RWBY Ruby Rose x Male Reader (Volume 1) Part 10.

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(Volume 1) Part 10: The Responsibility of a Team.

As Weiss walks to the front of the notice she' her fighting outfit, you wonder how did she change so fast...and where more importantly. She takes out her Myrtenaster -which you have absolutely no clue how to pronounce- and faces the cage. You can hear the Grimm inside growling.

Yang:"Goooo Weiss!" yells while raising one fist up in the air

Blake:"Fight well!" She's waving a tiny flag with Team RWBY on it...where did she get that you wonder

You:"Don't die!" You say with enthusiasm 

Raiden:"Um...maybe we shouldn't let out a wild Grimm inside a classroom..."

You:"Silence! I wanna watch this! Besides we're all hunters and huntresses in training so I doubt a single Grimm could cause much trouble"

Ruby:"Yeah, represent Team RWBY!" she yells while raising her hands in the air

Weiss:"Ruby, I'm trying to focus!" Ruby looks surprised and she stops raising her hands

Ruby:"Oh,sorry..." she says quietly

Professor Port:"Alright, now let the match begin!" Port swings his weapon and hits the cage and the door bursts open to reveal a very pissed off Boarbatusk that instantly charges out of the cage and charges at Weiss. She dodges to the side and slices at the Boarbatusk, it has little effect due to the tough armor on it. It slides to the end of the room and faces Weiss. Weiss lifts her Myrtenaster and aims it at the Boarbatusk.

Professor Port:"Haha, weren't expecting that, were you?"

Ruby:"Hang in there,Weiss." You notice Weiss frown a little

She dashes at the Boarbatusk while the Boarbatusk charges at her, she thrusts the tip of her rapier at the Boarbatusk and having no effect on it, her Rapier gets caught on the Boarbatusk's tusks. Professor Port doesn't seem to think it was an accident 

Professor Port:"Bold, new approach. I like it!" She seems to be in a tug of war to get her Rapier back under her control.

Ruby:"Come on Weiss, show it who's boss!" Weiss glares at Ruby, only distracting her and sends her Rapier flying across the room as the Boarbatusk pulls away and rams into her making her get knocked down

Professor Port:"Now what will you do without your weapon?" Weiss gets on her knees and looks up to see the Boarbatusk charging at her, she just barely manages to jump out of the way. She rolls and gets up and runs to her Myrtenaster and slides down and grabs it.

You(Whispering):"Uh...Ruby, maybe tone it down a little so she can concentrate?" it looks like she didn't hear you

Ruby:"Weiss, go for it's belly! There's no armor underneath-" She gets interrupted by Weiss looking furious at her

Weiss:"Stop telling me what to do!" She see Ruby stop and look down, it seems like that really hurt Ruby, you place your hand on her shoulder and she looks up slightly to give you a soft smile before looking sad again.

The Boarbatusk jumps up and starts spinning rapidly before hitting the ground, charging up and dashing at Weiss at incredible speed. Weiss activates her Semblance and summons a Glyph in front of her and knocking the Boarbatusk on its back. She jumps to a Glyph she made behind her and launches herself off of it and stab her Myrtenaster inside the Boarbatusk's stomach. She breaths heavily

Professor Port:"Bravo! Braavo! It appears we are indeed in the presence of a true Huntress in training." She gets up as the Boarbatusk disintegrates. You look to Ruby who seems really disappointed at herself..."I'm afraid that's all the time we have for today. Be sure to cover the assigned readings and, stay vigilant. Class dismissed." 

Weiss glares at Ruby angrily before storming out of the room. You hear Jaune say "Jeesh, what's up with her?". You all glance at each other and Ruby takes your hand off of her shoulder gently before smiling at you...You smile and all of you get up and leave the classroom. You see Weiss turning into another hallway and look to Ruby and see her run off to her. You look back to Blake, Yang, and Raiden, they all seem to have notice Weiss's outburst

You:"Soooo...that happened."

Raiden:"Seems like Ruby and Weiss need to learn how to get along..."

