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The other bots milled around the base but few approached Breakdown. He shuffled his peds nervously while Bulkhead watched him.

"Come on Bulky, go say hi to him."

The green giant shook his head. " I don't know Miko, what if he just wants to fight again?"

"I doubt Hope would have brought him back if he was going to go back to being a Decepticon again."

Almost as if Hope could feel his gaze on her, she met his optics with her own and nodded towards Breakdown.

"See, she wants you to go talk to him. Come on Bulky, he looks so lost."

"Frag it Miko. I hate it when you're right. Fine. I'll go talk to him but if he starts swinging then I'm sending him right back to Primus."

Heaving himself to his peds, he slowly approached Breakdown who was starting to consider making a dash for the exits.

"Hey Breakdown."

Bulkheads voice made Breakdown pause his planned escape but the signs of fleeing were etched on his face plate. Bulk had never seen the former Decepticon so unsure of himself. It settled him and he continued  towards Breakdown with more confidence. 

"Uh, long time no see."

Miko smacked her face at Bulkheads opening volley.  In her own particular Miko fashion, she jumped into the conversation. 

"Hey Breaky! Bulk and I were just wondering if you want to go find Doc Knock. He's probably avoiding Ratchet again and out racing.

At the name of his former co-worker and best friend, Breakdown lit up. The tension left his frame and he looked down at Miko in excitement.

"Knockouts here?"

"Yep! He and Hatchet have been working together. It's not a perfect fit but..." she shrugged her shoulders. "It's fun to watch them interact."

Bulkhead snickered at the memory of Ratchet chasing Knockout through the hanger when he had replaced Ratchet's favorite wrench with a buffer. It didn't escalate until Knockout snidely remarked that Ratchet could use a good buffering to improve his disposition.

With Breakdown in tow, they headed for the exit leading to the practice field and race track. As they got closer, they could see Knockout's red finish speeding around the track.

"Hold up you two. I'm going to go get the Doc."

"That means she's going to irritate him into stopping by criticizing his paint job." Bulkhead remarked as soon as he thought she was out of listening range.

"I heard that!" she yelled back at him.

For the first time all day both mechs relaxed. Miko was always good for a laugh. Breakdown looked over at Bulkhead.

"Um, hey look...ah frag...Look. I'm sorry for the past. The only reason I left the Wreckers in the first place was that Megatron had conscripted Knockout and I couldn't let my best friend suffer alone.

"Pit. I figured that out a long time ago. Why do you think I always let you win in a fight?"

Breakdown was about to retort when he saw the smirk on Bulkheads face. Instead, he laughed and slung his arm around Bulk's shoulders. Both mechs chuckled and looked toward the field where Miko's small figure was standing in front of Knockout's bumper.

Miko had finally gotten the Doc to stop by saying he would look better in pink. Now she was wondering if she had gone to far by offering to paint his bumpers with polka dots.

Knockout scooped up the small human in his servo's before striding towards base.

"Aw come on Knocky, it was just a joke"

He held up Miko by the back of her jacket and continued walking.

"I bet Bee would think the color was cute."

Growling inwardly, he quickened his pace when he saw Bulkhead up on the hill with an unknown mech behind him. Fragger needed to muzzle his charge before she blabbed his secret to Bumblebee.

It was bad enough that he liked his former enemy but he didn't want Bee to hear about it from Miko of all creatures.  No, any self respecting Autobot deserves better than that.

Reaching the top, he shoved Miko into Bulkhead's servo before turning towards base and bumping into the other bot.

"Slag, sorry about that" he said before meeting two yellow eyes and a familiar grin.

Pistons revving in shock,  he landed on his aft and could only gape up at his old friend. 


Breakdown offered him a servo before pulling him to his peds and thumping him on the shoulder.

"In the metal, brought back  by Primus himself with help from his champion Hope."

Circuits still spinning, Knockout could only stare at him.


"Believe me Doc Bot, we're still figuring it out too."

Knockout shut his mouth and looked over at Miko before finally shrugging and scanning Breakdown.

"Hmph. You still need a good buffing" he remarked before transforming and turning towards base. "Loser buffs the winner!"

Breakdown just grinned and transformed to follow. Miko looked over at Bulkhead as the two raced out of sight.

"Shall we join them?"

Rolling his shoulders, he sighed but transformed, allowing Miko to get in.

"Still hate it when I'm right?"

"Yeah, we did good...this time."


A laughing engine roar was his response  as they headed back to base.

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