Chapter 16: The Winged Demon

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Timeskip, three days later...

Three days had passed since the World Martial Arts Tournament had concluded. Since then I had trained relentlessly to prepare for the next one where I would finally have the chance to defeat Goku once and for all.

I was able to find Master Shen quite easily and together we returned back to the Crane School temple. This was where I trained. However as of late there had been some pretty disturbing occurrences going on.

Various Martial Artists had been attacked and killed by an unknown assailant. King Chappa, Pamput and about five others had all been found dead. I knew this individual would come for me sooner or later and eventually, it did.

I was outside meditating when I heard the sound of wings flapping and someone landing behind me. I opened my eyes and floated back into a standing position before turning around and facing the new arrival.

The figure had green, scaly skin and wings. He wore a smirk before saying "You are Y/N? The joint winner of the last World Martial Arts Tournament?" I just grinned back at him before saying "Correct. And I assume you're the one who's been hunting down fighters as of late. Who are you?"

Image of the Winged Demon (Tambourine):

The strange demon let out a sinister laugh before saying "I'm glad to see my work is being noticed. As for who I am, I am your assassin!" With that I scowled at him and got into a fighting stance saying, "I think you'll find me harder than your last few victims."

He chuckled again before saying "Huh, I doubt it." With that, we raced towards one another. I went in for a knee attack however the demon caught my leg easily. I tried following up with a punch however he effortlessly dodged that as well.

Suddenly, I was struck in the chest by several kicks which knocked me to the ground. Standing up, I saw the demon standing over me with a smirk. He raised his right arm to finish me off however in a moment of quick thinking, I wrapped my tail around his leg and pulled him over.

Quickly standing up, I watched as the demon slowly got back to his feet, before he could properly stand, I rapidly elbowed him in the face, causing him to stagger back. He recovered and I leapt forward for a kick attack but he dodged it and now we just stared at one another.

I had only one chance left. I instantly pointed at him and yelled "DODON RAY!" The beam shot out of my finger and travelled towards the demon head-on. What he did next terrified me though.

He simply stuck his left hand out and allowed the beam to hit it, he was pushed back a bit but he was seemingly unfazed by my attack. In fact, to my terror, he laughed! Then he said "I'll admit, you're the strongest warrior I've encountered so far, you landed more hits than any of the others combined. But now it's over."

With that, he opened his mouth and a red stream of energy shot out.

Image of Tambourine's mouth blast:

I barely dodged the blast by leaping upwards, I stopped myself in the air and looked down however to my surprise, I couldn't see the demon anywhere. That's when I heard the familiar sound of flapping wings followed by a voice saying "Where you looking for me?"

I turned around only to be met with a punch. I blocked it and tried countering with one of my own. Before it could it though, I was hit by a kick to the face that launched me back down into the ground. 

As I fell, things started to slow down. Eventually I crashed into a nearby wall and everything fell into darkness...

Tambourine POV

I flew back to the ground and just stared at the pile of rubble in shock. That child was definitely the strongest warrior I had ever faced. I regained my composure though, at least he had been eliminated.

I pulled out his poster from the list of fighters I had and tore it in half. I then pulled out another piece of paper and threw it on top of the rubble. Surely if people found out I'd killed a warrior like Y/N, it would discourage any lesser fighters.

With that business out of the way, I took to the skies in search of my next victim, completely unaware that Y/N was simply knocked out...

(Just so you know, Y/N was around Tambourine's level at this point, I'm guessing Tambourine's power level was about 180 while Y/N's is 160.)



As soon as I came to, I crawled right out of the rubble. I stood upright and looked around for the demon from earlier only to see he was gone. What I did see was Master Shen looking at me surprised "Y/N? How on Earth did you survive that?!"

I just looked at him and said "Pure luck I'm guessing, though I won't lose to him again." Next I asked "Which way did he go?" Master Shen simply pointed and said "I only saw him briefly but he flew that way.

Nodding, I went over to a tree and similar to Mercenary Tao, I knocked it down, threw it in the direction, leapt onto it and proceeded to use the try as a makeshift aircraft. I would have my revenge on the mysterious Demon.

Master Shen POV (Sorry for the constant POV changes)

I just watched as Y/N flew away on the tree. Turning my head I noticed a piece of paper on the floor. I remember that strange demon left it behind. I picked it up and upon seeing it, I instantly dropped it and began shaking in fear.

Y/N had no idea who he was dealing with...

Image of the note:

Author's Note: That's it for this chapter, I'm sorry if it was kind of bad, this chapter was kind of difficult in places. If it's any consolation, next chapter we will hopefully get a fight between Y/N and elderly King Piccolo. Either way, I really hope you liked it and as always, thanks for reading.

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