Chapter 20: Master Roshi's Sacrifice, the Evil Containment Wave

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We gathered the Dragon Balls until only two remained. We knew full well that they were in the possession of King Piccolo. We headed out to a desolate wasteland to plan our little trap. 

As soon as we arrived we put the plane back into its capsule as Roshi created a hole in the ground. He turned to us and said "Quickly. We can bury the Dragon Balls in this hole." Me and Chiaotzu picked them up before placing them inside.

Roshi then said "Piccolo won't find them so easily here. And it just might buy us some time." Chiaotzu then said "There we go." As he patted the ground back in place. Roshi then said "Alright, listen. Chiaotzu, Y/N, you hide behind those rock over there." He pointed to two of the large rocks. "Tien Shinhan and I will snatch King Piccolo's Dragon Balls while he's searching for ours." Roshi went on to explain our plan of using the dragon to get rid of Piccolo. He then said all we would need to do is exclaim "Come out Dragon!" followed by our wish.

I must admit, I was very anxious. You remember how my first battle with King Piccolo went. I didn't stand a chance but I got a clear view showing what he was capable of. However me, Tien and Chiaotzu all said in unison "Yes sir." 

That's when Roshi looked down at the Dragon Radar and said "Ready? They should be here at any moment. Good luck, now get going." We split up and went to our respective hiding places. Soon Tien exclaimed "They're here!"

Sure enough, I saw the familiar aircraft where I first met King Piccolo. We could see Piccolo and his four followers on top of the ship and I'm pretty sure King Piccolo SWALLOWED the Dragon Balls right then and there! 

We would have to attack him head-on!

Or that's what I though, out of the corner of my eye, I saw Master Roshi forcefully putting Tien to sleep. Roshi then exclaimed to us "Chiaotzu, Y/N! Forget about the manoeuvre we discussed earlier! I want you both to stay hidden. Do not come out until it's over! No matter what happens! Understood?!"

Roshi then turned to the airship and exclaimed "If you want the Dragon Balls Piccolo, you'll have to come down here!" Soon Piccolo floated down and now him and Roshi just stared directly at each other.

King Piccolo then said "Thank you for the invitation. I look forward to your agony." Roshi just glared at him intensely. He then pointed to the hole we made and said "All of the Dragon Balls I've collected are buried right here. You can dig them up and take them away, if you can defeat me." 

At this King Piccolo laughed and said "That will be my distinct pleasure. Standing before the might of King Piccolo, you STILL wish to challenge me? Imbecile, obviously you have no idea who I am. Otherwise, you'd understand that this path you've chosen is suicidal." 

I kept hidden behind the rock as Roshi retorted "This isn't the first time we've met monster." Again, Piccolo laughed and said "Then you must realize that I will soon send you to oblivion!" Roshi then carelessly said "Yeah yeah, I've heard that before. The only one who's going to take a dirt nap here is you. Unless you decide to play it smart and give me your Dragon Balls!"

Piccolo said "If that was a joke then I'm still waiting for the punchline. You want my Dragon Balls?" He then spat back up his two Dragon Balls and held them up in front of Roshi mockingly "They're all yours, take them if you can."

Rather smartly, Roshi just kept staring at him while Piccolo rolled the Dragon Balls in his fingers. Piccolo asked "What's the matter, are you too scared?" He openly held them out and said "Here!" Again, Roshi didn't move and just kept staring at him.

Upon realizing that Roshi wasn't going to try and take them, Piccolo swallowed the balls once again. It was also here that Piccolo realized Roshi's intentions and said "You're really serious aren't you? Very well, by all means." He paused before saying.


He raised a finger and shot a beam at Roshi, it hit him head-on and sent him crashing to the ground. Piccolo laughed and said "He lasted longer than I expected." Roshi stood back up though. He seemed weak and shaky.

Piccolo asked "Fool! Why do you stand in my way!" Roshi responded "Because, you are in mine." Piccolo asked "How so?" Roshi then said "With you threatening the world, how am I supposed to enjoy my 'exercise' programs'?" 

This caused King Piccolo to snarl angrily before yelling "YOU HUMAN!" He then sent a gust of powerful wind towards Roshi that sent him flying into a nearby rock, not the one I was behind luckily.

