Chapter 11

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(Gally's POV)

The hot water was flowing down on my body and i scrubbed my hair, till all the homemade shampoo got out of my short hair.

"Who's in there?" I heard a voice ask. It was Newt.

"Me." I answered.

"Gally, get out of there. Anna needs a shower." Newt commanded and i grabbed a towel. I folded the towel around my waist, so my fit stomach was still visible.

(Annabelle's POV)

The boy named Gally, walked out of the shower. I am sure both Newt and i knew, that Gally was showing himself off. Deepest down i just wanted to laugh at him, but that would be rude. He sent me a silly smile and winked at me. I wanted to give him the middle finger so bad now, but i just ignored him and took the clean towel, Newt handed me.

"Where do i put my clothes?" I asked Newt and he pointed at a little bench in a corner.

I looked over at the door into the shower, and noticed that there was no lock.

"How do i lock the door?" I asked him and felt a little silly, because we both knew i wasn't able to lock the door.

"We were only boys before you, so we didn't need a lock." Newt blushed a little and i think he felt stupid.

"Can you do me a favor, then?" I asked him and tried to prove, that it didn't matter.

"Yes of course." He said and looked at me.

"Can you keep guard outside? If i hurry up?" I said and hoped for a yes.

"Yeah. Just take all the time you need." He said smiling and ran a hand through his long blond hair. He walked out of the room and closed the door after him. Newt was such a gentleman and i trust him. I took off my clothes and put in on the bench. I walked into the shower and closed the door after me. I felt satisfied and happy, when i turned the shower on and i felt the hot water landing on my body.

(Newt's POV)

I sat down on the grass and leaned my back against the wall made of tree. I felt a little desire to go in there. It must have been ages ago since i saw a woman body. I don't even know if i have ever seen one. I felt stupid because of that little desire, even though it had the same size as a seed. I picked up a little lilac flower and started to rip of the breakable leaves.

"Hey Newt." I looked to my left and saw Thomas wave at me.

"Hello Thomas." I said and send him a smile.

"What are you waiting for?" He asked me and pointed at the changing room.

"Anna's taking a bath." I told him.

"The new girl? Then what are you doing out here?" He asked me and a foolish smile spread on his face, as he started to laugh.

"You stupid shank. There is no lock on the doors, so i am keeping guard out here." I told him and threw a little stone at him for revenge.

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