Chapter 23

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Hi lovelies.  :)
I'm sorry I didn't update sooner but I've had a bit of a writer's block the past couple of days.
This chapter is dedicated to my bestie @samawiyah_ulde who I keep asking to update her amazing book Safer To Drown In The Sea.
So I hope you guys enjoy this chapter.
Listen to Christina Perri -A Thousand Years.

Celene's Pov

My heart hammered in my chest as Felix's eyes caught mine. Those beautiful soulful eyes much like my daughter's.

I had to do right by her.

Felix had already broken my heart and except my baby I didn't really have anything else to lose. I still needed to decide whether he deserved another chance.

The look on his face spoke volumes. The held a tiny flicker of hope in them. Hope that I didn't want to extinguish. But before everything else I needed to lay my cards on the table.

"Felix....I umm..." I didn't know how to begin.

"I need to tell you something Celene." He said, his expression a mixture of nervousness and determination.

Before I could say anything he held out his hand. "I know I have a lot to make up for with you as well as Penny and I would like nothing more than a new beginning with you and my daughter. I love you Celene Dior and I want us to raise her together as a family. I'm willing to spend the rest of my life apologizing for all the ways that I've wronged you, so please give me a chance."

He was patiently waiting for my reply. "I'm sorry Felix...."

He cut me off before I could complete my sentence. His lips collided with mine, passionate and desperate to feel something. His hands caressed my body and his eyes welled up with tears. "Please don't say no." He murmured against my neck.

I giggled. "You didn't even let me complete my sentence! I'm sorry for keeping Penny from you and I'd love another chance because I love you."

He had no idea how long I had waited for him to say that to me.

He picked me up and spun me around smiling the whole time. I had never seen such a beautiful smile on Felix Hemsworth's face. It made him even more handsome.

He placed me back on the ground gently, his eyes never leaving mine. The very next moment he was on one knee, a beautiful pink diamond ring in his hand. I gasped and tears flooded my eyes.

(Picture of Celene's engagement ring is above)

I nodded my head vigorously as I tried to stop myself from sobbing. That was the only reply he needed. He stood up and put the ring on my engagement finger and pulled me to him, hugging me tight. His face burrowed in my neck, he placed a soft kiss on my spot and I moaned causing me to blush tomato and him to chuckle.

"We're getting married!"He screamed. Just then the bell chimed and as I hurriedly pucker up my silk robe off s chair I wondered who it could be this early in the morning.

"Congratulations little brother." I looked up when the door opened only to find my eyes to come in contact with Pheonix Hemsworth.

Felix scowled at him. "How did you get here?"

"What no pleasantries Fee? I'd hope mum and dad taught you better?" He tutted.

That only served to make Felix angrier. Pheonix walked towards us with his gaze fixed on my engagement ring.

I was utterly confused when he pulled me into a warm hug and whispered 'welcome to the family' in my ear.

I didn't hesitate after that. I hugged him back just as warmly.

Felix cleared his throat, scowling at the exchange like a petulant child. Pheonix chuckled and hugged him too. He said something to him which made Felix lose the edge and then he was smiling too.

"I come bearing news Felix." His humour now far gone.


So guys let me know what you think.

You know the protocol.
Akki. ❤

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