Chapter 6

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(Newt's POV)

I took a look at the girl. Her cheeks was red and a little bit swollen, because of her tears. The cut on her eyebrow was bleeding again and her face was pretty dirty, so i took the cloth again and cleaned her whole face with careful hands. Her hair was a little curly and it suited her. Her lips had the prettiest rosy colour. I took a quick glance on her hands. They were strong but feminine at the same time, and they looked so soft, that i thought she had used lotion every day in her life. My attempt on trying to touch her hands failed, when she suddenly moved her hand.

"Don't touch me." She said and crawled down from the bed. She took a hand up and shielded her shoulder.

"Are you okay?" I gentle asked her.

"Like you even care." She said offended and turned her back on me.

"What do you mean?" I asked her confused and crossed my arms.

"You guys hit me, so i blacked out!" She said like it was obvious.

"Yeah sorry for that, but it was necessary." I told her and stepped forward to get a look on her shoulder.

"Don't go near me or you will regret it!" She yelled at me and i took my hands up in the air.

"I just wanna help you. Calm down." I tried to say calm, but i don't think it helped even a little bit. I took a step forward again and she grabbed a vase immediately and threw it at me. It broke on the floor right beside me. I saw Gally coming in and he ran over to the girl. He grabbed her shoulders and the pain in her face was unavoidable.

"Gally, let her go! She's hurt!" I yelled but it was too late. She screamed painfully as high as she could and fell to the floor.

I rushed over to her and saw her shoulder bleeding even more now.

"Get Clint and Jeff!" I shouted at Gally and he ran shocked out of the room. I grabbed a new cloth and pressed it carefully against her hurt shoulder. She was writhing in pain, so i lifted her head up on my leg, so she could rest it. A door slammed and Clint, Jeff and Alby ran over to us. Clint and Jeff lifted the girl up on the bed carefully and cut with a scissor in her jersey, so they could see her hurt shoulder.

"What the bloody hell?" I yelled shocked. Her veins was black and it was bloody and red around her wound.

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