You:"Yeah like the name 'Team RWBY 'implies, we all need to work as a team..."

Ozpin:"Now what's all of this about?" You jump a little to see Ozpin standing behind you.

You:"N-nothing sir. problems." Ozpin adjusts his glasses

Ozpin:"What type of problems?"

You:"Uh...Weiss isn't...enjoying Ruby being the leader to say the least."

Ozpin:"Hmm...well as the Headmaster I need to over see that my students excel in their studies and in combat, an unbalanced team would hamper on that progress, I'll talk to Miss Rose for the time being, you 4 should get to your next class."

You:"Yes sir, right away sir." You start to turn away with the rest of the group before Ozpin places a hand on your shoulder

Ozpin:"Oh and Mr.(F). If you have anything troubling you, be sure to ask. Though you have a tremendous burden on your shoulders now, you don't have to do it alone." You at first didn't understand what he was talking about, before you have horrendous flashbacks of the room with the cloaked man in it, you stay quiet and nod slightly before walking with Blake, Yang, and Raiden.

Yang:"What...was that all about?"

You:"...Nothing I'll tell you all once things get better between Ruby and Weiss." Raiden looks to you and notice that you look like you've seen a ghost...Raiden doesn't say anything.


It was finally 4:00 and you were exhausted and you open the door to your room and you can just barely see Ruby up in her bunk bed as the sheet hanging overhead covers her completely, You see Weiss on the opposite end of the room studying but she seems down about something...seems like Ozpin did something with them, You look to Yang and Raiden to see them chatting about...puns? And Blake was reading Man with Two Souls. They all look up to see you

Yang:"What took you so long?"

You(exhausted):"I helped Professor Oobleck with moving hundreds of crates of caffeine into his office...the dude's awesome but jeez." 

Ruby:"Aw, that's sweet of you, (F)."

Raiden:"Meh, he'll help anyone who needs it, it's just how he is." Raiden smiles before chatting with Yang again.

You smile at Ruby and then look at Weiss...Weiss simply glares at you and goes back to reading her you feel a little angered, you wonder to yourself what did you do?

Blake:"Well you should probably start doing the assignments Professor Port gave us." You notice that her...bow...twitched?

You:"Uh...Blake?" Blake looks up

Blake:"Yeah, (F)?"

You:"Did...your bow just-" Blake glares at you and frowns at you...seems like it's something think to yourself 'Now that I think about it...she looks very familiar.'

You:"...Um on second thought never mind just seeing things I guess..."

Blake:"Right." she says sternly before reading again...she scares you, you thought about asking where she originally lived didn't want to pry...she also seems to have a short temper on things...well not AS short as Weiss 

You:"Aaaaannnnyywaaaaysss...I' now" 

After jumping on the top bunk of your notice that the plastic holding it up is...quite start studying and doing your work for an hour you finish and you breathe out in relief. You look over to see Ruby looking to be stuck on a problem. You walk over to her and boop her on her nose. She almost falls off not expecting that

Ruby:"Gah! Oh...hey (F)." You look at her work to see that some of her work is wrong...

You:"Do you need help Ruby?" She smiles at first but then stops and looks back at her work

Ruby:"As much as I appreciate that...I need to do this by myself..." That doesn't sound like her you think to yourself...

You:"...Ruby, I know that being a leader of a team now has to be terrifying...but remember we're all part of the team as well, if we don't help each other, or allow each other to grow, we'll end up losing our team in the process. You look back at Weiss slightly to see that she's...lost in thought. You look back at Ruby and see her place her hand on top of yours, making you slightly blush

Ruby:"Thank you, (F)..." You scratch the back of your head embarrassingly

You:"Y-yeah no problem Ruby..." she goes back to studying and you hop back onto your bed and play on your Xstation 12 for a bit.


Ruby's POV

It's late at night, I can hear Yang snoring and Raiden went outside to train...I slowly start drifting to sleep, I've been studying this for hours...I see (F) sleeping on his bed, he's face is in my direction while he's sleeping and...even when he's asleep he manages to make my heart flutter...he sleeps in a really cute way too...not all over the place like Yang, just on one side and one arm underneath his head while the other one just hangs off the side of the bed just something about it makes him seem innocent and pure...I don't know maybe I'm just weird.

