The Given Hope

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The doors to the Fairy Tail guild flew open and Natsu came running looking for his rival.

"Oi Gray! Fight me now" said Natsu "I have been looking for someone to fight with to show my new skills!"

Gray turned around with an annoyed expression.

"Go bother someone else Natsu, I'm not in the mood for a dumb fight"

This only made Natsu more persistent.

"Oh come on ice princess, you just don't want to admit that I've grown much more stronger and you just don't much to get embarrassed when i kick your ass" said Natsu

Gray suddenly turned around and stood up from his seat.

"What did you say?! You wanna fight?! I'll give you a fight that will make you regret ever challenging me!"

Natsu smiled at Gray's response.

"Atta boy Gray! Now lets see if you can dodge this!" Said Natsu.

Gray took his ice make stance and was ready for the rivalry fight.

"Your on!"


Gray suddenly woke up from his dream.

His breathing was fast and he was sweating a lot so he reached for a towel on the dresser to wipe off the sweat that gathered on his face.

Gray didn't really think about it as much but he misses his friends- but most importantly Fairy Tail.

After he lost his family and his mentor Ur, Fairy Tail was there to offer him a family once more and the ability to become stronger.

Gray then started to mumble his friends names.

"Natsu, Lucy, Ezra, Wendy, Happy, Gramps, and everyone, I hope you're doing alright."

Gray got up from his futon and slowly walked to the bathroom while trying to not to wake up Izuku who slept on the bed.

Once he was at the sink he washed his face and looked in the mirror.

He needed to find answers and learn about how this world works.

He also learned what a 'quirk' was and how to also use the currency in this world- much to Izuku confusion on the sudden basic reteach.

Gray looked at the clock and it read 6:00 AM.

Gray decided that it was best not to go to sleep again and went downstairs to the kitchen to get a glass of water.

As he was walking downstairs, he was surprised that he saw Mrs. Midoryia at the kitchen table with a cup of tea.

Mrs. Midoryia took notice of his presence and motioned him to come sit with her.

Gray sat across from Izuku mother and Mrs. Midoryia poured him a cup of tea.

It was quiet for a moment until Mrs. Midorya spoke up.

"I never knew your cooking was so good Gray. It would be nice if you could give me some tips on some new dishes that I can prepare"

Gray looked at her and nodded his head.

"Sure- I have lots of tips and especially how to bring the flavor out of the shrimp" said Gray

Mrs. Midoryia smiled at his response.

"You know Gray, I want to thank you"

Gray was surprised at what Mrs. Midoryia said.

"Why do you want to thank me?"

Mrs. Midoryia looked at her tea cup and a sad expression fell her face.

"Well, for one you saved my son from that monster and I couldn't be more grateful," she explained. "And you also gave my son hope"

Gray looked at her in confusion.


Mrs. Midoryia looked back at Gray with tears slightly formed in her eyes.

"When Izuku was just a young boy, all he ever wanted to be was a hero just like All Might, a hero that is there to save and protect the innocent lives." Said Mrs. Midoryia "However when he turned 5 years old the doctors told him that he was one of the few that would never develop a quirk and that tore him apart. All he ever did was write in his journal about the many different heroes and their quirks. He seemed to enjoy it but there was a bit of sadness in his eyes."

Mrs. Midoryia took a sip of her tea.

"That was until he met you. I noticed the change in his behavior and he seems to be more happy. I don't know what you told him, but thank you so much."

Mrs. Midoryia looked at Gray and a single tear streamed down her face.

Gray looked at her and gave her a smile.

"I will look after your son and help him along the way. You don't need to worry about a thing,"

Mrs. Midoryia looked at him and smiled.

"Thank you so much, really thank you,"

Gray nodded his head.

Mrs. Midoryia then remembered that she had to do one of her chores and decided to ask Gray for a favor.

"Gray, would it be alright if you could go grocery shopping and buy these ingredients for me?"

Mrs. Midoryia handed Gray a list of foods- which he took and skimmed over.

"Sure, no problem"

She looked at Gray and smiled while giving him her thanks and also gave him a spare cell phone to find his way around the area.

At least Gray had been taught how to use a cell phone from Izuku.

Excusing himself, Gray walked up the stairs to change his clothes to a long black sleeve shirt with a pair of jeans and white shoes.

As Gray exited the house, he turned on the phone and put in the directions to the nearest super market.

After walking and turning from different streets, he finally arrived at the supper market.

Gary entered the store and looked at the list he had.

"Ok lets see ummm corn, tomatoes...."

Gray took about 1 hour looking for all the food that was needed and was almost done.

As he was walking through out the store he would constantly be looked at and occasionally would hear them talking about him.

"Hey isn't that the guy that stopped that blob monster and saved those two boys?"

"Oh yeah, that was him. I was surprised that he took the monster out really quickly."

And sometimes he and would get looked at mostly because he was attractive.

"Look, look do you see him? He's so cute, I could just die if he looked this way,"

"Your right, what a dreamy guy and his body! You could see his muscular body through his shirt!"

Gray was not used to this much attention and he just wanted to get out of the store quickly.

As he made his way to the last aisle, he saw only one can of tomato sauce left on the shelf.

As he grabbed the can, he suddenly felt another hand on the can too.

He looked to the left to see that the person that was also grabbing the can was a woman that looked like she was in her 20s or 30s.

They looked at each other and say that neither of them were willing to back down.

The woman smiled at him.

"Sweetheart, it would be nice if you could let go of the can and save me the trouble of beating you up. A man like you would understand that right?"

Gray looked unfazed from her threat and grasped the can tighter.

"Sorry that isn't gonna happen. How about if you let go of the can and find another can of tomato sauce. There are a lot of them on the left side of this aisle," said Gray

The woman that wanted the can of tomato sauce was wearing a black breastless leotard over a white bodysuit, which emphasizes her breasts, body, and legs along with translucent black thigh-high stockings and black knee-boots. She was also wearing a small mask outlining her eyes- but the noticeable feature on her appearance was a handcuff on each wrist, and a utility belt around her hips.

"Sorry, I liked this brand better. By the way what's your name?" Said the unknown woman.

Gray looked at her and decided to tell her his name.

"It's Gray. Gray Fullbuster."

The woman looked at him, and smiled.

"Well Gray, my name is Midnight and unfortunately, this is your unlucky day,"

Midnight's smile grew wider.

"If you want this can of tomato sauce pretty boy, your going to have to fight me for it,"

She then paused and grasped the can as tight as she could before continuing.

"And just to let you know, Pro Heroes aren't people to be taken lightly,"

Gray narrowed his eyes on the new information and was surprised that he was facing off against a Pro Hero.

"Hope your ready, cause I'm not stopping until I get that can of tomato sauce" Said Midnight.

To Be Continued

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