Chapter 16

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(Annabelle's POV)

I spent the day in the Garden today. It was hilarious, i had so much fun with Zart and some of the other Gladers. Newt appeared and disappeared a lot, so i didn't get to talk to him so much, but i had fun anyways. When the Runners came back from the Maze, Newt told me that they were going to hold a party for me. They said that every "Newbie/Greenie" get's a party, but mine was a little late, because of all the problems with my disease. Yeah, i started calling it a disease, because what would it be if it wasn't? Newt injected me with the last syringe with the Bliss before the party, so nothing's going to happen for the rest of the day.

I sat at the bonfire, while warming my hands towards it. The other Gladers were talking and laughing. I glanced sidelong at Newt. Obviously the same thing did he. He saw me looking and we both looked away, i with red cheeks.

Gally tore me out of my thoughts and handed me a cup with a weird liquid in it, which smelled terrible.

"Eow, what is this? It smells terrible." I said and held my nose closed.

"It's my special mixture. It's very healthy." He said and laughed. Minho and Chuck came over and looked excited at me.

"You really should try it." Chuck said and giggled, his cute little giggle. Newt was watching me again, so i plucked up courage and took a huge sip of it. Just as it touched my tongue, it started to burn and i felt like i had to puke. I spat it out on the ground and coughed to get it all out. Gally, Minho, Chuck and many other Gladers was doubled up with laughter.

"Stupid Shanks!" I said and threw my cup at Gally. Newt was also laughing, and even though it was embarrassing, it was nice to hear and see, that he was having fun.

When everyone was done making fun of me, i just chilled with Minho and Gally. Gally wasn't nice to the other Gladers, but to me he was. He made fun of and with me, and we could talk for hours without it getting bored. Newt was sitting on the same place, where he sat before the party even began. He didn't do much but talk to the boys, who sometimes sat down beside him, and look over at me.

Gally tore me out of my thoughts for the second time today, when he gave me a dare.

"Okay, Anna.. Either you have to kiss me or Newt on the cheek." He said.

"Heeey, it's not fair that you are taking advantage of my gender!" I said for fun and Gally shrugged with a silly smile on his face, but i accepted the dare. I stood up and walked over to Newt. He looked up at me with a questioning look, but i just gave him an apologizing look, before i gave him a quick kiss on the cheek and walked back to Gally and Minho, who were giggling loud. I cuffed both of them on their shoulders and sat down. I didn't look back at Newt.

"My turn." I said and send Gally an evil smile.

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