Author's Note: On Hold for Now!

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Hi everyone, like I've mentioned a few times before, now that the Frieza saga segment is finished, I'm going to be putting this book on hold so that I can re-plan my ideas for the future segments.

I know a few people were disappointed with how I wrote this book especially on the last two segments, however as I've also said before, this was all meant to be intentional, the entire point of the previous two segments is Y/N noticing how much stronger than him, Goku has become which in turn motivates him to become stronger in the later segments.

I don't know when I'll next be uploading anything for this story, I have my Resident Evil and Devil May Cry stories that need finishing however I also have two other books in development that I will also begin working on once the last two are finished so it could be a long time before anything else for this story can be uploaded.

I'm also taking ideas, if you have a suggestion that may work, feel free to comment. However I will warn you, I want the story to still feel natural in the context of my book, Y/N will be much stronger by the time the next segment rolls around due to transformation however I don't want to go over the top.

Of course next up will be the Android Saga in which Y/N will be able to transform all the way up to the 4th form (He won't get the 5th form until the Cell Saga.) I've already got two fights planned which I will definitely be including in the segment which are as follows.

Y/N (2nd Form) vs King Cold

Y/N (4th Form) vs Android 20/Dr Gero

I would however like to thank everyone who's been reading, voting and commenting on the book.  I will admit, I got a bit anxious when writing this last segment so thank you for being patient with me and I hope you continue to enjoy the book.

Now that's everything for now, I really do hope you enjoy the next segment whenever I do decide to finally work on it again, thank you for reading.

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