Chapter 2.

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A/N: Decided to add one of my own art work's in this one, not relevant to the book, but my friend (Lexie1450 ) wouldn't stop telling me too so I caved lol
No stealing, reposting or anything along those lines!

^[So sorry it took a while to get out.
But now Chapter 2 is here!
Oh, and also he's 'bout to move houses later this year. (fuck my landlord) So yeah, sorry if update's will be a bit slow in the future. This is basically just a fluff chapter tbh lol
ANYWAY, enjoy ^^]

MK's perspective:

He quickly awoke to the sound of his blaring alarm he had set the night prior, without opening his eye's, he blindly searched for the classic black digital clock to stop the annoying sound that had awoken him this early. After he had muted the aggravating device, he let his dominant arm go limp, letting it fall off the side of the twin sized mattress.

"Wait a second." He groggily mumbled to himself, he continued his thought. "What time is it?" He asked nobody in particular, his eye's now open wide, quickly sitting up, he swung his head in the direction of the now silent clock.
"07:15?!" He yelled out in alarm in shock of how he slept in so late, he sprung up into action and hastily got ready for work, the same one that Pigsy managed.
Pigsy, the hog demon who said that if he were even a minute late today, he'd be fired.

Oh, shit.

As soon as he was finished getting ready, he ran down the stair's at full speed, arriving at the noodle shop.
"Pigsy! I'm-so-sorry-I'm-so-late-please-don't-fire-me!" He said quickly in one breath, now standing in front of a very confused Pigsy in the doorway.
"Huh? What're you talkin' bout kid, Your actually early! Did you not check the time?" He asked, slightly astonished.
"Wait, wait, wait. What?!" Mk asked in just as much shock, if not more than the restaurant owner. He quickly pulled his phone out of his pocket, and checked the time, 06:18AM. He misread the time and panicked for no reason.

"I- I'm early?!" He slightly yelled in astonishment, the chef chuckled at the delivery boy's reaction.
"Yeah, you are. Now since we haven't had any order's yet, ya know, since it's 6AM and I just got in, why don't ya just sit at the bar for a the time being?" He suggested, to which the tired boy nodded and made way to sit on his regular seat on the bar, stretching his arms above his head afterword's.

"By the way, where is Tang?" Mk asked Pigsy, to that question he awnsered;
"He hasn't woken up yet." He replied absentmindedly.
"Oh, I thought he came in at the same time as you? Ya know since he always showed up before I did."
"No, he just wakes up before you do. If anything, he come's to your job on time better than you do." Pigsy bantered, walking behind the bar to ready to kitchen for the day.

"Ouch, I am hurt, Pigsy! You have wounded me, your own delivery boy!" He responded dramatically, causing himself and the pig demon to begin laughing lightly at the theater kids dramatic's.

They continued to joke or just sit in comfortable silence until the first couple of order's came in, and he had sent him on his way. He hopped in his delivery car, placed the cooler with the orders inside on the seat next to him, and sped off to his destinations.
"Pigsy's noodle's!" He called out after knocking on the door of the customer.
"Just a moment!" Called out the voice of a young lady from behind the door, afterwards he could swear he heard snickering from two people. Her accent sounded, familiar to him for some reason, but he couldn't quite place it. Out of caution, he stepped to the right out of the way of anything jumping out at him. He's been the monkey kid for a while now, so he needed to be careful, or so dad-sy told him.

He was pulled out of his thoughts by the door being kicked down by two twin demons, ah, so that's where he remembered the accent from.
"Monkey kid! Prepare for trouble!" Jin called out taking a dramatic anime pose, Yin followed in suit.
"And make it double!" Yin said after, wait, why did this speech sound familiar?
"To protect the world from devastation!" Hold on a second..
"To unite all people within ou-"
"Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait. Hold on a second, are you guy's doing the team rocket speech right now?" The previously confused, now amused delivery boy asked, debating whether he should take out his staff or not given they couldn't do much harm without a magical item, and they didn't seem to have one on them.
"Uh, no! We made this speech ourselves!" Yin shouted angrily, Jin following his brothers lead soon after.
"Yeah, so shut up, ya bloody bludger!"
"Alright, alright. You can continue if you want." Mk replied, motioning towards them, signalling for them to go on.
"Ehem." Yin said out loud, motioning for his brother to start over.
"Oh, right!" He and his brother scrambled to put the door back so they could break it down again, after doing so they began once more, using a sock puppet as meowth as well. When they had finished, MK gave them a little clap after their performance, just one theater kid's appreciation to another two.

"So, did you guys wanna fight or did you just want your order?" He asked pulling out their orders of noodles, dumplings and such, just their regular order. Yes, they did order from Pigsy's regularly, and sometimes they just like to put on show's since they didn't have enough money to actually perform in front of a crowd. So, it was a win on both parties.
"Um, we just wanted our food.." Yin admitted, Jin continued his thought process as he carefully took their order from the noodle delivery boy, handing him his payment before taking it.
"I must say Yin, I'm disappointed at the fact that we, the twin demons hell bent on being chaotic, haven't picked a fight with nobody in over two bloody week's!" He said taking over dramatic action poses then ending with a hunch backed, shoulder shagged and negative aura with each word, to emphasise his statement to his brother and the monkey kid.
"I mean, that's a good thing right? Your spending less money on silly fights and city tax for the damage you cause, and more on your career's! That's good, right?" Mk concluded with a soft, cheery smile. Cheering the twins up almost immediately, going back to their happy, yet still chaotic, personality's.

