• Chapter 9: Freshers! •

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[University, Freshers Day]

Nikita sat in the library as she worked on her assignment with Aisha. The two girls had been there since 9am, and it was currently 1pm. After a huge chunk of work done, Aisha now wanted to go for a walk around campus.
"Do you wanna walk?" Aisha asked.
"Yeah, sure." Nikita said and packed her stuff.
"We'll come back. You don't need to pack it."
"No. I... I prefer to." She refused.
"Okay! Suit yourself! Let's go!"

Nikita packed her stuff and followed her friend as they walked around University.
"So are you still unsure on if you're coming to freshers in the evening?"
"No I'm not unsure. I don't want to go."
"I think you should come babe. It's one time, and I won't drink too much, so you'll have me."
"I trust that, I'm just nervous."
"I don't know."
She chuckled, "Hahaha! Okay no worries!"

The two girls walked around campus until they reached the games room, to find the rest of their group. Nikita joined the group and started chatting when her eyes fell upon a girl. She seemed very popular as a lot of the boys were huddled around her.
"Who's she?" Nikita asked her friend.
"Oh that. That's Riya Gupta. Her mother is the chancellor of our University."
"Oh. Damn."

Meanwhile, Riya was making her way to Mayukh, who was busy in conversation.
"Hey!" She said, with a screeching smile.
"Hey." Mayukh replied, uninterested.

"What's the dress code for today?" She chirped.
"I see! Will you be able to pick me? I don't have a driver."
"I'll see what I can do. I'll send a driver."
Her face fell as she heard him but covered it up.

Soon, his eyes fell on Nikita. What was she doing here on a Saturday? She seemed lost in conversation with someone. He couldn't help but check her out. Her jeans and a sweatshirt with vans. Her hair tied in a clip as always. All her outfits highlighted her figure but also hid him modestly.
She suddenly met his gaze and instantly looked down, embarrassed.


[Tulip Towers, 8pm]

Nikita watched as both the girls were getting ready. They were all in Aisha's room since she had the best makeup options and all were getting ready as Nikita sat in the room watching in admiration.
"You guys look wonderful!" Nikita exclaimed.
"Thank you, love!" Krutika said.

Within a 30 minutes, both girls were done and were heading off to the party.
"Take care. Please stay safe." Nikita warned.
"Yes Mom. Don't worry!" Krutika teased.
They gave Nikita a hug and made their way out to the cab which was taking them to the party.

Nikita closed the door and went to the hall to watch TV. After 30/45 minutes, she started seeing several stories of the party from Aisha, Krutika and her other friends through her Instagram. She chuckled seeing them let loose.


"TRINGG TRIINGG!" Nikita's phone ring shot the roof and alerted Nikita as she woke up with a holt.
When did I fall asleep? She thought.
Nonetheless, she picked up the call, "Hello?"
"Nikkkkkkiiii!!!!" She heard drunk Krutika and sighed, "How are youuuuuuuuuuu?"
"Did you drink too much Kru?" she said, sternly.
"I can see that."
"I neeedddd youuuu, come" her voice muffled.

"Kru. What are you saying? I can't hear you!"
"I... n—d you!"
"What?!" She sighed, she didn't want to go there because of that bet, but she figured that a stupid bet wasn't as important as her friend's safety. "Okay! Don't say anything! I'm coming!"
She said and hung up.

10:30pm, she looked at the clock. She got up, and went to her room and picked out a simple white dress and put it on. The dress ended just above her knees and had a laced back until her chest and had a strap over the shoulders on each side. The dress was skin tight. She did basic makeup by adorning kajal and mascara and put her signature subtle lipstick and tied her hair in a loose braid, after applying some perfume.

She called a cab and was in front of the Roy ClubHouse within 10 minutes. She paid the taxi driver and stood outside the door, already being intimated by the loud music and cheers coming from indoors.
Just a matter of 5 minutes. Get Krutika and leave with her, simple. She took a deep breath and entered.

