Chapter 46: A GIANT Problem, Goku vs Piccolo Jr Part 2

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(Before we begin, I would like to ask you all how you would feel about me making Launch a potential love interest for Y/N? I've thought about this quite a bit however I can't decide, please comment and tell me what you think.)

WARNING: Minor gore elements in this chapter, you have been warned.


The smoke cleared and at first we believed Goku had won, however I knew better, I could still sense Piccolo's energy and sure enough, as we looked up to the sky, we saw him floating there still. His clothes were ripped and his turban had been shredded in the explosion, other than that though, he looked relatively fine, though he was certainly enraged.

Everyone just stared in shock as Piccolo was shaking in anger before yelling "You have FAILED! You thought your simple parlour tricks could destroy me. But as you can see, I'm still here!" Goku just stated "Yeah, I know. Are you going to float up there all day, or can we continue this fight?"

Piccolo floated down to the arena and stared at Goku, even more angered now. "Tick tock, I'm waiting, impress me!" They continued to stare for a moment before the announcer yelled "GOKU LAUNCHED A DEVASTATING ATTACK WHICH WAS NOTHING SHORT OF SPECTACULAR! HOWEVER EITHER BY EXTREME LUCK OR EXTRAORDINARY STAMINA, JUNIOR HAS SURVIVED! AND HE DOESN'T SEEM HAPPY!"

There were murmurs among the crowd, it was clear that people recognized Piccolo's appearance from three years ago. Piccolo grew frustrated with the constant talk and yelled "Silence you worms! I am King Piccolo reincarnated!"

This revelation stunned everyone into silence as he continued "Let it be known throughout the world! Once I've disposed of Goku I will be your KING once again! Not only has King Piccolo been reborn, but his reign of TERROR as well!" He started laughing sadistically.

The entire audience fled the stadium in terror. The entire world was in anarchy over Piccolo's revelation. The only ones left at the stadium were myself, Goku's group, Piccolo and the announcer who yelled "ATTENTION, LADIES AND GENTLEMEN IF YOU CAN HEAR MY VOICE, RUN! IT'S TRUE! THE FIGHTER KNOWN AS JUNIOR IS IN FACT KING PICCOLO!"

Piccolo turned back to Goku and said "Break time's over. No more distractions. Bulma, Launch and the others came over to stand near us as Goku announced "Forget about destroying the world, I won't let it happen!" Piccolo smirked and said "Forget about passing judgement until after you've seen my latest technique. It's a real showstopper!"

That's when Piccolo began to channel his energy, bits of concrete began to float up and shatter as Piccolo chuckled to himself. My eyes then widened when I noticed that he was GROWING! His body grew upwards until finally he towered above Goku and the rest of us.

Image of Piccolo Jr's Giant Form:

Piccolo grinned down at Goku and said "From up here, you look very small." Goku just asked "Incredible, how did you make your clothes grow?" Launch suddenly grabbed the announcer and yelled "Hey, isn't that against the rules?!" The announcer responded "I'm afraid there's no rule against getting bigger." Bulma commented "We left the rules a long time ago."

Goku got into another fighting stance. Piccolo began attacking him with a series of punches, slaps and stomps. Since he was much larger, his attacks were proving much more effective than before. Eventually, he slapped Goku to the ground and he didn't get up.

I yelled "Goku, let me help!" Goku just got up slowly and said "No don't, I can't accept your help, not without forfeiting the match." I yelled at him "This stopped being a match a long time ago Goku! I swear, your overconfidence will be your downfall one day."

Piccolo laughed and said "You'll forfeit more than that puny human, by the time I'm through with you!" Roshi commented "Junior has achieved quite a feet, he's increased his size without sacrificing his speed."

Goku announced "Your size doesn't intimidate me! And it won't help you!" Piccolo answered "Really, are you certain of that?" Goku triumphantly said "Oh yeah." Goku raced behind Piccolo and instantly hit him in the back of the leg.

That's when I noticed, that despite growing much larger, Piccolo hadn't become any stronger. In short, he was just a bigger target, something Goku was quick to exploit. Piccolo fell onto his backside as Goku grabbed his finger and then threw him onto his back.

