Part 5

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We had a huge fight...I don't know what got into me, and I said those things, but whatever I said was true..i-i don't want to be his option. I don't want to be anyone's time pass. He said that I should stop, and if not, I'll regret it later... I don't know what he meant by this...

After all this, I came back home and texted Lisa.

Hi! Lisa, please listen to me once... Just give me a chance to explain myself.

Please say something. I know you're angry, but please trust me, I would never do something that would hurt you or Jennie... but please say something...

Dear Dairy:
21 March, 2023

"Today, many things happened on campus. I knew Jungkook texting me would upset Lisa, but I didn't expect her to become so enraged that I would stop talking to her... and that guy would still be there. And that guy , something happens around me right when he appears. I didn't want to see his face, but he acted as if he cared so much, and why the hell does he? We had a big fight and now believe him won't come near, which is good. I don't want any more problems between me and Lisa.


"Jennie, everything will be okay? Do you think Lisa will forgive me?" Taehyung asked Jennie, being tensed.

"Yes, don't worry, everything will be okay. You are not at fault, and be honest, no one in this fault, and her reaction was justifiable since she likes Jungkook so.." jennie said to Taehyung, which she said, "Hmm."

"The lecture is about to start. Where is Lisa? Is she not coming today? I wanted to talk to her..." Taehyung said while having tears in her eyes... and then, after 5 minutes, Lisa entered the class.

"Hi Jennie," Lisa said. Taehyung felt so bad about it.

"Lisa i-i." Taehyung was about to say something when Lisa said, "I don't want to talk to you right now. We will talk after the lecture at Cafe," Lisa said, which both nodded.


"Jennie, I wanna talk to her alone for some time. Can you give some privacy?" Lisa asked Jennie respectfully, to which she nodded and gave them some privacy to talk and clear things.

"Lisa, I am so sorry, I will never even go near him ever in my life, and if he comes to me, I will just leave from there. I blocked him on instagram too, and yesterday I shouted at him and said, "Bad Things to him, it's all because of him, but please don't break our friendship for that guy.." Taehyung said while sobbing... "WHAT??YOU BLOCKED HIM?" Lisa said, being mad at her....

"Taehyung UNBLOCK him right now.." Lisa said. "But lisa h-h" lisa didn't let her complete her sentence and said, "TAEHYUNG I SAID UNBLOCK HIM," she said in a high tone... and taehyung did what lisa told her to do.

"Okay, now tell me, what happened and what did you tell him yesterday? I want all in detail!" Lisa asked, folding her hands near her chest (like a boss, you know)

"I-i said.... it's all because of him you're not talking to me... and..and he doesn't need to care about me. I'm no one to him...and if ...if he's doing it because he likes me then...then stop it.." Taehyung said while getting scared about her reaction, and with this, she told her everything she said to him..."

WHAT??? Taehyung, are you.....(She was about to shout at her, but then she took a deep breath and said calmly) you Idiot who told you to do this, huh? Tae, you made a huge mistake by saying all this stuff to him." Lisa said while keeping her hand on hers. "What do you mean?" Taehyung asked, being confused... and why was she taking her side like this when she was hurt yesterday. (Taehyung thought).

"Taehyung, do you know what happened yesterday? When I reached home, i was caring a lot not because of you but because of my love for him... i loved him so much. 1 year I waited for him, and he always rejected me... but then I realized that he never loved me and he never will... and I can't force someone to love me. I stopped crying and decided to meet you. I was about to text you when I got a message on instagram, and it was jungkook's who texted me... he said he wanted to meet me just one time." Lisa said.

Taehyung was shocked that he texted her and told her to meet him, but why? "Then I went to meet him. Do you know what he said?" Lisa said.


"Hi?... um I hope you're okay LISA? Lisa, i know you've liked me always. i know it's been a year, and you still like me, but... do you really want to be with someone who... who likes someone else? Who won't be able to give you love? I'm genuinely sorry if i've ever hurt you till, date," he said. lisa looked at him with tears in her eyes.

After a long pause, she looked down and said, "No... I- I think i should understand that we weren't meant to be together... I'm sorry to trouble you."

"Please don't say sorry. I understand your feelings. I know how it feels when you love someone and that person doesn't love you...! I just wanted to say please... never stop talking to Taehyung. I saw her yesterday. She was scared of losing you.. if you..if you want, I'ii not talk to her. I'm ready to leave her for her happiness, but you guys sort things out.." he said.

"You know jungkook, why do I love Lord Krishna and goddess Radha? Because Radha loved Krishna so much still it wasn't in their destiny to be together... and we are still human beings if goddess's love was incomplete then what am I my feeling is nothing and anyways my happiness is seeing you happy and you're happiness is Taehyung so just go and talk to her..." lisa said.
(People who don't know who is Lord krishna and goddess radha. They are like love God and goddess their love story is amazing. If you wanna know more about them, comment on me. I will write about them in the next chapter.)

(Krisha and radha🙏🏻)


I don't know if you are really the kind of guy everyone says you are... I just know that! I've seen something in your eyes for Tae that I've never seen for anyone else before... I just have one request don't hurt her... she's innocent and a bit silly, too (they both chuckled)... and don't worry, I won't stop talking to her, no matter what, how my dear Tae is. she said with a smile😊

"Don't worry, I wouldn't hurt her, I wouldn't dare to hurt even in my dream. Thank you so much, lisa, for understanding. It means a lot to me." Jungkook said while hugging her. "At least we can be friends, right?" Jungkook asked. "Sure, I don't have any problem." Lisa said.


Taehyung was shocked after hearing this, and she felt guilty and regretted whatever she said to him yesterday,"I-i do-don't know what to say." Taehyung said. "Idiot, now go and talk to him. I don't want to because of me, my friend's love  remain incomplete because of me? And anyways because of one guy, I will never break our friendship or stop talking to you. I can get mad but never leave you, okay stupid."

Lisa said all this while hugging her, "Thank you so much, lisa. I love you so much you're the best. I am so lucky to have friends like you and have you as my best friend in my life. " Taehyung said

"Okay, okay, now go and talk to him, yeah." Lisa said

Taehyung took a step backwards, and she became sad, "but he will not talk to me... yesterday, I said so many things, which is I shouldn't... and he told me if I don't stop now, I will regret a lot of what I am saying, and at that time, I didn't listen to him, and now he will not listen to me just like I didn't..... and he was right. I am regretting whatever I have said, how stupid I am... I don't know if he'll forgive me...." Taehyung said while controlling her tears.

nothing will happen tae just go and talk to him l'm sure he won't ignore you for much longer and if he does I'll pull his ear and bring him in front of you but at the end you have to sort things out.." Lisa said to Taehyung , who nodded and went to find him....

Hii buns
What do you think jungkook will listen to her? Forgive her?

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