The loud music buzzed through her ears, instantly making her uncomfortable. She clutched her sling bag tightly in fear. She tried to call Aisha and Krutika but she got no response. There were a bunch of unknown faces until her eyes finally fell on Krutika. She ran to her and checked if she was okay.
"Are you fine? Hello?" She asked.
"Niki? Hi! Yes I'm better. I sobered up." Krutika said, sitting on the chair.
"Where's Aisha?" Nikita asked, looking around.
"I don't know, she went that way." Krutika said, pointing to her right.
Nikita sighed, "Okay. Stay here. Please. I'm coming."

She left her bag with Krutika safely as she walked around the house, trying to find her friend. She could see a huge bunch of couples making out, she saw many room door closed, she could easily assume for what. She followed the direction Krutika said until she bumped into someone.
"Sorry." She muttered looking up, her eyes widening.
Him. Shit. No!
"Well. Looks like I won." Mayukh said, smirking.

He observed her face, filled with fear and nervousness. He couldn't help but get upset seeing her face like this. He took her outfit in. She looked beautiful and she didn't even try. Her dress highlighted her curves and her hair wasn't styled, just clipped back with strands falling on her face, yet she looked beautiful.

"N..No. You don't understand." She stammered.
"What don't I understand?" He asked.
"I didn't come here for myself. I came here for my friend. I'll just pick her and leave." She said and tried to head away but he caught her arm and pulled her closer, securing his hand on her waist.
"No one leaves the Roy ClubHouse until they're allowed to." He whispered huskily. Her face widened as she looked down instantly, "Since I won the bet, you have to do something for me."
She gulped, "W..What.."
He guided her arm around his neck, while his other arm secured around her waist. She was staring at him in shock, unaware of what he wants to do. "Dance with me."

"I don't like repeating myself."
"I... I don't dance."
"Well, today's the day." He said and twirled her around and brought her close again.

She understood that this is the only way for him to let her go, so she sighed in defeat and slowly got her other arm around his neck and nodded. He smirked as he pulled her close and started to dance.
Sending the change in energy, the DJ switched the song to a slow dance and soon various couples and people were on the floor. Due to the low light, it was difficult to see who was dancing with who.

Mayukh watched as he moved his body slowly with the girl in his arms. He noticed her nervous movements and her eyes moving around, from him, to the ground, to the people and back to the ground.
Why's she so nervous? He thought.
He couldn't help but feel a sense of magnetic pull towards the girl in his arms. She was pulling him towards her without even trying. Or perhaps, he was being pulled because she wasn't trying.
He saw her bite her lips and suddenly his mind was clouded with unholy thoughts.
"Stop." He said, looking at her lips.
She looked up and stammered, "st... stop what?"
"Biting your lips."
She immediately stopped and looked up, seeing his aura darken. She tried to leave but he held her tight, "I'm not done dancing yet."

Nikita danced in nervousness. She didn't want to get involved with any of the Roy's. She knew what was at stake for her to be here and she didn't want to be under the spotlight as this could mess her scholarship, yet here she was, dancing in the arms of Mayukh Roy, the most attractive and hard to get Roy in the University.

She was digging her feelings so deep, she knew she was attracted to him. He was making her nervous, he was making her heartbeat rise, but she didn't want to persue anything, not like she had a chance with a Roy anyway.
While he was looking at her, she had looked at
him and managed to register his entire look. White shirt, black pants and rolled up sleeves with 2 buttons open. He looked handsome.

She only prayed that this ends quickly so she can grab her friends and escape. While his hold on her waist tightened, she started feeling awful stares at her. She felt uncomfortable and was really not liking this. "A..Are you done?"
"Hmm." He said, looking at her, "I don't know."
"Please..." she stammered.
He felt that something was wrong and so he let her go, "Okay. Go." His eyes filled with concern.
She looked at him, hoping he'd not angry and was serious on his words. When she didn't find anger, she quickly ran away and was out of sight.

"Did MAYUKH ROY just dance with a girl?"Ved's loud voice echoed as the brothers huddled around him.
Mayukh smirked and hit his brother gently on the arm, "I guess he did." His eyes set on Nikita, who was helping Aisha collect her things.
"Who's the girl?" Kashik asked.
"Her." Mayukh said, pointing straight at Nikita.


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