Chapter three

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Hailey's POV

As we were walking to PE, we were in a hurry to not be late, so we accidentally ran into our parents.

"Emma and Hailey! Why aren't you in class?" Mom asked us.

"We're trying to get there!" Me and Emma say in unison before taking off running.

We run into the gym right as the late bell rings. We hurry to the girls locker room to change at lightning speed before returning to the main gym. Because we were so late, the only announcement we heard was that we were going to do a splotching match. Me and Emma decide to pair up together because we don't have any other friends yet. Eventually, I won the match. After many other matches, I won them all!!

The rest of the day went by very quickly. I was exhausted and ready to go home, but was also excited because I had made a new friend today.
Her name was Lucy and she was a level two. I'm disappointed that we aren't in the same grade. I wonder if either Emma or Stewart know her? I'll ask them about her later.

Fitz's POV

Finally, we can go home. Almost all of mine and Sophie's students were really annoying. Sophie seemed to really like them though. I was so lost in thought that I barely heard what Sophie said.

"Can you help me grab our things?" She asked me while putting some files away.

"Of course. But first come here." I tell her.

She walks over to me and I pull her onto my lap. She giggles and wraps her arms around my neck. Since the kids don't like it when we kiss in front of them, I decide to use this time alone to my advantage.

I press my lips onto hers and I forget about all of my problems. She brings her hand up to play with my hair and massage my scalp. I let out a soft moan, and Sophie giggles because she knows that my head is my weak spot. I kiss her jaw and neck and hear Sophie let out a soft moan. This time, I laugh because of her reaction.

We were busy making out that we didn't here Emma, Hailey and Stewart walk into our room.
In unison, they all said 'ew!'.

Sophie and I look up to see them watching us and we just laugh at their reactions. Sophie stands up then pulls me to my feet. I give her one last little peck on the lips, just to annoy the children. I pull out my pathfinder, and we leap home to Everfield, the cottage where Sophie and I had our honeymoon. Before our wedding, we had already moved all of our belongings there. After all, we did live there.

"Did all of you have a good day?" I ask the kids as we walk through the front door.

Hailey was the first to respond.

"Yes!! It was amazing! I made a new friend!" She says while bouncing up and down with excitement.

Everyone tells us about their days. We all sit down in the kitchen as Sophie makes them each a snack. I remind them to do their homework, and they all sigh, but start working on it anyway.

Things may not be perfect, but this is as close as perfect gets.


Sorry for not updating sooner! Even though school is out for a month due to the Coronavirus, I didn't have a lot of free time to work on it. It's a bit longer then the other chapters, so hopefully that makes up for the long wait. This story might not be really long, so it might just be a glimpse into their life. If y'all have any ideas for the story, make sure to comment, vote and follow me for updates!! :)

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