Right before I fully fall asleep I feel someone shake me awake, I get up quickly and see that it's Weiss

Ruby:"Weiss! I-I was studying and then I feel asleep! I'm sorry." She covers my mouth with her hand and raises a finger to her lips. Probably not to wake the others...She looks at my empty coffee mug

Weiss:"How do you take your coffee?" I'm...confused as to what she means in my half-asleep state

Ruby:"Uh...I-I don't-"

Weiss:"Answer the question."

Ruby:"Uh! cream and 5 sugars!" I say quickly to not anger her...or at least anger her more. Weiss sighs while slightly rolling her eyes

Weiss:"Don't move." very confused. she comes up with a cup of coffee and hands it to me "Here."

Ruby:"Um,thanks Weiss."

Weiss:"Ruby, I think you have what it takes to be a leader." utterly shocked yet happy to hear that from her...I'm a bit worried that this is a dream though. "Just know, that I'm going to be the best teammate you'll ever have." I don't know what to say so I just smile at her. "Good luck studying." she hops down...then she hops back up and points at my work. "That's wrong by the way." THEN she pops back down again. I'm a bit angry at my stupid brain not working here I get interrupted by Weiss

Weiss:"Hey Ruby?" You look to Weiss and see she's about to leave the room


Weiss:"I always wanted bunk beds as a kid..." she closes the door and I am insanely happy now...I look to (F) and see that he's smiling a little...not fully asleep just yet I can see and listened to that entire conversation...I smile softly at him before returning to my work

3 hours later (Still Ruby's POV)

I...couldn't really sleep due to the fact that Weiss gave me coffee...I was very nice of her buuuuut it was midnight when I drank it so...maybe shoulda thought that through...I finished the rest of my work an hour after the conversation with Weiss...I hear thunder outside and the sound of rain hitting the ground...I hear someone shifting in their bed...must've been Yang I thought. It happens again and again and again...then I hear slight mumblings

I look up out of my bed and see...(F) twisting back and forth in his bed...he's sweaty and he's breathing heavily and is mumbling badly...he's having a nightmare,a bad one too.... I carefully get on his bed and sit on my knees next to him. He seems to be getting worse. I try shaking him a little.

Ruby:"A-are you alright, (F)?" no response...

Ruby:"(F)?" I say a little louder and see that he's looks like he' pain. he's mumbling names like 'M-mom...Raiden...Ruby...' my heart skips when he said that...I'm getting worried here, I start shaking him more trying to wake him up.

Ruby:"(F)? P-please wake up!" I almost yell at him. 

Ruby:"(F)!?" All of a sudden he suddenly sits up his eye ignites with Blue flames and he's...crying...It's the first time I'm seeing him cry...I look at him worried.

Ruby:"(F)?" he then does something I did not expect him to do, he hugs me tightly and places his head on my shoulders...I didn't really expect this so I froze for a bit...but...I hugged him back and said. "You're fine (F) was just a're safe with us..." He stopped hugging you as the Blue flames from his eye faded...

Ruby:"Are you alright?" there was no response from him, he looks like he's just seen a ghost...must've been really bad...I've had my really bad shares of nightmares all of them I had Yang for...after a while of just looking into his handsome eyes he finally speaks

You:"...I'm sorry...I woke you up..." he says weakly

Ruby:"N-no, you're good...I'm happy you're all all right?" No response...I hold his hand and slip underneath the covers of his bed as he lays on his side again, he's looking at me looking a bit embarrassed "I'll sleep by your side that alright?" he nods just barely and I place the covers over us...I keep holding his hand and looking at him to make sure he's alright...eventually you see his eyes grow heavy...and almost at a whisper says..

You:" you Ruby..." he says very softly before falling face is beyond red at the moment...but that doesn't matter...I lean in and kiss his forehead softly...he's fast asleep...

Ruby:"I love you too..."

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