Piccolo was enraged. "Get up! Get back on your feet! A quick death is too good for you! I want to see you suffer beyond imagination!" Roshi stood back up and just stared the Demon King down with a ferocious glare.

Roshi said "I have no interest in fighting you. You're right, I am no match for you. You possess powers far greater than my own. But for every obstacle, there is a solution, I can still defeat you!" Piccolo asked "What are you blathering about?" 

Then Roshi said "You know what I'm talking about all too well. I told you this wasn't the first time we met. Many years ago, I faced you in battle, I was there the day my master stared you down, the day you blinked. Do you want to know my master's name?"

King Piccolo maintained his stare as Roshi finally said "It's Mutaito!" At this Piccolo was clearly shaking in fear, he looked terrified. But why? Suddenly he exclaimed "NOT AGAIN!" Roshi then threw out a capsule to reveal an electronic rice cooking jar?

Image of the Electronic Rice Cooker:

I'll admit, I was confused at this but Piccolo was clearly terrified of the object. Piccolo exclaimed "T-the electronic jar!" Roshi then said "Home sweet home!" Piccolo stepped back and said "I-I can't believe it!"

I heard Tien exclaim "The Evil Containment Wave! Master no! If you do it, you'll die!" Roshi ignored him and got into a stance. "You remember that day? The day you were sealed in the electronic jar by Master Mutaito! And I'm sure you also remember the special technique that put you there!"

Piccolo began stepping back, shaking in fear. Roshi made a series of poses before he was surrounded by a glowing blue aura. Piccolo took off into the air, screaming in terror as Roshi extended his hands outwards and yelled "EVIL CONTAINMENT WAVE!"

The beam of green energy shot upwards and quickly enveloped King Piccolo! I had never seen a technique like this before! I made a tornado-like motion as King Piccolo was sucked into the beam easily.

Image of the Evil Containment Wave:

The wave continued spinning with Piccolo trapped inside it. I thought this would finally be it! I thought Master Roshi had managed to successfully defeat King Piccolo! How wrong I was.

As the beam hurtled towards the jar, the strong winds sent it flying into the air! The beam hit the ground and we all watched in shock as the jar flew up into the sky. The jar hit the ground with a thud as King Piccolo stood there panting for air.

Roshi dropped to his knees and looked up at King Piccolo "You haven't won. Your dark dreams will never come true. Somehow, someone will succeed where I failed. Until that day, live in fear. You will fall. We're only human but we will survive."

Image of Master Roshi giving his dying speech:

I just watched what had happened, I had a new-found respect for the Turtle Hermit. Finally he weakly said "We will survive." And with that, he fell to the ground. Dead from the side-effect of the Evil Containment Wave.

I stared at the body of the old man. In the short time I was helping him, he had shown me more kindness than I had ever been shown by Master Shen. I wouldn't betray my master but I would honour the death of his rival.

Piccolo started laughing triumphantly "HAHAHAHA! YES! HE'S DEAD! THE FOOL'S DEAD!" He calmed himself and said "That was too close. I never expected he would know about the Evil Containment Wave. The old man was sly, but now he's gone forever." Again he started getting loud, exclaiming "I'M FREE, TRULY FREE!" He resumed his hysterical laughter.

Suddenly though, he calmed himself and turned to the hole in the ground saying "It's time." He made a gesture with his finger and the Dragon Balls all floated out of the ground. He spat the two he swallowed earlier out and dropped them to the floor.

The balls began to glow as King Piccolo said "The seven Dragon Balls are mine! At last, I will reclaim my youth and with it, all my glorious power! He looked down at the Dragon Balls before finally saying "Now. DRAGON APPEAR BEFORE ME!"

Black clouds appeared overhead as the balls continued to glow. Lightning crashed and thunder roared as a golden beam suddenly shot up into the clouds. It snaked around itself until suddenly taking on the form of a giant dragon!

Image of Shenron:

King Piccolo was about to make his wish, if he succeeded, it would mean the end of the world!

Author's Note: That's it for Chapter 20, I'll admit, this was one of the more fun chapters to write. I really hope you enjoyed it. And once again, thank you for reading.

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