~ Chapter 12 ~

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Taco's POV

We all saw Tay's body drop onto the floor, lifeless.

"I-Is he dead?" Hodgy said, nervously. If we called the cops, we could get arrested too. Linh leaned down, pressing two fingers to side of his neck.

"Yeah, he's gone." She said softly, she dropped the gun. She stood up, running acouple fingers through her black, curly hair.

"Shit, what are we gonna do?" I said, we were all still tied up.

"We killed like four niggas here." Left said.

"Great, so we have to figure out how to clean all this up, and bury four niggas." Tyler said, sighing frustrately.

"We'll figure it out, we just have to hurry." Linhs said, after she said this, she came over and untied us. Everyone stood up, stretching. we were all tied up for quite awhile.

"Come on, we have about two hours." Linh said, i was wondering how she knew all of this, but i'll just ask her later.

"Hodgy, Left & Domo, clean surfaces, furniture, whatever has evidence on it," She said. "Tyler, Taco, Jasper and I will get these bitches out of here." She spoke. The first three dodged upstairs, getting right to work. The four of us got rid of the evidence of us being tied up, before we mainly cleaned up Tay, since all his blood was everywhere.

About 30 minutes later, we cleaned up the basement. One dead body each, we all drug along the bodies, deep, into the woods. Linh, on the other hand. She was carrying Tay, and the weapons we all used, burying those, too. She actually insisted on taking Tay, probably to get revenge, or whatever.

"Alright, lets dig, quick." She said, we all grabbed some shovels. Practically attacking the dirt with them. Which seemed like forever, we soon dug a deep enough hole. it was about 11 to 12 feet into the ground. he tossed the bodies in, then shoveled the dirt back ontop of them, flattening it out.

"We have to bury the weapons somewhere else," She said, humming in thought. "Over there." She said, pointing to across the lake.

"Now we have to go WAY THE FUCK OVER THERE?" Tyler shouted, throwing a tantrum, something he usually does.

"would you rather get arrested, bitch?" Linh said, she seemed like a whole nother person. She seemed angry, and irritated.

"Fiesty," Jasper said, doing a hiss like a cat.

"Nah." Tyler said, laughing his infamous laugh. I was actually surprised he didn't say anything rude back.

We all walked across the lake, luckily there was some sort of log, that guided us across the entire lake. Soon, we arrived. nobody asked any questions, but instead they started digging.

Domo's POV

"Hurry up nigga!" I shouted at Left, he was washing dishes, like nigga really?

"just clean the blood on the wall!" Hodgy said, frantically scrubbing a big blood splatter, on a wooden door. Left didn't ask any questions, instead he just hopped his ass over, trying the best he could to scrub the wall.

About 45 minutes later, we finally finished cleaning. Now, we were all sitting on the floor, drinking bottles of water. which we never drank water, by the way.

"I wonder when they'll be back," Left said, sipping some more water.

"Probably in like, 30 minutes." Hodgy said, shrugging. I stood up, stretching. we were sitting on the floor for awhile, and my ass cheeks were getting numb. don't you hate when that happens?

"I wonder what this nigga has here." I said, walking around the living room, which was where we all were. The floor creaked, almost everywhere you walked in the house, it sounded like a rusty car door.

"Don't touch SHIT DOMO!" Taco & Linh shouted at me, in unison.

"Why the fuck not?" I said back, seeing a pair of shoes i wanted. damn.

"Because dumbass you'll get your fingerprints over everything!" Tyler shouted, smacking my shoulder.

"Just shutup and put the bodies in the car, we have to get going, its gonna get dark in like an hour." Linh said, after she said this, Left, Tyler, Jasper & I carried out the bodies to the back of Hodgy's truck.

"Okay, we have to be quick, so people don't see us. Got it?" Linh said, before hopping into the car. She must of done this before, or went with someone to this.

Nobody said nothing when she said this, they just got the fuck into the car, and did what they were told. Hopefully we don't get caught, or the bodies get found acouple days later.


Sorry i haven't updated in awhile, i'm a lazy bitch lmao.

Plus school takes up most of my time, but i'll try and update this upcoming weekend.

thank you guys for reading this shitty book 💕 and all of my other ones, appreciate it.

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