you tap, I win, you go until you can get me to tap, seem like a plan?" I ask, after giving the explanation.
"Question, how hard am I allowed to hit you?" Jiro asks.
"As hard as you can, if you can?" I say smiling.
Jiro takes this as her que to charge me, so she does.
She starts throwing punches, which I manage to dodge, but barely.
"Wow, you've got a fast punching speed, where was this last time we sparred?" I ask, jokingly, while still bringing up the speed of her punches.
"Well, I have been wanting to spar with you again, so sometimes I'll go on runs, and kinda punch along with the steps I take." Jiro responds, now throwing a right hook, which I barely manage to dodge.
"You sure you don't have a punching bag?" I ask jokingly.
"Nope." Jiro replies.
After a few more punches thrown by Jiro, I feel myself back up into something solid, and Jiro then proceeds to use her earphone jacks kinda like knives, because she puts them up, right in front of my face.
"Well, looks like I've got nowhere to go." I say, "Great job Earphone."
Jiro lowers her jacks and smiles innocently, as if she had never been in a fight to start.
"So, how did I do compared to the boys?" Jiro asks.
"Uh uh uh, that is classified information, you will find that out after Mina tries her hand at me." I say, "But, between you and me, you did good, one try, not bad my friend."
I smile as does Jiro, and we head back inside. Jiro sits down and Mina stands up, knowing what she is going to go through.
We head out back, and start, Mina starts out strong, but starts to get cocky, allowing me to slip in, getting past her, multiple times, and before she can get me to submit, she has attempted seven separate times.
We head back in, and I ask Momo if I could interrupt her teaching session, to which she agrees.
"Ok, so out of you five, if we were looking at this like a game, you all rank differently, so in last, is Mina, at seven attempts before getting me to submit, next would be Kaminari at six, Sero at four, Ojiro at two, and Jiro at one." I say.
"Aww man," Mina says.
"Yeah, I thought I did better too." Kaminari says in defeat.
"Ok, sorry for the bad news for you two, but you guys need to get back to your studying, so I'll leave you be, now I'm going for a bit of a run." I say, heading for the doorway of the great hall.
"Hey, Y/n, before you go, do you mind coming back when everyone leaves, I was kinda hoping to do the training that you did with the other five as well, not to see how well I do, more for fun." Momo asks.
"Yeah, I don't see why not, just text me when you want me to start heading back." I say.
"Will do my love." Momo replies.
"Ok you guys, I will talk to you later, imma go on a run." I say to the group sitting at the table.
"See ya later." Mina and Kaminari say.
"Also Y/n thanks for the training." Ojiro says.
"Yeah thanks." Sero agrees.
"No problem you guys." I reply, heading for the door.
Once I make it out the gate, I pull out some earbuds and plug them into my phone starting a playlist of eighties and nineties music like "Baby Got Back" and "U Can't Touch This", among others.
(TIME SKIP BECAUSE I'M NOT WRITING, THE EQUIVALENT OF AN HOUR OF A RUN, Which in all reality would just be different songs XD )
An hour later I get a text, midway through Shoop by Salt n' Pepa, from Momo, saying that everyone left.
I start heading back and once I get there the gate opens as if it itself recognizes who I am.
"Yao-Momo?" I ask while knocking on the door.
I stand back, waiting for the door to open, and when it does, the person who opens it, is not Momo, or her mother, but a man, who has some small facial features that look like Momo.
He looks at me scoffs, before pushing past me, and heading for the gate.
"Y/n, is that you?" I hear what sounds like Momo ask softly from inside.
I open the door to see Momo poking her head out from around a corner, causing me to quickly rush over to her.
"Momo, are you ok, what happened?" I ask, extremely worried.
"I'm fine, nothing happened to me, but..." Momo starts.
"But, what?" I ask calmly.
"My father has come back into my life, and not to try to be a father. He was acting all nice at first, being playful and all, but eventually, it was like something in him snapped, because then he got angry, I mainly question why mother would let him in the house, but I just..." Momo says, starting to ramble on, with tears starting to roll down her face.
"Hey, hey, it's ok, I'm here, calm down." I say, pulling Momo into a hug, trying to calm her down.
"I'm just scared, I don't ever know how he will react, he's been gone for almost three years now, and before that, he was never in my life, I...I..." Momo says, while sliding out of my hug and down to the ground.
I lower myself to the ground in a sitting position, so that way I'm eye level with Momo.
"Hey, i'm right here," I say, wiping a tear from Momo's eye, "and if you ever need to talk, or just want some comfort of some sort, I'll always make room in my day for you, now come here."
I move so that way I'm sitting by momo, My back against the wall, and I signal for Momo to lay her head down in my lap, which she does, and we sit in silence for roughly fifteen minutes, not saying anything.
