(The girl's POV)
I instantly woke up and spat water out on the cold checked floor. Glimpses of light made it possible for me to see anything and i quickly formed a picture in my head of the weird room i was in. It felt like i was in some kind of lift, that was going up fast. My heart beated rapid by the thought of something bad might happen. Suddenly the lift made a high squealing noise, somehow jumped a meter up and then about three metres down with a thud that made me fly backwards, so i hit my head on some metal boxes and then everything went black.
(Newt's POV)
"Everyone shut the shuck up! The box WILL come." I, Newt, a tall thin boy with blond hair, shout and make everyone quiet for a minute, until the questions ticks in again.
"Maybe something's wrong with the box." Someone says from the crowd of boys.
"Maybe the Makers fooled us.." Another one says from somewhere in the massive group of boys.
"What if something happened?" Chuck, a little chubby boy with brown curls asked.
"Nothing ever happens. Nothing's wrong, it's just a little late." Alby, an almost bald tall boy with dark skin says and made a last sign for the other boys to stay quiet.
Suddenly the lift shaft made a high noise, and we all knew the box had arrived.
Alby and i helped each other raise the top of the lift shaft and the box became visible.
It was dark and quiet down in the box and some of the boys became suspicious.
"Can you see anyone, Newt?" Thomas, a tall boy with short brown hair asks.
"Not from up here, it is pretty dark down there." I answer him and carefully lift myself down in the box. At first i couldn't see a thing, but my eyes slowly grew accustomed to the darkness.
"What do you see?" Alby asks.
"Umm, i can't see that much, but the daily stuff is definitely here. What a mess. Our stuff is lying everywhere on the floor" I answer them, while i feel my way through the box. Without touching it, i catch a glimpse of a body, but it didn't move.
"Can i get some light down here? I see someone." I tell them and grab the flashlight, Alby handed me. Finally the boys were quiet and nobody moved a muscle.
I turned the flashlight on and pointed it at the body.
"What the bloody hell?" I shout.
- Thank you so much for reading this! I would love if you would give me feedback, so i can do it better in my next chapters.
- I accept all kinds of feedback.
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