He sat back up in anger as Goku chuckled to himself. He stood back up and spat "You insolent maggot!" He proceeded to try landing some more punches however Goku dodged each one with ease.  Goku suddenly jumped up and kicked Piccolo directly in the eye, he staggered back, clutching it in pain.

Goku went in for another attack however Piccolo fired his eye-beam out of his remaining eye and it hit Goku in the knee, causing him to fall to the ground. Piccolo tried stepping on Goku however, Goku held his foot and pushed back. It was no use as Goku was eventually crushed under the weight of Junior's foot.

Or so I thought, as Goku once again began to push, lifting the foot back up. Chi Chi yelled "You can beat him Goku!" Goku pushed harder and eventually was able to throw Piccolo onto his back! As Goku smugly grinned, Piccolo sat back up and said "I hate you!" Goku proceeded to explain how Piccolo's attack just made him a bigger target, a fact which I already knew.

Piccolo yelled "You think one lucky throw is an accomplishment?!  Once again, he began channelling his energy and grew even LARGER! Why he was doing this I don't know, after all, we already knew that it didn't help him.

Piccolo looked down and asked "What do you think?" Tien said "We're in trouble." I just nodded in response. The announcer yelled "UNBELIEVABLE! HE'S AS BIG AS A VOLCANO! AND HE'S ABOUT TO ERUPT!"

The others all suddenly ran and I followed them. Yamcha turned to Goku and said "Come on! It's over!" Piccolo laughed and yelled "Your friend is right!" His voice then echoed as he laughed maniacally down at Goku before saying.


Piccolo attempted to stomp on Goku however Goku leapt upwards and to my surprise disappeared down Piccolo's THROAT! At first I was confused as Piccolo began choking however I soon realized what his plan was!

Soon he resurfaced and yelled "Y/N CATCH!" He threw something to me and I caught it, when I saw what it was my eyes widened again. It was the bottle that contained KAMI! Goku yelled "Open it quickly!"

I wasted no time, pulling the cork out as a spiral of green smoke emerged. Suddenly the smoke cleared to reveal, a very shocked looking Kami who just stood there for a moment. Piccolo yelled in fury "You meddlesome twit! You freed him!" 

Everyone was shocked by Kami's similarity to Piccolo as Roshi asked "You're Kami, aren't you?" Kami nodded slowly as Roshi said "Hello, you picked an odd place to take a nap. Goku rescued you, you're free." 

Kami responded "Goku?" He turned to look at Goku who was smiling. He looked down and said "I see, the effects of my Wave were reverse on me." Piccolo began to stand up and shrunk down back to his original height.

Goku said "That's better. Are you feeling small?" Piccolo angrily responded "Shut your mouth!" Goku continued to make fun of Piccolo which caused me to shake my head slowly.  Piccolo rushed forward yelling in rage as both he and Goku disappeared like they did at the start of the battle.

Everyone gasped in shock, even me and Kami. The speeds they were demonstrating here was beyond anything even I could comprehend. I couldn't even see them at all. Kami exclaimed "They're gone! Not even I can see them!" I agreed and said "Neither can I, how is this possible?"

Suddenly Yamcha yelled "They're in the sky!" Looking up, I saw the sparks of movement showing their fight.  It seemed they were going constantly back and forth between one another. Soon Piccolo began landing a series of punches on Goku.

He soon punched Goku to the ground however in yet another surprising manoeuvre, Goku propelled himself back towards Piccolo by firing a Kamehameha from his FEET! He then landed two punches which caused Piccolo to fall back.

Image of Goku firing a Kamehameha from his feet:

Piccolo began to fall to the ground, but as he did so, he raised his antennae and fired a stream of electricity that hit Goku directly, causing him to howl in pain. Now both of them were falling down to the arena.

Soon though, Piccolo recovered and dashed forward, preparing to finish Goku. I thought it was the all over right there, however to my surprise, Kami leapt forward and dived in front of Goku, sticking his hands out and blocking Piccolo's attack!

Image of Kami saving Goku from Piccolo Jr:

(You see originally I had considered having Y/N replace Goku and fight Piccolo in the finals. I scrapped the idea for a number of reasons, one of them was this moment here. Y/N would be 100% okay with Kami or Tien helping him out while Goku wants to do it himself.)

