Chapter 3: Arrival on Papaya Island, Turtle meets Crane

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(Just imagine Y/N stood in front of Tien, he's about the same height as Chiaotzu since he's still a kid at this point.)

Timeskip to present day...

"Y/N, wake up. We're almost there."

I slowly opened my eyes to see Chiaotzu shaking me gently. I sat upright and turned to him before asking "What is it?" Chiaotzu just responded by saying "We're almost at Papaya Island, Master told me to come and wake you."

Image of Chiaotzu:

Nodding, I stretched before standing up. You see, about two days ago, Master Shen called myself, Tien and Chiaotzu to his chambers for a personal announcement. 

Apparently, the students of Master Shen's long time rival Master Roshi, entered the 21st World Martial Arts Tournament three years ago and did surprisingly well. One of them reached the semi-finals while the other made it to the finals itself!

Because of this, Master Shen had told us that the three of us were to enter the upcoming 22nd World Tournament in order to prove to both Roshi and his students that we were superior in every way. I personally just wanted to test their skill, see if they were really all that impressive.

I dressed into my green Crane School robe which had been personally modified so my tail could stick out though I didn't wear the black cap that was usually worn by Crane pupils due to my horned head-shape. After that I just followed Chiaotzu out of my room on the boat.

He lead me out onto the main deck her Master Shen was stood waiting with Tien. Upon seeing me he impatiently asked "Where were you Y/N? We're due to arrive at the island any minute now." I bowed and politely said "I'm sorry Master, I just overslept, it won't happen again."

Image of Tien Shinhan:

Now that we were all accounted for, it was just a matter of waiting for our arrival at the island where the tournament would take place. It was the dawn of a new day, a day in which my life would be changed FOREVER!


Master Shen was right, it wasn't long before we arrived at Papaya Island, the site of the 22nd World Martial Arts Tournament. On the ship, I saw lots of people who looked like warriors, likely also participating in the Tournament, though none of them looked particularly impressive. 

Instantly upon our arrival, we disembarked from the ferry and made our way to the Tournament's arena. Before anything could be sorted, we would have to register ourselves. When we eventually reached the sign-up booth, it was crowded by more warriors. Eventually though we were finally able to sign myself, Tien and Chiaotzu up.

I was left confused however when I heard Master Shen saying "Wait one moment." Despite my confusion, I just nodded as did Tien and Chiaotzu. What were we waiting for exactly.

Soon enough, I got my answer when a group of individuals all showed up together. First I noticed an old man wearing sunglasses and a hat, from the look Master Shen was giving him, I was willing to bet that this was Master Roshi, the Turtle Hermit and my master's arch rival!

Image of Master Roshi:

He was accompanied by a young man in a blue suit about Tien's age, a small bald boy about mine and Chiaotzu's age, a girl with blue hair, another with blonde hair and a scowl on her face, a pig, a floating cat and finally a turtle. Quite the strange combination if you ask me.

We watched them for a while before Master Shen finally went over to them, we followed and once we reached the group our Master addressed them with a simple "Hello."

Roshi and his group turned to face us and for a moment we just stared at one another, you could practically feel the hatred between the Turtle Hermit and Crane Hermit, though it was Shen who spoke first by saying "Nice to see you've come out of your shell 'Master' Roshi."

As the others all turned to look at us, Roshi and Shen kept staring at one another, again the hatred was ever present despite no words being said. Eventually Roshi's eye twitched and Shen smirk. The others just kept looking at us aside from the blue haired girl who was frowning.

I just smirked myself while Tien did the same and Chiaotzu just blankly stared back at them. That's when Roshi said "Hermit Crane, what a surprise. After all these years you're still alive."

Shen just laughed before responding "The lines on your face are just as deep my old friend." Roshi growled angrily as the blue-haired girl inputted "That was rude." Shen then added "Relax, I didn't come here to start trouble. In fact I heard a silly little whisper that your pupils did quite well during the last Tournament. I guess the saying is true, ANYTHING can happen."

Roshi suddenly yelled "What's it to you huh?!" Shen just chuckled and said "You're out of your league Roshi, admit it! You were privileged by my absence last time, but we both know fighting against my team is an exercise in futility." 

He gestured towards the three of us with his head and said "Not even Jackie Chun could handle my boys, do yourself a favour and go home!" I noticed the man and the boy in blue suits glaring at Tien and Chiaotzu, Tien smirked and Chiaotzu kept staring emotionlessly.

Turtle Hermit kept staring at us while Shen laughed and continued "I sympathise with your crew, I really really do. Inadequacy is always such a tough pill to swallow, but it sure beats public humiliation." 

In response to this Roshi started fake-laughing and retorted "Thanks for the concern. It's nice to see some things haven't changed! Like you're still full of hot air!" Now Roshi and Shen were both fuming with anger and got right in each other's faces.

Image of Roshi and Shen's argument:

Shen yelled first "You'd better stay out of my way!" Roshi just retorted by yelling "We're not turning tail for you or anyone!" The two Hermits just kept staring at one another and were literally shaking in anger.

Eventually though, Shen let out a "Hmph!" Before turning around, walking away and saying "You've been warned! Now suffer the consequences! Let's go, I wasted enough time on these fools!"

I nodded as me, Tien and Chiaotzu all followed our master without another word. Things at this tournament would certainly be more interesting than I had thought...

Author's Note: That's it for Chapter 3 and the first official chapter of the 22nd World Tournament saga in this book. I really hope you liked it and just like before, thank you for reading.

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