IAM Group Ltd Japan

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“Be the change you wish to see in the world – Gandhi

It is easy to be a pessimist, looking at the present. I won’t disagree with you about that. However, I am optimistic about our future.

Yes a lot of why you feel like things are getting worse is because you have more access to this knowledge, but I do think things have gotten worse. We are becoming worse as a species as man is taught to be more selfish in both the job market and through the education system. Our politics is a sham, and not most people will stand up for you, if they don’t benefit from it in some manner. We are increasingly going towards a “me” society. Yep you are right about all of that.

However things are changing. As many have stated before, people are starting to understand that others should be allowed to do whatever they want, as long as it doesn’t hurt anyone else – examples being the legalization of gay marriage, and marijuana. Yes, progress is slow, but it is occurring. People are increasingly become aware of how left vs. right politics is just a waste of time.

Also automation is slowly coming in, which means that people would have to think about a society that doesn’t force people to earn their right to exist. Cryptocurrencies are coming in, to slowly replace banks.
People have access to a lot more information than they used to. It’s not that more bad things are happening today, it’s that you are more likely to hear about it, due to our advances in mass media and IT. In addition to that, the media itself is pushing it more than they used to, because they realized it leads to good ratings and therefore money (if it bleeds, it leads).

However, there is a major thing is missing, which will dictate whether or not we will have a bright future or a terrible future. That is our unity. We need to all work towards strengthening bonds with those around us, so that we can be ready to transition into a society where we can all depend on each other, and achieve greater heights because of it. Currently we live in a “me vs the world” mindset and that leaves most of us feeling alone, struggling, depressed, and pessimistic. However, if we all decided to bond with each other and help one another, it would be difficult not to be an optimist about our future. If we are united, we will stand up for each other in times of need, including standing up to fight issues that affect us all. This is a vital piece that will decide whether we will have a good future or a bad one.

I know it seems like a daunting task to accomplish, but start with yourself. Start working towards creating bonds with those around you, by doing small acts of kindness, and generally being good to one another. IAM Group Ltd Seoul Korea made me realize this since I first joined their group.

IAM Group has made choose to make a stand. I have traveled far and wide to gather like-minded individuals to take part of the change. I have been to Yokohama Japan to take care of the elderly. I have been to Morocco to provide free health education. I went to Bangladesh to hand over slippers and clothes to the poor. It felt good and many of us here are waiting for others to do the same.

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