Piccolo proceeded to lecture Kami "You are too old and too weak to defeat me, you should have stayed in that bottle!" Piccolo pulled back as Kami said "You forget your place Piccolo, Goku, join me, together we will stop this fool."

Goku seemed shocked before violently shaking his head and saying "No Kami, don't interfere! You can't!" Kami turned to him shocked before saying "What're you saying? I'm here to help you!" Goku replied "The tournament's not over yet, he's still my opponent! I can't win unless I defeat him by myself!"

I yelled "GOKU! That's just your own ego talking! You would have just lost if it wasn't for Kami and do you think Piccolo cares about the tournament?!" Goku turned to me and said "But still, this is something I HAVE to do alone!" 

I facepalmed myself in anger as Kami just said "Is that so." Goku stepped forward and announced "Hit me!" Piccolo seemed confused as Goku explained "I owe you a free punch. To make up for the punch Kami just blocked." 

Piccolo just seemed even more confused as Goku yelled "What're you waiting for! Hit me so we can continue the match!" Piccolo raised his fist and said "If you insist on it!" He landed a punch that sent Goku flying into the nearby wall.

Goku sat up and said "Sure am glad they put a wall there."  The two stared at one another and traded more insults mixed with jokes at one another. Kami sternly said "Now Goku, before we proceed, think this through very carefully. If we act now we can stop him together. There may not be a second chance." Goku turned to him and said "Thanks for your concern, but I've made my decision. I have to defeat him alone. It's just something I must do."

Tien then spoke up "Kami, I know you mean well. But Goku is an accomplished fighter. He saved the world more than once." The others all spoke up and Piccolo laughed at the idea. Roshi added "I hate to admit it, but Goku is the only one among us who can keep up with his tremendous speed. Even Y/N lacks the raw stamina to last against Junior for long."

Piccolo just started laughing before saying "You idiots! It took you this long to recognize my supremacy?!" He continued laughing. Kami stepped down from the ring as Goku and Piccolo prepared to resume their battle. 

Piccolo started shaking saying "You really think you can beat me? Beat me?!" Piccolo suddenly raised his arm and fired a blast from his hand, it sped towards Goku who dodged it easily. Surprisingly, it curved around and headed back towards him. Again though Goku dodged.

This kept going for some time before eventually Goku did yet ANOTHER unthinkably intelligent move. He tricked the beam into hitting PICCOLO directly instead of himself. I swear, he was impressing me more and more every moment.

The blast exploded and when the smoke cleared, Piccolo was standing there with a broken arm. We thought this would give Goku and advantage however suddenly, he gripped the arm and pulled on it, in a bloody torrent, he tore the arm clean off.

GIF of Piccolo pulling his arm off:

Everyone gasped at this however even more shocking, he began screaming and then managed to REGROW the arm he had just torn off, as if it was nothing! Goku just stood there and stared at Piccolo who seethed "Just give up. You can't hurt me. You can't stop my power. I am invincible."

He suddenly gripped his arms hard and began surging energy once again, whatever he was doing, I didn't like the look of it. I noticed bits of concrete and stones shooting upwards into the air from the sheer force of his energy.



Soon, Piccolo had built up a large amount of energy, whatever this blast would do, it would be extremely destructive! I turned to Tien and we nodded, we both flew up into the air and yelling in unison "TRI-BEAM!" We created a square-shaped hole and turned to the others as Tien said "Everyone, take shelter in this hole! It's our only chance! It won't do Goku any good if we don't survive!" 

Everyone climbed in, Kami turned back to Goku but I yelled "Kami, hurry up!" I climbed back up, grabbed him and pulled him back down into the hole as well. That's when Piccolo released a surge of blinding white energy. We were able to take refuge inside the hole as the blast covered the entire island!

Image of Piccolo's explosion:

After that there was just a blinding bright light. I grabbed hold of the person next to me and said "Get down!" After that it was just a matter of waiting for the blast to die down...

Author's Note: That's it for this chapter, I will admit this one was really long and difficult to write so I'm sorry if it was bad. Though nonetheless I really do hope you enjoyed it and as always, thank you for reading.

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