Chapter 54: Goku's Death and an Impending Threat

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I slowly got back to my feet as both Goku and Raditz lay on the ground. I approached Raditz who was muttering to himself "Kakarot, how could he?! It makes no sense. The fool, now we're both dead." 

I smirked down at him before saying "No, you die alone." Piccolo walked over and stood next to me, continuing my sentence. "Goku won't be gone for long. I'm guessing his friends will see to it he's back within the week."

Raditz stammered out "What, that's impossible. Tell me, how..." Piccolo smirked as well before saying "Gladly, on this planet we have something that we call the Dragon Balls. When all seven balls are gathered together, they have the power to grant any wish. That includes bringing the dead back to life. So you see, it is GOKU who will have the last laugh."

That's when Raditz suddenly started chuckling before saying "No, I'm afraid you're wrong green man." I stared down at him and asked "What do you mean?" Raditz began explaining "This device on my face, it's also a transmitter. My Saiyan comrades have heard every single word."

We looked down at him as he continued "There's two of them and they'll come, I know they will. And once they arrive you'll be powerless to stop them." He looked up at us and grinned "They'll seek out these Dragon Balls and they'll destroy everything in their path. You and every living thing on this planet will be wiped out!"

Goku's weak voice was then heard asking "When? When will they come? How long?" Raditz responded "One year. And the funny thing is, they're much stronger than me." At  this point me and Piccolo were shaking however we kept calm. Piccolo asked "Stronger? One year? Oh no..." 

Raditz finally said "Enjoy this little victory of yours today, it means nothing. You're as good as dead." He continued his speech laughing to himself until suddenly me and Piccolo snapped, with a yell we both raised out hands and finished the Saiyan off!


Eventually, Krillin, Roshi and Bulma all showed up. We all stood around Goku's body as Krillin yelled "You're gonna make it Goku! Roshi tried telling him it was no use however he wouldn't listen. Bulma commented that Gohan was okay despite still being unconscious from Raditz's earlier blow. 

We heard Goku then say "That's good, Chi Chi's kill me if he got hurt. Goku smiled at his son before saying "Krillin, please take care of Gohan for me." Krillin smiled and said "Yeah, sure buddy." His face became serious and said "But, it's not gonna come to that okay?! You're gonna make it!" 

Goku replied "No, not this time friend. This time, I can't." Krillin declared "I'll wish you back Goku. We already have three Dragon Balls. Goku smiled and finally said. "I'll see you soon. And with that, he closed his eyes and finally passed away.

I was speechless, I had no idea what to say. Goku was the man responsible for changing me into who I was today. If it wasn't for him, I'd still be a lackey of Master Shen and wouldn't have reached levels of strength I had done now.

Krillin screamed "GOKU!" I just muttered "He's gone. I can't believe it." I went over to get my weighted clothes and robe. Piccolo explained to the others how Kami likely would have plans for Goku in the afterlife, hopefully something that would aid us against the impending threat. 

Piccolo also told the others about Raditz's scouter and how he was able to track down Goku so easily. Bulma then began messing with the Scouter before saying "Let's get back to Master Roshi's once we get this fixed, we can find Yamcha and maybe Tien too." 

I then spoke up "I know where Tien and Chiaotzu are. I'll go to them and inform them of the coming invasion." Roshi nodded and said "That sounds like a good decision, if we hear anything else, we'll come and find you." 

I nodded before turning to Piccolo who had just regenerated his arm. He turned to the others and said "Before you leave I have a request to make. This will sound strange but try to put your emotions aside. I want Goku's son to come with me for special training."

My eyes widened however I knew what he meant, the power Gohan displayed was unlike anything I had seen before. The others however were less understanding. Krillin snapped "No way! You can't fool me MR 'special training.' You just want to gobble him up!"

Piccolo yelled "I do not!" He calmed himself and explained "Earlier today this showed signs that he might be the most powerful person on this planet. I think I can teach him to control his power so he can use it to help us defend the Earth when the other Saiyans arrive. It is a long shot he might still be too young we'll see." 

I stepped forward and said "He's right. The boys power was far beyond anything I thought possible. I believe Piccolo could help him control this power." They all looked at me shocked before Roshi said "At any rate, I'd suggest you ask they boy's mother."

Piccolo responded "I'm not asking I'm telling. Look, nothing else matters now except beating the other Saiyans in one year. The boy's in good hands." He made a faint movement as Gohan floated out of Roshi's arms and into his own. 

Piccolo caught the child before saying "When you wish Goku back, tell him he can look forward to seeing his son one year from now. I'll do what I can with this pampered kid. Hopefully our work will bare fruit." Without another word Piccolo flew away.

Image of Piccolo taking Gohan:

I turned to the others and said "I wouldn't worry about them. I'll go find Tien and Chiaotzu. If anything new comes up come and find me immediately. Understand?" My voice was serious and even somewhat aggressive as Krillin, Roshi and Bulma nodded in unison. I raised a hand and said "Then I'll see you again soon. Farewell." With that I took off back towards the valley where hopefully Tien and Chiaotzu would still be training.

Little did I know, no amount of training could prepare us for the approaching nightmare...

Author's Note: That's it for this chapter. Now I wish to take a break from this story. I won't be able to upload at all for the rest of the week and after that, I wish to work a bit on one of my other books. Anyway, I hope you enjoyed the chapter and as always, thank you for reading.

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