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It had been 3 days since I told Grayson how it all happened. He listened to every bit of it. Of course that made me super late for school which means I have detention every day after school for a week. Which sucked.

It has been 3 days since I've seen Grayson. Normally he was always there when I went to the cliff. But he wasn't anymore. I sat there for hours, hoping to see his obnoxious haircut in the distance. But no. Nothing.

Him disappearing made me feel more vulnerable than before. He was the only person I had ever poured my heart out to and now suddenly he was gone. Why does everyone always leave me?

Right now, I was sat in the school cafeteria listneing to music through my earphones. On my own. Like normal. I felt a tap on my shoulder, I sighed and turned around. Not wanting to be disturbed. It was Tommy.

"Hey Mel." His deep voice mumbled awkwardly. He hasn't talked to me since Jessica's funeral.

"Hi." I took an earphone out. If Jess decided to take time out to spend with Tommy. Then I should take out some of my time to talk to him.

"How are you doing?" He asked, still stood in front of me while I was sat down.

What kind of question was that? My sister is dead. The boy I thought I liked had disappeared. My mom couldn't even remember how to turn the shower on. And he was asking me how I was doing?

"Fine." I mumbled. "You?" I took my other earphone out.

"I'm doing okay." He nodded.

"Good." Was all I said.

"I came to ask if you were busy tomorrow night." He shrugged.


"Why?" I frowned.

"I don't know, maybe I could take you out somewhere." He subtly smiled.

Is he on fucking drugs?

"I can't believe you." I shook my head, laughing is disbelief.

"What? What do you mean?" He frowned.

"I'm not Jessica!" I raised my voice a little.

"Well I know that but-"

"So once the girl you like dies you just move on to her sister!? You're sick!" I spat at him. He didn't say anything, just looked at the floor. I grabbed my bag. "You didn't deserve her anyway." I hissed as I walked away. I realised that a lot of people were watching.

For the rest of the school day, I didn't talk to anyone. I started to become more and more depressed. The worst thing about it was that I didn't choose to be alone like Grayson said. I chose to talk to him, I chose for him to be apart of my life. I guess my life was too shit for him.

The end of the day was here, but not the end for me. I dragged myself into detention and sat at a desk. Joe came in 5 minutes later and the fucker decided to sit next to me.

I stayed there for 15 minutes, once my time was up, I speedily exited through the door. Leaving Joe sat there alone. Good.

I finally left the school building. As soon as I looked up, I was surprised to see Grayson leaning against a car. His car I guess. Suddenly I felt a rush of anger. I hopped down the steps to reach him. Once I did, I pushed his chest so he stumbled backwards.

"You asshole! Where the hell were you?!" I said while I pushed him.

"Woah. Nice to see you too." He held his hands up in the air.

"I'm serious! I thought you were avoiding me!" I frowned.

"No no no, I wasn't avoiding you. I was in hospital. I fell down the stairs and got concussion." He shook his hands to emphasise.

"Bullshit." I crossed my arms.

"Seriously, look." He said as he pointed to his head. I looked closely and saw a faint bruise on his temple.

"What the f- how? You're such an idiot, how does that even happen?" I shake my head.

"Yeah I'm fine, thanks for asking." He rolled his eyes.

"You could of let me know or something!" I sighed.

"Yeah because I'd just tell the nurse 'I need to go and tell my friend where I am real quick. I'll be back in 5.' She would for sure let me out." He frowned at me.

"You could of-"

"You didn't give me your number." He answered, knowing what I was going to say.

I let out a sigh and then looked up at him, he was waiting for my next sassy qoute. I felt kind of bad.

"Well, I'm glad you're okay." I even surprised myself when I said this.

His eyes shot up at me from the ground, he clearly wasn't expecting that. The corners of his mouth curled up to form a smile. A smile that was aimed at me. I felt a tingly feeling in my stomach. What is this? Go away.

"Um I need to give in this essay to my teacher. I'll be right back." I told him. I wasn't lying, she would kill me if I handed it in any later. I was already a week behind.

"I'll come with you." He shrugged as he followed me into the school.

We trudged through the school, Grayson was looking around admiring it. Such a weirdo.

"This school is gnarly." Grayson looked all around him.

"Umm.. whatever you say Gray." I rolled my eyes. I heard him chuckle. "What?" I looked round to him.

"Sorry, I know you don't like me laughing but, I like it when you call me Gray." He smiled at me.

I looked away from him, not wanting to answer, we reached the classroom that my teacher was in. I hope she didn't give me an F. Who am I kidding? I didn't actually care anymore.

"Wait here." I told Grayson as he nodded. "Grayson. I like when you laugh." I say before I enter the class, I purposely did this because I didn't want to see or hear his reaction.

I closed the door behind me and I saw Mrs Benson, my English teacher, sat at her desk. Frowning at me.

"You're a week late." She snapped, knowing what I was here for.

"I know, here." I sighed, walking up to her desk and handing her my 3 page essay.

"You used to get A's in this class. Not F's Melody. You need to try harder." She shook her head and placed my essay aside on her desk.

I gulped as I went to walk out of the classroom. She was right. I used to be a straight A student.

I slid out of the door and saw Grayson leaning against the lockers waiting for me. He was texting someone on his phone. He looked up at me as the door made a noise.

"So, just in case I have another concussion, can I have your number?" Grayson smirked.

"Fine. Just don't text me at stupid times like 3am because then you will see how much of a bitch I really am." I smiled slightly as he chuckled, I began to get my phone out of my school bag to give him my number.

"I like when you smile." Grayson scanned my face with his eyes when I looked up. I was about to say something but I heard a deep male voice shout from down the corridor.

"Melody, I've been looking for you." Joe was striding towards me, with an annoyed expression.

Don't really know what the point of this chapter was tbh but OH WELL, Gray and Mel are s'cute though.


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