"Yeah, yeah it is good ain't it, mate?" Yin, the younger of the twin's said to his older brother for guidance, who looked at him with a surprising soft smile despite his large thangs seeping through his lips.
"Of course it is, ya little bugga'." He responded, ruffling up the golden prankster's hair, before he continued.
"Now let's get back inside, we gotta eat the food before it get's cold. G'bye, MK." The twin's waved and said their goodbyes before turning and going back into their shared apartment.

After the encounter with the mischievous terror twin's, MK continued on with his job in a slightly better mood thanks to his unofficial friends. Of course he got distracted here and there, but who could blame him? Everybody loses focus once and a while.

When he arrived back at the noodle shop, his stomach was immediately filled with dread, he felt like something was wrong, so he decided to hurry inside. As he got into the restaurant, he was slightly shocked to see that nothing had changed, the only thing that had was the appearance of Tang. But for some reason, the feeling lingered. So he decided once more that day, to remain cautious as he entered the restaurant.

Pigsy's perspective:

Twenty minutes after MK left to do his deliveries, this takes place when MK see's Yin and Jin.

He supposed he wasn't just imagining things the past few day's, he keeps hearing this faint beeping noise, he needed to find out what is was before it drives him insane.
"I'll do it in a bit, I need to finish up these order's." He muttered to himself, getting a little agitated from the never ending noise.
Ok, so it only starts when I enter the shop. Maybe it's in here, but where? The chef thought to himself, but before he could continue his train of thought, he heard the door open. He turned to welcome the customer with a to see a familiar and welcome face come through the door.

"Good morning, my dear." He heard his lover's voice, sweeter than honey and smoother than silk, he continued. "How's my lovely chef today?" The book worm said as he walked up to the counter which he was stood behind, gave him a quick kiss on the cheek, and took his regular seat in front of his husband's work space.
"He's ok, how's his husband?" He retorted with a grin, suddenly all his troubles melted away at the meer sight of Tang, now all he thought about was him.
"I'll let you know if I see him." They continued the banter they shared, Pigsy asked;
"Would you like some noodle's?"
"Yeah, why not."
"Then pay for 'em, ya freeloader." He said, lightly grabbing his significant other's scarf and pulling it up over his face, muffling his laughter. Laughter that Pigsy soon joined in on.
"Also, I already made you breakfast this morning."
Tang pulled his crimson scarf off of his face, and asked Pigsy a question;
"And why would I do that, don't I get some kind discount? Like a one hundred percent discount?"
"Hell no! Unless you got a coupon, which I know you don't, you ain't gettin' any kind of discount's!"

"Oh c'mon, dear, just this once?"
"You said that last time."
"Yeah, bu-"
"And the time before that."
"And the time before that, and even the time before that!"
"Ok! Ok, ok. No noodles for now."

"For now?" Pigsy asked, raising an eyebrow at this word's.
"Well, I can just wait till Mk gets up."
"Actually, he got up early today, doin' his deliveries right now." Pigsy awnsered matter of factly, his facial features showing a hint of pride in his- well, more like their son-figure. Which Tang reciprocated greatly, smiling in both shock and the same pride Pigsy was feeling.

"Wait- Really?! Heh, welp, looks like Mei owes me twenty quid." The demon chuckled at his reincarnated sorcerers comment, he replied.
"Im just happy I managed to convince you two from betting your entire lives away!" This provoked the two of them to laugh, soon after meeting the comfortable silence that had awaited them, that was until Tang yawned.
"Heh, still tired, bench warmer?" He snorted slightly, Tang responded with a gentle 'mhm' before laying his chin in his left palm, a dreamy look in his eyes as he stared at his lover. Which didn't go unnoticed by said demon, but he said nothing of it, letting the scholars day dream of whatever he was thinking of before he interrupted his thoughts with his word's. "Ya know, you can go take a nap back at home, dear?"
Tang replied with a sleepy, "Hm? Yeah, yeah I know." His eye's drooped until they were just under half lidded, the chef suggested,
"Why don't you have a nap here then? Business is pretty slow today, so there won't be many people."
"You sure?"
"Of course, love. You didn't get much sleep anyway."
"But, you got a lot less than me, how're you so awake right now?" The walking library said with a soft chortle, Pigsy simply responded to him with a;
"I'm not sure, I think I'm just used to not having much sleep any more. You on the other hand, need your beauty rest."
"Beauty? You think I'm pretty?" Tango joked.
"Hahah, very funny. Now get too sleep, cheapskate." They both smiled at each other softly, Tang then laid his head down into his arm's that were resting on the counter top. Pigsy very gently began to pet his head, soothing him into a deep and calm sleep.

Pigsy, seeing how his husband had now fallen asleep began to let his mind wonder, which didn't last long seeing as he took notice to the strange and annoying beeping again.
"Welp, guess it's time to start looking." He concluded.

Hope you guys enjoyed it!
Speaking of you guys, HOW ARE THERE SO MANY OF YOU NOW?! Where are you coming from???
I'm so happy you guys are here though! Welcome to the bakery, my little pastry citizen's!

Hope you liked the appearance of Yin and Jin, and the FreeNoodles fluff! Next chapter will be the Yǐncáng dì dìyù! (The race Mei is attending)
I'm hoping to add a bit if action to the next chapter, so be prepared! :]

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