"What time is it?" Momo asks randomly, breaking the silence.
"Let me check." I reply, pulling my phone out of my pocket, "Uuuh, it is, Three ten." I reply.
"Well you probably want to get home huh?" Momo asks.
"Eh, I've got time, I mean you also wanted me to help you train a bit, and Mina will be fine by..." I stop mid sentence, nothing else being let out, horror frozen on my face, unknowing how Momo may respond to this.
"Why are you bringing up Mina?" Momo asks, sitting up and looking at me, concerned.
"Don't panic, it's not what you think it is, i'm going to tell you why, and then you will see why you don't have to worry about that." I say, panicked.
"It better be a good explanation." Momo says, and I can hear the irritation in her voice.
"Ok, so at first, you may not believe me, which is why I will be able to show you proof, I was wanting to hold off on telling you, along with everyone else, but Mina is my sister, why do you think I spend as much time with her as I do." I say.
"Ok, and you said you have proof of this, where is it?" Momo asks, still a little irritated.
I quickly turn to my phone and call Mina.
"Ok, you want proof, How about this, just don't say anything here, she has no clue I'm with you, all she knows is I could still be out on my run." I say, as the ringing continues.
"Why hello there good sir." Mina says as she answers the phone.
"Hello madam, would you be so kind as to answer me, are you at the home?" I ask.
"Why, yes, yes I am, and wherefore art thou." Mina replies.
"I'm still out on a run, hey in my room, there should be a picture with you myself, mom and dad, can you do me a favor and take a picture of it and send it to me?" I ask.
"Which one, because there was one, that was you mom and myself, and then there was the one that we took over at Nana and Pops when we were like four?" Mina asks.
"The one when we were at Nana and pops, the other one, was our fifth birthday, and that one is out in the garage." I reply.
"So you want a picture of the one in your room?" Mina asks, and I can hear a light switch flip on.
"Ok, Is it this one." Mina asks. And at that very instant, I got a text.
I open up the picture to see Mina, our parents, and myself all standing in Nana and pop's front yard, in front of Nana's garden, a tear forming, because this was the last time we were all together.
"You ok, I know that half the time you see this picture you well up with tears.
"Yeah, I'm fine, I say, fighting back tears.
"Is that the one?" I hear Mina ask.
"Yeah, that's it, Thanks Ashi." I say, still fighting tears.
"No problem, love you bubby." Mina says in her usual happy go lucky voice.
"Love you to sis, see you in a while." I reply.
"HURRY UP THOUGH, I'm getting hungry." Mina says.
"You're always hungry, but I'll be home, A.S.A.P, promise." I say.
"Thank you, Love you bubby." Mina says.
"Love you too." I reply, as Mina hangs up, and now my fight against my emotions was lost, tears falling down my face.
"Is the picture your proof?" Momo asks, this time calmer most likely due to me crying.
"Yeah." I say, wiping the tears from my eyes, only for them to be replaced by new ones.
"May I see it?" Momo asks, gently rubbing my back, trying to calm me down.
I hand my phone over, and Momo proceeds to look over the photo.
"You and Mina look so cute, you're so tiny." Momo says, with an awe in her voice.
"We are roughly four in that picture." I say.
"Is that your parents?" Momo asks, pointing at Mina and my parents.
"Yeah, their names were Liam and Jessica." I say pointing to the respective parent.
"Jessica, that's a pretty name." Momo says, handing me back my phone.
"I remember telling her that one day when I overheard my dad say it to her, what's funny is I didn't understand the concept of pretty names at the time." I say, laughing, tears still trickling down my face, just not as fast.
"Ok, so, I believe you, about Mina being your sister, I just want to know, Why didn't you tell me?" Momo asks.
"Because, It's the same reason why no one else in the class knows, it's also the reason no one else knows about our parents' death, in a hero course, where both Mina and myself know our full potential, we don't want to be treated differently, due to our past. Jiro found out, after we had comprehended ourselves what had happened, they were buried back in our hometown, so we can't even visit them unless we visit our grandparents." I say, tears starting to fall down my face faster, "I've written songs about them, tried to forget them, and just tried to move on, but nothing ever works in helping me get over their death, do you remember the sleepover we had a while back?" I ask.
"Yeah, why?"
"So, do you remember how all you guys came out into the garage, after I screamed, and I was on my knees, and shrugged off all the help?" I ask.
"Yeah." Momo responds.
"It's because I saw hallucinations of them." I say, before explaining the entire episode to Momo.
"Oh my God, was this the first time?" Momo asks.
"No, I have had three in total, the first one I didn;t understand it, but I was terrified, it was roughly four months after they died was the first one, I said nothing, I was just terrified, the second one was during my last year of grade school, But I haven't had them since, well the
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